Thanks for clicking this story. I absolutely love Percy and Annabeth, but Percy and Nico are soo cute! I hope you enjoy and please review!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Percy Jackson or else it would go out of business...sadly.

Percy looked up at the large prestigious building that stood before him. His beautiful sea green eyes traveled all over the place, from the tall trees and flowers, to the other students walking around, smiles painted on their faces. Inside his body, he felt happy and appreciated the new start, but was this what he wanted? Was this what he needed? Should he really run away from his pain?

He loved her. He loved everythng about her. The way her smiles made him weak. The way her gray eyes glared at him cutely, and how her punches didn't hurt even if she was proud of them. The way her soft hair swayed when she moved and how it felt in his hands when they kissed. How her kisses were perfect no matter how many times he felt them. Percy loved everything about Annabeth. Percy loved Annabeth.

He would've never thought those heart-wrenching words could come out of her mouth.

"I need some space." Annabeth suddenly said while they were cuddled on Percy's couch. Today was the couple's lazy day, and they had spent it watching re-runs on tv. Percy had his arm wrapped around his girlfriend, nuzzling and kissing her neck and lips often. Annabeth sat tensly, smiling a little, but she wasn't feeling much.

"Oh. Well sorry. I'll move over ther-" Annabeth placed a hand on Percy's arm, causing him to turn and look at the blonde's eyes. Her eyes were so serious, they shocked the boy. She moved her hand from his arm and held her hands tightly in her lap.

"Not like that. I mean...I mean from our r-relationship." The young man tilted his head, kind of confused. Of course he was oblivious to what she was saying. He was Percy Jackson.

"Which means...let's break up." Percy could've sworn to the River Styx that right there, in that moment, his heart stopped. He processed her words and tried to reply, but nothing he said would make sense.

Annabeth watched Percy, her heart alreading breaking as he stumbled for words. Percy dug his fingernails into his palms, ignoring the pain. Nothing could hurt more. Percy tried to think of what be could've done wrong. Did he kiss her too much, or too less? Did he give her what she-

"It's not you," Annabeth said, reading his mind. "I've just lost feelings for you, and the ones that linger, aren't strong enough." Annabeth looked down, trying not to cry, because she promised she wouldn't. She WAS the ine breaking up with him, right? But the tears fell anyways, wetting her lap and hands.

"Annabeth." She felt Percy's hand cupping her cheek, and she looked up at him. He loved that she could be so strong during this. He loved this Annabeth. The strong fearless, but sweet Annabeth.

Percy's eyes, filled with tears, looked into Annabeth's. He put on a smile, and Annabeth,knowing and loving him for so long, knew it was fake. "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. But thank you. I'll always love you." The young man leaned in, and Annabeth closed her eyes and waited, expecting the kiss to come. She heard a chuckle and opened her eyes to see Percy laughing.

"No more kisses for you now, Wise Girl." Annabeth blushed and got up immediately. "I guess I'll be going." She hurried to the door, but not before Percy grabbed her wrist. He spun her around, and placed his hands on her shoulders. He had a calm face now, his cheeks still pink from the quick laugh. Percy leaned in and kissed her forehead. It was a sweet and painful small kiss. It was their silent goodbyes. When he let go, Annabeth frowned.

"We're breaking up, and all you do is kiss me on the forehead. Haven't those chick flickes taught you anything?" Percy smiled, but was surprised when Annabeth pulled him down for a kiss. It was like their normal kisses, but their love wasn't growing anymore, it was ending. The kiss was soft and gentle. Then it ended.

"I'll miss you, Seaweed Brain." Percy watched as Annabeth walked away, getting further and further, until he couldn't see her beautiful face anymore.

It was like his whole world changed. He still saw her at school, but nothing was exchanged. It was like their time together was erased. She gave a occasional "hello" and "goodbye". He hated the pity looks that he received. It bothered the young man. His best friend, Grover, tried his best to help, but no one can cure a broken gave him hugs and kisses, but they didn't mean anything. They were just friendly ones that told Percy she was by his side. His mother, Sally, wished she could see his genuine smile again. It hurt her seeing her son all broken hearted. Sally couldn't bring herself to hate Annabeth, but sometimes the feelings appeared unintentionally. Percy was broken. He was sure he'd never be happy. But like they say, all things happen for a reason. Maybe the gods will help him through this.

Percy had finally stopped feeling sorry for himself. To stop living like a broken-hearted dummy. He put on decent clothes and headed for the little cafe near his apartments. It was a cold, windy day. Percy wrapped the jacket around him tighter and opened the cafe door. This was his relaxation place. The place was decorated with an ocean design. The walls, a beautiful shade of blue, while shells lined on the walls. There was a salty smell that reminded Percy strangely of home.

He walked inside and ordered a blueberry strawberry smoothie. His and Annabeth's favorite whenever the pair came. The cashier gave him a wink; Percy replied with a small simple smirk. She has light red hair and brown eyes like knew her pretty well. Although she was attractive, she switched boyfriends more than he switched underwears. Percy grabbed his drink and was just seating himself when the door opened.

He looked and saw a boy around his age, maybe 17. He had pale olive skin and his short hair was black like the midnight sky. (A/N I wanted to make Nico have short hair) He wore a simple black shirt with the words "Imagine Dragons", and black pants that cuffed at the ends. He carried a stack of papers, and stapled one on the bulletin board. Then he proceeded to order a small coffee. After ordering, the boy's eyes wandered around until they met eyes. The boy stared curiously, then gave a smile before grabbing his drink and leaving.

Percy sat there and realized he hasn't seen anyone smile, without pity, at him. The boy's smile had warmed his heart, even if they were strangers. After sitting there and thinking (also to use the Wi-Fi), Percy got up to go. Before exiting the door, he looked at the sheet of paper the boy put up. It read:
Goode All Boys High School
Come and get a car wash for only 5$!

Goode All Boys High School? He's never heard of that. It must be far. Percy's fingers grabbed the paper from its spot, and ran home.

Later that night, Percy looked up GABHS and found out it was actually nearby. It was an all boys school, hence the name. It was like a mini college. You had dorms and everything. It fascinated Percy. The school seemed interesting and awesome. Without knowing, Percy had pressed the "Register" button. But he knew what he was doing when he started filling out the form.

Again! Thank you for reading! I really appreciate if you'd review and follow. This chapter is really short, so sorry! :) thank you!