Hello my loves. So this is a little something I wrote. This story is dedicated to Lindsey! Without her this story would have never come to be! This is all for you my love!

A few things, this story is complete! I have finished it! I will upload a new chapter every few days! I still value your feed back because who knows, I could get inspired to change or add something! A writer's work is never truly complete!

Glee- Not mine. I do not own Kurt or Blaine.

Chapter 1


Kurt Hummel had dreams. New York. Broadway. Love. Marriage. (Hey, a boyfriend would really work) He worked hard, applied to NYADA and moved to New York City. So why is he a barista in a coffee shop? Why has Kurt given up on ever finding love? This was not part of the dream. Not part of the plan.

It seems for Kurt, no matter how hard he tries, nothing ever goes according to the plan.

Until today…


Blaine Anderson had dreams. Find love. Get married legally. Go to Columbia University and become a theater teacher. So Blaine worked hard. He applied to Columbia and got in. He moved to New York City. Met Dallas, a fire fighter from Texas who could wear a pair of Wranglers in such a way that turned everyone's head (gay, straight, boy, girl- didn't matter). They were in love and ready for the future.

For Blaine everything was going according to the plan.

Until today…


Kurt hates the early shift. He never works the early shift but he told Lindsey he would switch with her so she could make it to her audition in an off-Broadway show. He doesn't even know what show. She told him but he wasn't listening because he was jealous she even had an audition. But, he loves Lindsey. She has become a really close friend, his best friend really and he would do anything for her.

Customers on the early shift are always in a hurry and grumpy. It's go, go, go and not enough smiles. He doesn't even bother making eye contact with most of them because in 45 seconds they are moving down the line and out the door. For Kurt, this is just a job for money. He isn't going to make friends with any of these customers. It's not even his regular shift. Those customers he knows; they take time to talk to him. These people he will probably never see again.

It's safe to say he had NO plans of meeting the love of his life.


It's Blaine's regular routine to stop into Java Perk every morning on his way to class. Yes, the lines are long this time of day but it gives him time to catch up on his twitter world he missed during the night or read his emails. He also loves saying good morning to his favorite barista, Lindsey. She greets him with a big smile every morning and they have become quick friends over the last few months. She also loves the big Texas Jellybeans that he shares with her. He gets them from Dallas (they are HUGE because everything is bigger in Texas Dallas says and Blaine doesn't disagree).

As Blaine steps up to place his order he notices that Lindsey isn't there. He quickly remembers her telling him that she had an audition for "Chicago" off-Broadway. He gives a little smile up to the sky and sends her good thoughts, hoping she will do awesome and get the part. He waits for the guy behind the counter to finish up with the lady before him.

"Good morning. May I take your order?"

Never have 7 little words affected him the way they just did. He could have sworn that an angel had just spoken directly to his heart. Blaine stood stock still. He couldn't speak. He looked at the beautiful man behind the counter. The man isn't looking at him, he was just grabbing a cup ready to write Blaine's order. When the man does look at him, he smiles and laughs. Which makes perfect sense because Blaine is still just standing there with his mouth open, unable to even speak.

"Hello. Did you want to order or just stand there with your mouth open, looking adorable?" the angel asks him.


"M-m-medium Drip and a biscotti, "the next customer finally answers. Kurt thinks he looks pretty cute just standing there and he can't believe he just flirted with a complete stranger. A gorgeous stranger, but still a stranger. This is not like him. He looks into the strangers beautiful eyes. They are like pools of swirling honey that have specks of emerald jewels and gold floating in them.

He's pretty sure he may have quit breathing. He has just died and gone to a heaven he doesn't believe in and hopes to any and every god that has ever existed, they let him stay. He wants to look into these eyes forever. Kurt smiles for the first time that day.

"Sure. That will be $4.60."

"My name's Blaine," the stranger says as he hands Kurt his money.

"Kurt," he says as he takes his money. Blaine smiles at him and his heart begins to flutter in his chest. He feels the tips of his ears get hot and he can feel the blood rushing to his face. Kurt notices Blaine's cheeks get a little redder and he knows that his own face is flushed now too. This is by far the most beautiful man he has ever seen. The perfectly tousled curls that he wants to just run his fingers through and even though he can't see all of it, Kurt knows that body is amazing.

"Thank you, Kurt."

He is definitely working the morning shift more often. He needs to talk to Lindsey about this one.


I fucking stuttered my coffee order. Seriously and now I'm blushing like a school boy at this man whose voice sounds like the music of heaven. Kurt….Kurt….Kuuurrt. Blaine loves the way it sounds on his tongue. Like home. So warm, like the purr of a cat. He can imagine what it would sound like coming from his own lips in the dark as he reached…

WHOA! Wait! Dallas… Dallas. Tight Wranglers, nice ass, his BOYFRIEND.

He smiles at Kurt, takes his order and heads off to class.


Dallas. Blaine met Dallas 3 years ago. He is a firefighter who had come from Texas to volunteer after Hurricane Sandy. Dallas was tall, slender, with brown hair and eyes so blue they pierced your soul.

They started dating and moved in together after about a year. They talked a lot about the future. A future they could see themselves spending together. Dallas liked New York City and decided to stay to be with Blaine. The two of them have made several trips over the years back to Texas to see Dallas' family and Blaine loves them all.

Last year they started talking about marriage. In New York they could do it legally. It's something they could never do in Texas so that's the main reason they chose to live in New York City. A few times they have even gone window shopping for rings, talking about what they like and don't like. It was just a matter of time and Blaine had been feeling that the time was getting closer. He started thinking about surprising Dallas this Christmas with a ring. Blaine was sure it was their time. It was all part of their plans.

But Kurt. Meeting Kurt was not part of the plan.

And now, for the first time in 3 years, he's not so sure if his plans are the right plans.


After Blaine left the store, Kurt finished his shift with a smile on his face and butterflies in his stomach. What a difference meeting one person can make. He didn't know if he would ever see Blaine again but he knew he really wanted to.

As he is cleaning up and getting ready to leave, his cheeks are aching. He's pretty sure he's never smiled so big in his life. Just as he was walking out Lindsey came in.

"Wow! You look happy. Did you finally hear back from Christopher?" she asked him.

"No. I'm pretty sure that is not going to work out. But I just met the most amazing man, Linds! He has the sexiest curls and his eyes… Linds his eyes are like –"

"Honey," she sighs with dreamy breath. She looks at him and laughs, "So, I see you met Blaine."

Kurt walks over to her and grabs her by both shoulders to turn her towards him. He cannot believe his luck!

"You know him! You have known this sex on a stick man and you never once thought to, I don't know, maybe INTRODUCE ME!? I thought we were friends Linds!" He gives her his very best bitch glare.

"Oh sweetie! Why do you think I asked you to cover my shift? He comes in every morning," she starts walking behind the counter to get ready for her shift. She straightens the cups and continues to talk as she begins making a drink.

"At first I wasn't sure if he was even gay. He was always so flirty with me and I got excited thinking I might have a chance. But then he mentioned something about an ex-boyfriend," she turns to face Kurt who was now standing on the other side of the counter. She hands him the drink she had been making, "Grande Nonfat Mocha."

"Thanks," he said.

She continued what she was saying before about Blaine, "So alas my dreams were crushed. But-"

"You have to let me work your shift tomorrow! Please!" he begged her. Knowing that Blaine was in fact gay and the talk of an ex, well he can't stop his imagination. He had stopped believing in fate and one true loves, but he starts to wonder. Is it fate? Lindsey had kind of planned this little encounter but… but the feeling he is having inside. This feeling that his soul has just connected to a piece he didn't even know was missing. That cannot be planned.

Kurt Hummel is now a man on a mission. A man with a plan.


Music theory is one of Blaine's favorite classes. It is the one class he never texts in, he never even takes out his phone. He loves this class because he loves music. To him, music is the sound of meaning. The embodiment of things you cannot put into words. It is the empowerment of ideas through sound.* And today, music is flowing through his heart. Kurt's voice is the music and for the first time ever, his thoughts are not on class.

He had been so taken back by Kurt's voice that his mind can't remember exactly what he had looked like. He knew he would recognize him again but right now, when Blaine pictures Kurt, all he sees is beautiful notes of music creating perfect melodies and harmonies.

I have to see him again. I want to study every feature of that man's face. I know it's wrong. I have Dallas and I love Dallas, but… he can't ignore this pull in his soul that feels like it is reaching for Kurt in some way. He needs to find out what this feeling is.

He comes up with a plan, a plan that makes him feel somewhat guilty. A plan that he knows will hurt someone in the end, possibly even him, but he has to know.

*the words about how Blaine feels about music... Darren's words. Not mine!