Never Expected

Disclaimer; I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. Never will and will not be posting this annoying thing every chapter.

!WARNING! I have not read or seen Twilight at all. I have only read Hermione crossovers, so if the events and timing is weird, there is nothing I can do about it, but it will fit my story(whatever that is.). I have however seen the Harry Potter movies and read plenty of fanfics that comply with the events and are brilliant! So things will mainly focus on HP stuff, with Twilight thrown in. this will be AU, just read the chapter and you will see how. But I hope you enjoy.

Hermione was sitting on a plane on her way to Washington, in only a white t-shirt, jeans, sneakers, and a forest green sweatshirt. She was thinking about how things took a drastic turn in her life. Voldemort has pretty much taken over the Ministry and Hogwarts is not a safe place to be any longer, for her and her friends. The order and many of their members are staying at Grimmauld place and if not are in contact with the members there. The few who knew about them, were trying to figure out how to get the horcruxes to destroy Voldemort as well as deal with his ever growing army.

Many things have changed in the past year and not all of them are bad. Narcissa and Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Theodor Nott are now members of the order and working with them to not only stop Voldemort, but help the pure-bloods, who don't wish to follow him, escape. After Draco was ordered to try to kill Dumbledore and take the dark mark, Narcissa finally put her foot down. Not only did she not believe in the cause, but she did not want her son to be forced to murder and follow in his father's footsteps, so she went to Dumbledore, explained everything, and asked if she could aid the order in exchange for protection for her son. Needless to say he readily agreed.

Draco, though thrilled with the news, did not want to leave his friends to suffer and be forced as his replacement and confided in his mother about this fact as they moved into Sirius' house. She told said man and they both began working to get the neutral pure-bloods, who don't want to follow Voldemort, but don't wish to fight in a war, out of the country. The Greengrass', Zabinis', Notts', and many others pure-bloods and half-bloods from different houses that weren't in the army were sent to various places around the world. It was a working process and was very difficult when dealing with the Slytherin pure-bloods, but the neutral families were able to go into hiding and hopefully are able to stay out of Voldemort's reach. However Draco's friends decided to stay and fight with the army.

The golden trio as well as their close friends learned not only defensive and offensive spells, but hand to hand combat, as well as weaponry for some. They were all force to leave in their sixth year summer when Voldemort began to move and Hogwarts was shut down to keep kids safe. That was a little over a year ago and things have begun to get chaotic. Not only were death eaters attacking muggles and muggle-born people, but they were looking for order members and new recruits for their army. Voldemort was not only looking to take over Britain, but make it his central empire as he took over all magical areas. Knowing this, many of the order members have been sent around the world for help from both wizards and witches as well as magical creatures.

Hermione was effected by all these things in many ways. Not only her school life, but family life as well. It hurts Hermione to remember that she obliviated her parents, but she knew for their safety it needed to happen. She has also tangled with a few death eaters throughout the year in order to protect allies and innocent people. Not only that, but she has become friends with not only Blaise and Theo, but Draco as well. Needless to say it shocked many people. At first it was extremely awkward for both sides when the Slytherins moved in, but after a while and a lot of civil gestures to one another, they began to get used to everybody and become more open and friendly to each other. Ron of course had the biggest problem with it and still does not agree them joining their side, even though it's been a year.

Hermione and Ron's relationship also changed. She realized that after being closer to Ron than just school and sleepovers at the Burrow, that she was not in love with him. Sure she loved him, but in a platonic kind of way. She realized that he was the type of person, who would not be able to help her get over her insecurities or fear. He did not want a woman to stand at his side, but to be behind him catering to his every whim. A stay at home wife, always there to cook, clean, take care of the kids, and depend on him for money. But that is not Hermione Granger and will never be. She is an independent, strong-willed, compassionate, intelligent woman and she would not change for some boy.

However her appearance has changed somewhat over the past 16 months. Her multi-brown colored hair now falls in soft curls a few inches before her waist. Through training and exercise, her body became slim and toned, though she is still petite in size being 5'5, while Ginny is 5'7 and Luna 5'6. Her breast filled out to a C-cup and her hips are a good size, giving her an hourglass figure. Her skin, though littered with shallow cuts from previous battles and training, is a healthy peach color. Her golden brown eyes are harder now and often guarded, however around friends and loved ones, they soften with warmth and affection.

She was currently on her way to Forks, Washington for multiple reasons. One reason is there are rumors that not only do vampires live there, but shape shifters as well and she is needed to go there to make sure Voldemort doesn't get his hands on them. A huge reason is Voldemort has put out a personal hit of her and is trying to take her out, for he knows of her close involvement with Harry and that she is normally the one who helps Harry foil said man's plans. Plus Bellatrix is hoping to get her hands on her to torture her, which is even more worrisome than getting killed. So she need a place to hide, but still be in contact with the order and productive for them, because she is not the type of woman to sit by and do nothing or play damsel in distress. The finally reason is because it is her home town. She was born there and lived there for three years until her mother and father moved to Britain. She would often go there for summer vacation, seeing as her parents were close to many of the people in town.( With it being so small, everyone knew every one.) However, they were closest with the people on the Reservation and enjoyed going to La push with their daughter.

Hermione spent every summer there until after the summer of her second year. When things started getting more complicated at school and her parents got busier with work, so she has not been there since she was thirteen, she is eighteen now. Her parents were close to Billy, the Uleys, and the Clearwaters, so naturally Hermione was closest to Jacob and his sisters, Rachel and Rebecca, Sam, Seth, and Leah. Hermione and Sam were the first to become friends seeing as they were closest in age, with him being a year older. She soon met Jacob and the twins and they often played together, along with Sam. Finally she ended up meeting the Leah and Seth. Leah was very hostile towards Hermione at first because she did not like her closeness to Sam, but after Hermione explained that she and Sam were like siblings and even helped pair them up in partner games, Leah was able to accept her and Hermione became like a big sister to the girl. Seth on the other hand instantly like Hermione. From when he was a baby and she would coo and play with him, to when he was a toddler and craw or walk after her, to when he was a small child and clung to her. Hermione did not mind however and enjoyed playing with him and reading to him when it was his nap time. Wherever Hermione was, Seth was bound to be near and the adults just laughed cooed at them.

Hermione also met Bella Swan, because her parents were friends with Charlie. The two girls could often be found in a room reading together, drawing, or just talking about school. They share common interest with their love of books and school, so they enjoyed chatting with one another. Of course their other friends ( Sam, Rachel, Rebecca, Jacob, Leah, and Seth.) would not allow them to read long, because they were 'normal' kids, who loved to cause mischief and play outside. Though Bella could not leave her house often, she was still able to play with them and when her father wanted her home Hermione made sure to stay for a while to keep her company.

By the time Hermione came out of her memories, she already left the airport and was near the car dealership. Her parents, being dentist, were pretty well off and her grandparents lived on the richer side of life, so money was never an issue, But Hermione was not spoiled, because all she needed were her books and friends in Forks and La push. She left the dealership in her new black Chrysler 300. She was on her way to her new house, that was purchased for her by Narcissa, with the help of her female friends, situated two miles from town, near a few other houses.

The outside walls were baby blue, with a black roof. It was a two-story house, with a white picket-fence and a decent side backyard and lawn. Once Hermione got inside, she immediately began putting up wards, when that was done, she enlarged her bags that were in her pocket.( She carried a duffel bag in order to not look suspicious or weird.) She cast a wordless spell, sending her things up to her room, where they would unpack themselves, while she took a look around the house. It was already furnished and comfy. To the right was the living room. The floor was a soft snowy white plush carpet. It was paired with a velvety red couch and love seat, as well as a black leather recliner. The three tables were made of glass, with black legs and on the long table in front of the couch, sat a glass candy dish, full. The was also a large book-case already filled with some of her books and a decent sized fire-place. On a short rectangular stand sat a large flat screen T.V., as well as a DVD player and stereo. To the left into a door like entrance way, was the dining room connected to the kitchen, which were separated by the granite island. The table was mahogany wood, while the floors were tiled with a color of mixed pink, cream, and brown, matching the island in some ways.

The kitchen was a nice size, complete with the extra household appliances and fully stocked with food. She walked past the staircase and was met with three doors, one on each wall. To her left was a small bathroom, with only a bathtub, toilet, mirror, and sink. To her right was a plain guest room, for when someone stayed over. And straight ahead was the door that lead to her veranda and back yard. She walked up the wooden stair case holding on to the white railing, that was connected to the small balcony and ended against the wall. On the second floor there was only a small circular wooden table, with a vase, holding red and yellow flowers. There was also a window at the end and seating area under it. To her right were two doors, one lead to the second guest bedroom and a bigger bathroom, with sliding glass walls instead of a curtain. The tail floor was black and white like the other bathroom, but the walls were in ocean blue, while there was a large navy blue rug in the middle, with a towel rack against the wall.

To her right was another two doors. The first one leading to a storage closet and the next one leading to a master bedroom a.k.a her room. Right when you walk into her room, the first thing you see is her king sized circular bed. It had a soft thick lavender color comforter, with light purple silky sheets, along with two purple pillows, one black pillow, and one white pillow. To the left was a door leading to her bathroom that was white and black, with spots of dark purple here and there. The bathroom was also large with a separate shower and bath, that looked more like a jacuzzi. Next to the bathroom door were two bean bag chairs, one purple, one black. she had a white dresser, with a mirror, a matching chest, large book shelves, and night stand. To her right was a desk and her walk in closet, showing off all her clothes, though there was still room for more. There was also a small two person white cushion bench in the middle, along with a full body-length mirror, behind it against the wall. The closet also had a shoe rack, showing off her, heels, flats, sneakers, flip-flops, and sandals.

She went in to her living room and sat on the extremely comfortable couch and sighed. So much was going on, with Voldemort moving already, his numbers increasing to more than expected, and now her going into hiding. Only a select people know where she is, because there has been talk of a traitor in the house and she did not need the traitor informing Voldemort and sending his followers into this peaceful place, with do many of her loved ones. Although she did not like the fact that she left, she knew it was necessary and that she could still be productive, by recruiting more allies. She wish she didn't have to involve them, however when Voldemort began recruiting other magical creatures as well as expand his army into other countries not too far from England, they knew that he was not just taking over the wizard world, but all magical worlds. Knowing this Hermione also knew that he would kill the wolves or make them servants, because they would be thought of as muggleborn and did not deserve their power.

She closed her eyes and thought of her childhood friends on the Rez and the Swans and finally worked up the nerve to call.

Ring ring ring


"Hullo, Billy."

"...Who is this?" there was a hint of recognition and hope in his voice.

" It's Hermione. Hermione Granger."

" Little Mia... is it really you?"( For Hermione's nickname, just take out the 'her' and 'ne' to pronounce it.)

Hermione giggled." Yes, Uncle Billy, it's me." she knew he was smiling, when she called him uncle like she did when little." I called because I just moved into the baby blue house two miles from Forks. I will be staying here for a while and wanted to maybe meet with you as well as everyone else."

Billy was beaming on the other line." Of course we can meet. Everyone will be delighted to see you! You can even come by tonight and we can have a bone fire, where you can meet your old friends and a few of the new ones. The twins just came back a few days ago, so you will get to see them and well as Seth, Leah, Sam, and Jake and I know they will be surprised!"

" Good to know. So, when should I stop by?"

" Seven. That should give us both enough time to get ready. I need to get the preparations for a huge cookout and get everyone there."

" Sounds like it's going to be a huge party. Will Uncle Charlie and Bella be there, I knew she moved back a little while ago."

Billy suddenly went silent and Hermione knew the smile had dropped from his face.

" Mia, a lot has happened since Bella moved back. She got a boyfriend, who hurt her and Jacob help to heal her and fell for her, however once her boyfriend came back, Bella told Jacob that she did not love him back. She lead him on and broke his heart. things have been tense and Jacob is very hurt, now."

" Thank you for telling me, I'll be sure not to bring her name up. Don't worry Uncle Billy, I will talk to him though and try to help him, he's always been like a little brother to me and I won't sit by and let him wallow in self-pity."

" Thank you as well, Little Mia. I know if anyone can help him, it's you. Now no one will be expecting you, when you pull up, so don't be surprised by the shocked faces." Billy said, smiling again.

" I won't and i can't wait to see you, Uncle Billy."

" Me neither kiddo. Bye, see you soon."

" Hey, I'm an adult now. And good-bye." her only response was a light chuckle.

She looked at the clock and saw that it was almost five. She could work with two hours. Today was only of those days when the sun peeked through the clouds, that seemed to never leave. So today was a nice warm temperature and the rest of the week would be warm too. Hermione made her way to her bathroom, stripped, and entered the shower. She sighed in content this time as the comfortable hot water hit her skin.

After 30 minutes she came out in a white fluffy towel, letting the steam clear out. She crossed her room and went into her closet. After looking for ten minutes, she decided on a plain aqua blue t-shirt, with a white fish-net half button-up sweater, matching white mid-thigh shorts, and white strap sandals, with a medium size blue flower near the toes. She dressed and checked herself over, before walking back into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and applied a little concealer under her eyes, to hide the bags that were showing from lack of sleep. Hopefully being here would change that. She pulled her hair into a high pony tail, with a thick matching blue scrunchy, put on a few silver bangles on her right wrist and a silver watch, that had tulips carved into the metal surrounding the clock, which she got from Dean and Seamus as a birthday present a few weeks back.

She realized she still had about an hour and decided to make a cake to bring to the cookout, thinking she did not want to be rude and show up empty-handed. Ever since fourth year summer, Hermione had been practicing her cooking skills, after she tried to make lasagna and failed completely. It took a while before she got the hang of cooking, but she was able to do it. Her regular food always tasted good, but not spectacular, however her desserts were to die for. Hermione loved to bake sweets. She loved all the wonderful ingredients coming together in such a beautiful way, the smell of the pastries as they cooked, and the warm feeling she got when watching people's faces light up after their first bite, which was normally quickly followed by a second.

Right now she was preparing two different cakes. One was chocolate, the other vanilla. She used magic to stir one mixing bowl, while she the other, then would switch half way through until the matter was smooth, but not light. She poured them both into cooking pans, chocolate one circular, vanilla one rectangular. While those were baking she pulled out frosting, sprinkles, whip cream, and fruit. She used magic to speed up the cooking process, when she saw she only had 20 minutes left. Once that was done, she levitated both pans onto the oven, then moved the cooling cakes onto the bottom of the travel containers she was going to use. The cakes were placed a good inch away from all side, so that there was room for decorating and the frosting would not be smeared.

She quickly decorated both cakes. The chocolate one was frosted, then outlined with blue icing. Next she added strawberries on top and drew a huge spiral out of whip cream. For the vanilla cake she frosted it and out line it with the same blue icing, threw on blue, red, and white sprinkles, and outlined the sides in banana slices. With both cakes completed she cased a spell so that the kitchen would clean itself, placed the lids on the cakes, grabbed her white shoulder bag and the cakes, and was out of the house faster than you could say dessert. She had eight minutes to make it there in time and a six-minute drive to cover, so after she placed a stay stuck charm on the cakes to protect them, she sped off down the road. Ah, she really loved magic sometimes.

Once she pulled up all chatter stop and people looked at her in confusion, though they could not see her. After a quick scan, she instantly recognized her childhood friends, Uncle Billy, and Sue Clearwater, Leah and Seth's mom. She took a deep breath, grabbed the cakes, and gracefully got out of the car.

When Billy saw Hermione step out of the car he felt happy, amazed, and proud. Happy because he missed her dearly. Amazed because she changed so much from the cute girl with bushy hair and slightly bigger front teeth. And proud because from what he could tell looking at her and from his earlier conversation with her, she grew into a fine, intelligent, strong-willed, and compassionate young woman. He looked around and saw that only himself, Sue, and Sam recognized her.

When Sam saw the person appear from the car he instantly recognized her. She was his first friend, childhood best friend, and surrogate sister, that he loved. No matter how much she had changed her eyes gave her away. Though he was not happy to see them so guarded and wary, he was glad to see that they still held the same warmth and kindness that they had when they were little. Now Sam realized why Billy waned to throw a huge cookout and he can say he is extremely glad as well. He looked around and saw that only Sue and himself knew who she was, but when he looked at Seth, he nearly did a double take. He knew that look, after all he had the same look when he saw Emily, and just hoped that Seth would be able to win her over.

When Seth saw the figure emerge from the car he was confused and shocked. Confused because some stranger pull up in the middle of their spontaneous picnic and shock because of how beautiful she looked. However, when their eyes connected, his whole world melted away, it was only her and himself. She stood there looking radiant in all her glory and he almost felt unworthy. He knew at that moment, he would protect her until his last breath and he would always make sure she was happy and that the warm burning fire in her eyes never went out. After a minute the world appeared again and he realized what just happened.


" Hermione." whispered Sam." Hermione Granger." he said louder this time, with a smile.

Said girl looked up and smiled." Long time no see."

Many adults and a few others along with himself had their eyes go wide in recognition.

Double fuck.

Complete! My first chapter of my new story and my first story not about Sakura. Sorry if the ending felt rushed, I had completed it a bit differently, but when I went to save it FUCKING FANFICTION LOGGED ME OUT AND I LOST MY ENDING! So again sorry.

Those of you waiting on my other stories, don't worry I would NEVER abandon them and will try to update them soon.

A few things I need your help with.

First, I was planning on making Ron a git in the beginning, (but I won't bash him, except for the obvious people being furious with him and his actions thing.) but I might or might not make him come to his senses later or have him betray them completely. What do you think? Should Ginny and Molly be on Ron's side?( I never really liked Ron's character too much and hate that he got together with Hermione. She is waaaay too good for him. Besides if they wanted to put Hermione with someone she often fought with, then it should have been Draco. At least their arguments would just be playful banter and she could have an intelligent conversation with him. Sorry a bit off topic.)

Next, should Bella be a bitch or not? I was planning on having Hermione confront Bella on what she did to Jacob and have her realize she was completely in the wrong, but should she apologize and mean it or get upset with Hermione and want Jacob as her backup boyfriend?

Let me know any suggestions you have. Like the SethXHermione pairing?( No matter what this pairing won't change) Want me to add another male and make it a threesome? Want Bella and Jacob together? What about Dumbles? Just review or PM me.

Thank for reading and please review!