I'm definitely supposed to be asleep right now, but I kept listening to 'Do You Want To Build A Snowman?' and it catches at me every time and surprises me with how much it hurts. This is my attempt to get that out. Frozen is such an amazing movie and I'm definitely going to be writing more fics for it, but for now this is all I can cope with. It fits into the song sequence, if you assume that it happens while Anna is singing/instead of what she sings.

She's back again.

Knocking on the door. Her feet are so noiseless when she comes down the corridor, it catches me by surprise every time.


Tentative. Unsure.

The pain in her voice is tearing a hole in my chest.

"Elsa. Please."

As the tears blur my vision, frost creeps from my fingers where they're pressed against the window. I stare unseeingly into the white landscape outside, until the ice covers it and I couldn't see anything at all even if I wanted to.

"I need you. Please, Elsa. Come out and speak to me."

All around me, icicles are forming, sharp as daggers, more dangerous than any weapon. But this time they are pointing inwards. I'm surrounded by agony... one move and I'll be impaled.

"Elsa, I can't do this alone."

Her voice is breaking. I can hear the hitch of her breathing and the way she's desperately trying to hold back her anguish.

Tears fall and freeze on my cheeks.


She's not angry. Anna would never be angry. She's too sweet for that: too lovable, too warm. Her nature is like Spring, and I am Winter. We could never coexist.

I could go and open the door. I could reach out and feel again, and I can imagine the look of joy on her face if I did.

I step silently over the icicles. My feet leave prints in the thickly-falling snow. So close. She's so close, just on the other side of that door.

"Elsa?" Did she hear a floorboard creak? Does she know I'm right here?

I reach out to the door handle. My hand is shaking. She needs me. Just a little further…

The instant my gloved fingers touch it, power blasts out of me. It fills the room, bursting outwards in a jagged, pointed shape, like a snowflake. It coats the walls and floor with ice, delicate patterns that twist and interlock hypnotically.

And in that moment, I hear the voices that I hear every time I consider leaving my prison. Childish laughter.

"Catch me!"

"Wait… slow down! …Anna!"

I pull my hand back sharply.

There is silence from behind the door. She's given up. For now. But she'll never give up, not really. She'll always see the best in me.

Just as I'll always know the worst.

I turn my back to the door and slump to the floor, despair overwhelming me until I am ready to scream. She might not give up, but I'll never give in. I can't. Not if I want to keep her safe.

All around me, the snowflakes drift, beautiful and deadly.

You can't feel cold if you're already frozen inside.