"Glen," I tried to sound calm. "If you touch the radio ONE MORE TIME, I swear I'll come back there and wrip your arms and legs out of their sockets. Do you unnderstand?!"

Glen barley whimperedd with fear. I sucked the air in to help come myself, but only found it more difficult to do when i saw Glen's tiny plastic arms slowly reach out toward the radio. He kept going through every station, even when a song that i liked came on. I watched from the corner of my eye as his little hand trembled, slowly pushing a button.

"GLEN!" I screached as i leapt onto his back.

Chucky struggled to drive as Glen and me began to bump into him and fight beside him. I saw slight glimpses of dad's knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel with packed frustration.

"Glen! Glenda! Stop this madness right now! I'm gonna crash if you stop!" Chucky yelled between his clenched teeth.

His screams barely startled us, let alone stopped us from wrestling, well, it didn't stop me. Glen stopped fighting back and tried to escape, but he couldn't get away that easy, no, that just wouldn't be fun. Now would it?

"Moooom! Glenda is hurting meeeeee!" Glen yelled in pain, making his words...erm...more unique.

"Glenda," Mom sighed with frustration and sleepiness. "Leave your brother alone."

"But he started it by being such a brat!" I deffended.

"I did not start it!" Glen yelled back.

"So you don't deny that your a brat?" I replied smugly, then quickly yelled again before he could answer. "Glen is a brat! Glen is a brat!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"You are too!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Yeah uh!"




"Hehheh! Glen is a loser! Glen is a loser!"

"MooooooOOooOoM!" Cried Glen. "Make her stop!"

"Oh, thank GOD we are here!" Cried dad, who practically stumbled out of the car, kissing the pavement as his knees and elbows were forced onto the ground.

"Where?" Asked Glen with a clueless face...His usual face.

"We are here!" Answered mom, who hadn't been very helpful as she stepped onto dad's back, using him as a stepping stool.

Tiffany's/Writer's P.O.V

Tiffany's bright eyes lit up with excitment, all she could think about was to get it all over and done with so they could just GO HOME! Oh, to go home and have a cup of tea or pop! Mmm, pop, how she missed the taste of the fizzy bubbles and the sugar! Being a busy doll sucked! Oh, and having a big meal, that was a lost memory that hit her!

Her mouth watered, she made it a mission to exterminate anything...or anyone who got in her way of her three-course meal and fizzy pop!

Chucky's P.O.V

What was she thinking? Maybe she's drooling over me? I smiled demonically as I adjusted my overalls and gave Tiffany 'the eyebrows' she hardly noticed, it was like she zoned out. I remember how often we fought...we still do, I mean we REALLY do, but it always brought us closer. After I get rid of Nica and the stupid brat we could be normal again...er...OUR normal again.

She would ramble about her day...


"Today, there was a beautiful dress in the mall!" Tiffany cried, her sparkling eyes lost in a memory.

"Really?" I asked with fake interest as i watched the news talk about some of my latest murders.

"Yep! And then..." Tiffany stopped mid-sentence, becoming obvious of his lack of interest. "And then...I stripped and walked around town..." Her eyebrows perked, her foot tapping, almost increasing the time of his response.

"That's great..." I remember saying, my eyes glued to the pictures that popped onto the t.v.

"Chucky!" She hollored, throwing a remote at my head, hitting me in the ear.

"What! Jesus, woman!" I shot up from the couch holding the right-side of my face.

"As I was saying..." She gave a glare before continuing her story. "I saw a beautiful dress! And then a woman stormed over and told me 'I don't think it's in your budget!' Can you believe that?! She thought I was broke!"

"You are broke." I reminded her.

She gave me a glare before her eyes sparkled again with a familar evil.

"And so I told her off and walked in and looked at the price tag..." She took another breath to start another sentence, but I interupted.

"And realised you were broke, then came home. The end. Is that it?" I quickly rambled sarcastically and leaned back on the couch.

"Well, it was the end for her...But I have a new dress!" She unfolded a long dress from a bag and smiled wildly.


I smiled idiotically at the old memory, we were an odd couple, no doubt. Who would have thought we would become dolls, get married, have two kids, murder numerous people and still be together. Not me, I mean, I would've never guessed that anybody would put up with me for so long. I have to admit, I was kind of hard to get along with. Just kind of.

"Chucky? Are you listening?" Tiffany asked in an annoyed tone. "Wow, things really never change..."

I chuckled slightly, as I followed her into a large building. Through good and bad I relyed on her, sometimes it didn't work out as planned...okay, a lot of the tme it didn't work out as planned, but we always had eachother, until we kill eachother, then we had no one...Life sucks sometimes, doesn't it?

Okay, not the best chapter I have written, but hey, I finally got a new chapter for you guys to read! More P.O.V's from Chucky as requested in the next chapter! Hope you liked the surprise flashback! I love making them! Sorry I havenèt updated as frequently as I should have, I've been working on my new story 'Horror Hotel' you should check it out, it stares Chucky, Tiffany, Glenda, Glen and every other horror movie villian you love, and if it doesn't, just PM me!