Have you ever been to Japan only knowing little of Japanese, met a guy who was under suspicion in being a murderer, met the greatest detective in the world, and ending up on the most difficult case ever? I have. My name is Alex Winters. Alex is not short for Alexandra. I hate it when people make that mistake. Let me retell the story in how I got caught between a game of wits.

I grew up in New York with my aunt. My parents were dead. My mom died by giving birth to me, but my dad died in a car accident. He drove his car off the bridge. The investigators found out, however, that his brake line was cut. They never did find any leads on who could have cut them, but I figured that it was one of my dad's "friends" from long ago. They both wanted my mom, but my dad ended up getting the girl in the end. The "friend" blamed my dad for killing my mom by impregnating her with me. He was on drugs and constantly threatened to get his revenge on my dad, so I had a feeling it was him. I told the police but they said they couldn't arrest him since there was any physical evidence of him being guilty.

From then on, I hated murderers. Kira being one of them. Once I found out about the killings he made, I started keeping record of each person being killed by him, the time they were killed, and where they were killed at. I figured there would come a time where somebody would need them to figure out his pattern or get any leads to who it could be. I'm sure the police has recordings of it, but I would like to find out myself. And I can now tell you one way I got closer to the action.

Well, I was eighteen and just finished high school. I walked out on a summer's day to get the mail and I found a letter from To-Oh University in Japan saying my grades were high enough that I can take the entrance exams to the college as an exchange student. I read all the information about it and found out that To-Oh is a university known for inviting exchange students to help the students learn different cultures, especially Americans since America has businesses all over the world. I then confronted my aunt about it. Since she has a job in New York, I had to go to Japan alone. I decided to go and try the college out. I had to brush up on my Japanese. I now know the basics and some of the advance words in Japanese.

Now I'm in Japan and unloading my luggage into my new apartment. It was a one bedroom apartment consisting of one bedroom with a medium size bed in the middle of the room. It has a maroon colored comforter and white pillow cases. The room was colored a light beige. It had a dark wooden desk beside a bay window to the left. There was a walk-in closet to the right beside the bed. There was a dresser for pajamas and underwear beside the closet. A night stand was placed by the head of the bed to the left with a lamp on it. Overall, the room was nice. The apartment also contained a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and laundry room.

I unpacked my suitcases and got dressed for bed. I wore a red fit t-shirt with a Beatles logo on it and black plaid pajama bottoms. I landed in Japan at 7:00 pm, but it took me about an hour and a half to unpack. Usually, I would stay up longer, but the flight made me sleepy. There was a guy beside me that fell asleep and started snoring, I wasn't able to sleep. Anyways, the entrance exams were two weeks away and I needed my energy to study to pass the tests. I laid down and was almost asleep until I felt something touch my leg. I sat up and took the covers off me and saw a spider crawling on my leg. I. Was. Paralyzed. If you haven't noticed, I am deeply scared of spiders. I am fine with any other bug but spiders. I screamed and started kicking my leg on the bed post. It fell off of me and my leg started hurting. That's going to be a bruise./em This meant war. I gathered up anything throw-able. I started attacking the thing from a distance and finally killed it. I started singing "I am the champion." Then I crashed. Today has been a long day.

The next morning, I watched TV for an hour and heard about the killings of a killer named Kira. It seemed intense and not something I wanted to be involved in. Then I started studying for the entrance exams. I want to go into law enforcement, but that's only a hobby of mine. It's not my goal in life. I really love art. I love paintings, graffiti, sculptures, and the art of music.

Two weeks passed and all I've done was study, eat, study, sleep, study, and take showers, recorded some more killings, and did I mention study. Great for me. Finally, the exams are here and I was ready, not only to take the test, but to get over with studying, too. I woke up early and ate a good meal to keep me full through the test. I am a so called "vegetarian", so it was eggs and toast. I know eggs are chickens, but it doesn't have that meaty texture that I hate so much. I pulled my auburn ombre hair into a high pony-tail, slipped on camouflage Capri pants that, a navy blue hoodie that stopped below my chest, and a pink tank-top. I wore gray high-top sneakers.

I was running late. I took a taxi since I didn't have transportation, yet. I should get me a motorcycle. My friend in New York taught me how to drive one. I finally made it on time. Thank God I go running every morning./emAs I walk in to take my seat, I get funny looks from the other students. It's probably because everybody looks like they are about to go to a ceremony where you have to dress up and I look like I just came back from skateboarding. I took a seat near the front beside a guy with brown hair and calculating brown eyes. It was the only seat left. He looked handsome, but I got a feeling from him that he wasn't as friendly and he acts. I am going to call him twinkle-toes. I love making nicknames for people.

I start my test as the teacher says begin, ready to be over with this test. I noticed that the guy beside me hasn't started yet and was watching the teacher. I continued with the test until the teacher calls out a student about how he sat. I turned around to face him and the guy who was called out looked, how should I say this, unique. He had a nest of black hair, a long, white-sleeved shirt, worn out jeans, pale skin, wide eyes with dark orbs, and bags under his eyes. He sat perched in the chair with his shoes off and rubbing against each other and he held his pencil at the end, like it he was afraid to hold it regularly. He looked like a panda, so I'm calling him Panda-man. The strong unique/strong guy and the guy beside me had a stare off like they knew each other. They looked the exact opposite, but both had a funny feeling to them.

I shook it off and finished my test. Once I got home, I watched TV feeling satisfied on the test. It was fairly easy, considering how much studying I've done. I'm just happy to be relaxing now. Two more tests to go now.