My Protection to You

Written by: Hita-Chan

A/N: Hello, everyone! The title might change… This is my new fanfic, My Protection to You! I know I really don't need to be writing a new one right now but I had this idea and wanted to post it! :D It's kind of been done before but I'm doing mine differently.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran or it's characters. However I do own this plot and I plan to do what I want with it. I also own any plots.

"You see these six men, Agent Fujioka?" Six pictures were slammed down on the table in front of the short brown haired girl. She removed the shades from her eyes and looked over the photos and then gave a brief nod.

"You're next assignment is to follow them and protect them from an agency that is trying to kidnap or kill them. We aren't sure which one they are going to try for sure. The agency is the Tonnerre Incorporation. The daughter of the head of the agency has her sights set on this one," the older woman pointed to the picture of the man with the blonde hair and violet eyes, "And she plans to get him. But these other men are also in her way. They are very close friends of this blonde, his name is Tamaki Suoh. He is the sole heir to the Suoh company but has yet to be recognized as so by his grandmother."

"Excuse me, Etsuko-san, but I don't understand why I must guard these other men."

"Because they are the ones who are going to be killed, most likely. Or kidnapped by the other agencies aligned with Tonnerre."

"There are other agencies?"

Etsuko nodded quickly, "Multiple actually. They all form the group known as Takano Industries. They have many lines of business and their daughters are all in search of a husband. They, coincidentally, all have their eyes on one of these men."

"May I know about these other daughters?"

"Yes, so first the one who wants Suoh-san, is Tonnerre Eclair, she is a French heiress. The next two are sisters of the same father, they're step siblings, and they have their sights on the twins there. They are Hitachiin Hikaru and Kaoru, twin brothers. The sisters are Yukata Misao and Kio," Etsuko paused and pointed to a picture of a sophisticated looking black haired boy with glasses, "Ohtori Kyoya, third son to the Ohtori Yoshio. He's in competition for the spot as the heir of the Ohtori Medical Group. Arashi Natsumi, daughter of Arashi Tao. Natsumi is very determined to get ahold of Ohtori-san; she finds him to be very intriguing. Next is Haninozuka Mitsukuni, he is small in appearance but he is actually the best martial artist in Japan. Izunae Reina, daughter of a major bakery corp leader. She knows his secret passion for sweets and is hoping to reel him in with her large chain of bakeries. And last is Morinozuka Takashi, he's the second best martial artist in Japan right behind his cousin. Hinamura Amaya is a superficial girl, she believes in looks and money as the most important thing. Hence why she is choosing the oldest son of the Morinozuka group. He is very handsome and his family is the third wealthiest out of these men."

Haruhi absorbed the information as her boss told it to her, "So how am I protecting them? Undercover or straightforward?"

"Straightforward, their parents have requested your services. Their sons don't know that you'll be protecting them but there is no reason to go undercover."

"Okay," Haruhi nodded, "But if two of them are the best martial artists in Japan, why do they need me?"

"Simple, you are trained for this and for long distance combat with firearms. They are not."

"Am I attending their school?"

Etsuko nodded, "Yes, you will leave to start at three thirty, that is when club starts and they all are in their own club."

Haruhi sighed and nodded, "Okay, I'll go to Ouran around then."

"Okay, thank you, Agent Haruhi. Dismissed," the woman turned around, making it a point to the girl that she was free to go.

Haruhi stood and exited the room silently, looking at her watch. 2:47… She thought grimly, better hurry up and get ready. The girl entered her room and got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, getting her guns and knives placed in their proper spots and holdings on her. Once she finally got all thirty-six weapons secured on her person, she grabbed her bomber jacket and put it on. She then slid the last four weapons in the pockets. She was now armed with forty knives and guns, leaving her room.

The girl walked confidently and determinedly down the hall and out the door of the large building. She climbed into her Corvette, starting it up and pulling out of her parking space quickly. She drove with the radio blaring and her sunglasses back on her nose, shielding half of her face from view. She pulled into Ouran's parking lot smoothly, putting the expensive car in park and turning it off.

She unclicked her seatbelt and exited the vehicle. Her old beaten up boots walked across the paved sidewalks up to the entrance. Music Room Three… She thought to herself as she ascended the staircase. Her eyes scanned every room sign from behind her shades that the girl did not like to remove. Haruhi spotted a directory board placed at the end of the hall and hurried to it, she looked it over. After doing that she made a right and to the staircase, going up to the top floor. She strode down the hall, looking for the last room. When she spotted it a small gratified smirk came upon her lips. She slid a hand into her pocket which held a small pistol in it, her other hand turned the knob to the door on the right. She pushed it open and stepped inside.

She was brutally attacked by a blinding light, not too blinding because of her sunglasses, rose petals, and voices chiming in unison. When the rose petals and the light died down, the girl was not prepared for what was in front of her. As a fifteen year old special protection agent, she had pretty much seen it all. But she could have never been prepared for what she was seeing.

A Host Club? Mother, Father, Sister… Please look out for me.

-End Prologue-

So? Did you like the prologue? This is a tester, I hope people like this so I can finish this. Well please review with your thoughts and opinions, no flames though please!

~Hita Says Good Bye~