Sorry it took so long to update I hope you guys like it :) no I am not pairing Isaac and Ethan for those of you wondering, they are just going to be good friends nothing more. And there will be more brotherly love with Ethan and Aiden like a few people asked for. :)

The pack was doing their best to distract Ethan from his brooding thoughts of Danny. He wanted so badly to talk to the human but at the same time he was hurt that Danny could just go make out with any random guy and forget about him so easily.

It would be easier not to think about it if said human would stop blowing up his phone. Ethan sighed as it went off for what seemed like the millionth time in the hour that they had been playing Scott's xbox.

"I'm gonna smash that thing if it doesn't stop going off," Aiden growled, not taking his eyes off the screen. Ethan rolled his eyes and grabbed it off the end table, glancing to see that the count had risen to 17 calls and 69 texts.

"Someone's pushy," Isaac muttered, reading Ethan's screen over his shoulder. The two betas were on the couch, Ethan on the left and Isaac on the right. Scott and Aiden were on the floor on their stomachs, propped up on their elbows mashing buttons on their respective controllers. Stiles had left a little while ago saying he had to make dinner for his dad.

The phone buzzed in his hand again and Ethan answered the call, "What?" He growled. He was fed up, he just wanted space and time to cool off, Danny wasn't giving him that and he was going to explode if his phone went off one more time.

"Oh hey.. You answered," Danny's voice came through the phone nervously.

"That's usually what someone does when the phone won't stop ringing," Ethan spat sarcastically. "What do you want Danny?"

"For you to forgive me?" Danny mumbled jokingly, instantly freezing when the growl he got in response was a lot louder, coming from Isaac and Aiden this time. Ethan rolled his eyes, "Down boys," he told the other two, getting up to walk to another room.

"Ethan I'm sorry I really don't know what I was thinking. It's just you were gone and Evan was willing and... I'm sorry it never should have happened," Danny confessed miserably into the phone.

"You're right it shouldn't have. I trusted you Danny," Ethan answered quietly, he didn't sound angry anymore, just tired. "Look I don't want to do this right now, give me some time and we'll talk on Monday."

Danny sighed, "Alright babe. I really am sorry.."

"Bye Danny," Ethan answered, not correcting him about the pet name, just hanging up. He let his eyes flash blue and his fangs come out, growling into the darkness. He sighed and shifted back, turning off his phone and shoving it into the back pocket of his jeans. Taking a deep breath he walked back to the living room and plopped back down next to Isaac on the couch. The two on the floor has paused their game and were turned around looking at him.

"I'm fine" Ethan snapped at them. The two exchanged a glance, obviously not swayed by the lie.

"Well you two have hogged the game long enough, it's our turn," Isaac said trying to clear the tension as he took the controllers from Scott and Aiden, tossing one to Ethan as he sat back down.

Scott rolled his eyes, "C'mon Aiden let's go get pizza and bring it back here." Aiden nodded, standing up, glancing at his brother questioningly. Ethan ignored his brother and restarted the game. Aiden shook his head, "Turn your phone back on if I'm taking off," he said before walking outside, Scott right behind him.

Ethan chuckled before taking his phone out and turning it back on, setting it on the table next to him.

"Protective?" Isaac asked curiously.

Ethan laughed, "Very," he was happy to stay with Isaac since he was the only one NOT asking him if he was okay every ten minutes. "But with half the shit we've been through I don't blame him. Sometimes it's annoying but I know he's just worried about losing me, we've been all each other has for so long. We've been on our own for years, even when we were with Deucalion it always seemed like we were on the outside looking in." Ethan said, looking down at his feet.

"I get that. I was always the outsider for everything before Derek turned me. Even lacrosse, sure it's a team sport but even though I was on the team I never felt like a part of it." Isaac said softly, the game forgotten. Ethan looked over at the other beta curiously . Isaac met his eyes and shook his head, "it's not important." They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, neither knowing what to say.

"Safe topic?" Isaac finally asked. Ethan raised an eyebrow at him, "Werewolves," Isaac clarified. "Were you guys born wolves or turned?"

"Born. Our dad was the alpha of our first pack," Ethan said, face darkening, "Well he was until our uncle killed him when we were five. Everything kinda went downhill from there." He said softly, his mind seemed to be a thousand miles away.

"What about your mom?" Isaac asked, then instantly regretted it the way Ethan's face fell before slipping back into a mask almost instantly. "Sorry I'm the last person that should be asking about family stuff. I didn't mean to push."

"Nah it's alright. We're the new guys it's normal for you to be curious about us," Ethan said easily, then his voice turned heavy, "She died in childbirth."

"Oh my god I'm.." Isaac started before Ethan cut him off, "Don't say your sorry. You didn't know." Before Isaac could say anything they heard the sound of bikes pulling into the driveway, "Well that's enough caring and sharing for one night," Ethan said quickly, jumping up to open the door for his brother and Scott.

Isaac just stared after him, thinking that there was a lot more to the twins then they knew. He snapped out of his thoughts at the smell of pizza and followed the others into the kitchen.

After dinner Ethan and Aiden decided to head back to their apartment. Ethan was off his bike and upstairs in their room before Aiden could even turn his off. Aiden sighed, it was gonna be a long night. He hated when Ethan got moody like this, it was as close as he ever got to shutting his older brother out. They had always been inseparable from birth, literally, the only time Ethan wasn't by his side were those ten minutes between him being born and Ethan following.

Aiden closed their front door behind him and kicked off his shoes by the door. Walking into the kitchen he grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge before heading up to the bedroom he shared with Ethan, as he approached the door he could hear the shower running.

He placed one of the bottles on the bedside table between their beds and chugged the other one in a few sips, tossing it into the trashcan in the corner. He took off his shirt adding it to the dirty pile by the foot of his bed and pulled off his jeans to replace them with black sweatpants. He had just flopped down onto his bed when the bathroom door opened and Ethan stepped out with a towel around his waist.

Ethan glanced at his older brother then went over to his dresser to find clothes. Clad in only a pair of blue camouflage pj pants he laid down on his bed after grabbing his jeans from the floor and taking his phone out of the pocket, and scrolling through the many many text messages he had.

"So..." Aiden said casually, watching his twin across the room. Ethan sighed, of course his brother wanted him to talk when all he wanted to do was go to bed, "What Aid?" He responded tiredly, putting his phone down on his pillow and throwing his right arm over his eyes.

"You wanna talk about it?" Aiden answered, just as his younger brother predicted. Ethan laughed.

"So predictable," he mumbled. "What is there to say? I went back to high school for the human only to find out that he cheated on me. End of story." He said icily.

"As much as I wanna break his neck for hurting you, we were gone for 3 weeks with absolutely no contact wouldn't that seem like a break-up if you were in his place?" Ethan propped himself up on one elbow and glared at his brother.

"Okay okay you're right sorry. Let's just never speak to him again even though he's the only guy you've ever loved." Aiden said sarcastically.

"What do you call yourself then?" Ethan said jokingly, trying to fake a smile only to find he couldn't. He gave up and laid down.

"Oh E I never would of thought! But you know I'm straight and last I checked people had a problem with incest..." Aiden teased back. Ethan rolled his eyes at his brother but his lip pulled up at the corner so Aiden considered it a success.

"I don't know. I told him we'll talk on Monday so let's leave it at that I just wanna forget about it for now, 'kay?" Ethan said, giving his older brother a pleading look. Aiden took one look at his face and quickly covered his eyes.

"No not the puppy-dog eyes! Those things could help you get away with murder for crying out loud." Aiden groaned dramatically. This time Ethan actually laughed at his older brother's antics. He leaned over and turned off the lamp on the table between their beds, plunging the room into darkness, but with their heightened senses their eyes adjusted almost immediately.

Everything was silent for a few minutes before Aiden spoke up, "No matter what I got your back bro." Ethan smiled into the darkness but was too far gone to answer. Sleep overtook him in seconds, finally relieving him from his tortured thoughts of Danny.