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"Love a person who just wants you to be safe."


Cold hands held onto mine while I stared down into the eyes of the only person I've ever truly trusted. "Please don't go. I can't be without you; I can't live that way."

Empty eyes glanced down towards our hands as I begged to stay with him.

"It hurts too much." His words were broken words came out as a whisper.

I couldn't stop the tears that fell down my face. "Please Edward don't-"

"Isabella, perhaps it's time for you to leave."

I refused to look away. My husband's eyes shifted beneath bruised lids, his hand becoming paler even as I held it in my own.

"Doctor, I can't leave him like this." My voice staggered against the lump in my throat. The words seemed to echo through the empty room.

An icy hand touched my shoulder before tightening it firmly. "Mrs Mason, I'll look after him tonight; go home and rest."

My heart threatened to shatter as another round of sweat gathered on Edward's forehead. Squeezing his hand softly, I leaned forward.

I would rush home, freshen up and then come straight back to the hospital. Leaning down to whisper in his ear, I forced my voice to remain stable. "I'll be back, my love."

With that, I let his hand go and turned to Doctor Cullen. "Please take care of him."

A tight nod was all the reassurance I received.

It was impossible to escape the painful moans and quiet sobs that lined the hallways on the hospitable. The Spanish Influenza was killing us all in one way or another.

Quickening my steps, I left the dreadful place, heading towards our quaint home. It was a short distance from the hospital, and I was thankful for small blessings.

As I walked towards the washroom, I dabbed a damp towel against my face in the hopes of washing the dried tears off my face. Pulling my hair back and carefully taking off my garments, I washed my aching body. The cold water only bought my husband's cold hands to mind again.

Using what remained of my sanity, I pulled myself together and briskly walked towards the hospital again. The route was so familiar by now; I could have easily walked with my eyes shut to the world.

The streets were wet, and the people were hopeless. The disease was killing this town from the inside and out.

I tilted my head back and sent a silent prayer to God. He was the only one who could save the Earth now, the only one who could save my husband.

Twilight set in as I walked the dim hallways. I made my way quickly to his room, regretting already that I had left in the first place.

The candles had been blown out; the air was thin. "Edward?"

I walked into the room further, hoping that it was only the darkness that made me see an empty room —please, God.

Panic rushed with my blood as I ran to the closest nurse and begged for answers I didn't want. "Please!" My eyes met hers over the white mask that covered most of her face. "Please tell me where they've taken my husband. His name is Edward Mason, room 120!"

Her blonde ringlets bounced as she checked the papers on her desk. When she lifted her head, my heart sunk in my chest, "I'm so sorry, Mrs Mason, but your husband has passed. Doctor Cullen has taken him to the morgue."

The world paused before it rushed forward. I could feel the tears gather at the back of my throat, but I swallowed them down. "I need to speak with Doctor Cullen." My nails met the palms of my hands. "Bring him to me."

"Mrs Mason maybe you would like a moment to-"

I interrupted her, a wet hiccup escaping. "Bring him to me right now. Tell him I want to see him. Tell him that Isabella Mason wants to see him." People were beginning to look in my direction, but I needed to know for sure. I needed to know if Edward was really- I couldn't even finish the thought.

Behind me, as if appearing from nowhere, he spoke. "Mrs Mason?"

My body turned cold as I heard his voice. I faced him, laying every piece of hope I had bare for Doctor Cullen to see. Just say it's not true. Say that he is okay.

But as those gold eyes met mine, he didn't say that. All he said was, "I'm sorry for your loss," and my world turned black.

Your opinion is greatly appreciated and so is criticism :)

Check out Memories of Me on my profile :) thanks :)

brittney x