A/N: Random idea. We'll see how this goes. Feel free to send me your own ideas and things you'd like to see within the story.

Maria Kane had always sought comfort in the pages of books rather than the arms of people. So it came as no surprise to her when she found that she was falling in love with one.

It was just before her seventh year at Hogwarts when Maria was visiting Diagon Alley for some last minute shopping. She casually browsed shelves of books, running her fingers lovingly across the spines and welcoming the familiar dust like an old friend. While all books were inherently valuable, she found secondhand texts to be the most rewarding. They were cheaper, smelled of vanilla, and often had useful notes scribbled in the margins.

Maria dragged her feet slowly as she walked alongside the bookshelves, but paused when her boots hit something. She looked down and saw a lone book bound in black leather. She crouched to pick it up and flipped through the blank yellowed pages of what appeared to be a journal. It seemed to have no place there considering she was in the transfiguration section of the shop. Maria had never kept a journal, but she was always looking for omens and signals from the universe, so she hypothesized that maybe this was one of her beloved omens and dropped the book into her shopping bag. A little while later she paid for her substantial stack of books and promptly forgot about the diary among them.