
Konoha: Haru's getting married, snakes and hawks are scheming, and dragons are not as trustworthy as one thinks. Konoha's about to enter the Chunin Exams. What will happen to the Konoha 11 (12?)? The invasion?

Suna: Suna sets out to Konoha, but the Kazekage has much on his mind with the revelation of a seer in their midst. Also, I hate peanut butter. Do you? Anyways, the Sand Siblings will be reunited soon and Yashamaru may replace the traitor Yuura as councilman...but only if Suna can get out of Konoha alive. Can Suna trust Konoha?

"A woman with an apple in her hand is the first woman, the only woman in the world, and he's the first man - he stumbles on love and he can't shake it, never ever ever..." - Pia Pera

22 ~ Chunin Exams: Eve

Chiyo was silent as she stared into the dying flames. The surrounding chakra around her was flaring up and down as everyone began moving from their campsites. She could sense the last watch moving around the outskirts, but they were not subtle about how they skirted the area she currently was.

The elder tsked underneath her breath. While she didn't need their protection, she also scoffed at their reasons for avoiding this particular campsite. She'd purposely set them aside from everyone else.

Chiyo glanced to the side, studying the sleeping girl next to her. The child's back was to her, her sandy hair glinting gold and brown by the firelight.

Kinnara and she had followed behind everyone. Despite the tension and glares, the girl had focused instead on her newfound freedom, enjoying the sunlight and open air. She'd behaved like nothing was wrong, her grins genuine and her happiness at being outside glowing off her skin. Chiyo hadn't seen her glow like that for a while.

She looked away as the girl shifted in her sleep, whimpering. A frown marred her face as she tried to ignore the sounds of distress from Kinnara.

Nightmares. The elder sighed once more as she looked up at the sky, stars fading into the darkness. Her young student will have to live with this guilt for the rest of her life.

Chiyo understood guilt. She wore it like a second skin. She was old now, her bones and body betraying her, but even as her body decayed, her mind refused to let go of the memories that plague her dreams to this day. Memories that was filled with a lifetime of regrets. Memories of war. Of her son. How she wished that the White Fang had never been born.

At the thought of her son's and daughter-in-law's killer, Chiyo bit her lips as she squeezed her eyes. Konoha held so many bad memories for her. She'd never wanted to set foot in the place that raised the reason her family was so broken. She never thought she'd ever willingly go to Konoha. Konoha...Konoha that should have just burned down in the Second War if it meant that her son would be by her side because then maybe, Sasori - Sasori, the wound that will never heal, the ever-twisting knife in her heart - Sasori who should be here now beside her. Sasori who would be able to understand the child next to her.

The child was her only reason for going to Konoha. Chiyo couldn't bear to leave her side, not after everything that has happened. She's not sure when or how, but Kinnara had become an important person to Chiyo.

She turned to look at her young student once more. Her student. A jinchuuriki. A Seer. A motherless daughter. Chiyo could only try to comprehend the burden on that child's shoulder. Eyes closing and bones aching, Chiyo shook her head. She wished her son was still alive. She wished Sasori hadn't defected. She wished Karura had lived.

Sighing, she reopened her eyes and looked back into the flames. Wishes. Just wishes. Grunting, she began to put out the fire.

At more whimpers coming from Kinnara, she paused. She wondered what the child was dreaming about tonight. Sighing, Chiyo slowly made her way over and gently shook her student.

"Kinnara-sama," the elder whispered as she felt the girl's chakra flutter, sand dancing on the ground. "You must awaken. We are setting out." The girl took a while to arouse as Chiyo moved away and began to finish packing everything up.

Once the fire was killed, embers covered with dirt, Chiyo turned back to the girl. Kinnara, rubbing sleepy eyes, yawned as she peeked at Chiyo.


"Yes," Chiyo scoffed as she handed Kinnara her pack. "Come."

Kinnara grumbled something, but it was lost as the girl covered another yawn. "Alright, alright. Kami." She took the outstretched pack and mumbled thanks as Chiyo hefted her pack onto her back.

"If you get hungry, I grilled some fish while you slept," Chiyo said as Kinnara came to stand besides her. At the girl's groan, the elder only smirked.


Konoha the Next Morning

Staring at the shrine, Ryuu couldn't help but be unsettled. He has never believed in God.

He wasn't sure what he believed in anymore.

When he was just a Hmong boy, trying to live in a white man's world, he'd been told that his ancestors and clan were everything. Even during those last several years of his life, he was searching for... for something. But here, in a world where death and life came hand in hand, where children were raised to become soldiers and people died for a village, religion barely surfaced the minds of everyday people. Most of the times, at least.

Ryuu frowned as he studied Minori and Rei kneeling in front of the Uchiha family shrine, murmuring prayers for the dead. Despite their secularity, the people in the Narutoverse followed Shinto and Buddhist beliefs even though Ryuu hadn't heard nor seen any book on Siddartha. He certainly hasn't seen hide or tail of the Abrahamic God.

Ryuu bowed his head as he took in a deep breath, the stinging scent of incense heavy in the air. Religion, God...he truly didn't know what to think - a pair of sapphire eyes frowning with lips tilted into a scowl and Ryuu flinched, startling Rei and Minori. The two turned to him, mother and daughter blinking owlishly at him. The incense in Minori's hand burned red and black.


Ryuu blinked as he tried to focus on to Rei's face. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Instead, sapphire eyes replaced onyx ones as a soft voice, too husky to be Rei's, drummed in his ears with incomprehensible words. Shaking his head, Ryuu leaned away.

"Sorry," he muttered before he stood up from where he was kneeling. Onyx and grey eyes followed his retreating form.

Ryuu distanced himself from the shrine, coming to a pause as he stared down at the water below. The Uchiha family shrine was located by the deep ravine of the Naka River. The shrine was just a simple stone monument, nothing like the Naka Shrine which had been sealed away along with the remains of the Uchiha compound. The stone monument behind him held the name of every Uchiha who died in the massacre.

Minori had it built as a way to commemorate the memories of their clansmen, especially since Itachi burned all of their bodies. It was a bi-weekly thing, all four Uchiha bringing flowers, incense, and prayers to the shrine.

Well, it was mostly Minori with prayers. Ryuu and Sasuke simply helped with the manual labor of keeping the shrine clean. Neither boys had prayers to give (why give what you didn't believe in). When Rei was old enough to understand, she began giving prayers, too, at her mother's side.

Breathing the air free of ash and fire, Ryuu ran a hand through his hair before stuffing both hands into his pocket. He stared down at the ravine.

The Naka River. The deep green water glared up at him.

Trembling, Ryuu turned back to the shrine as he tried to not think of a certain teen - so young and too good for this world - lying at the bottom of that river. At the thought of Shisui, though, laughing onyx eyes came to mind. Ryuu's chest suddenly ached.

Shisui's body had never been recovered. Ryuu blinked. No one's body was ever recovered. The chamber behind him was as empty as the memories that surrounded him.

Memories of Shisui and Itachi. Of his parents. Of her.

Finding it suddenly hard to keep air in his lungs, Ryuu walked away from the ravine's edge and back to the shrine. He was able to control his breathing by the time he came upon Minori and Rei laying down flowers by the shrine. Minori looked up, gray eyes too observing as Ryuu looked at the slim of her cheek rather than at her eyes.

"The meeting starts soon," he mumbled before turning to Rei. "Don't get into too much trouble today, Rei. Okay?"

Rei nodded at him and when he met her onyx eyes - Itachi stared at him, blood red eyes unblinking, lips moving - Ryuu flinched once more, a hand instinctively raising to cover his eyes. Breathing hard, he stepped away.

Something moved, the air shifting and he flinched again. His hands grabbed at the object coming towards him. As his fingers touched skin, something roared in his ears. Bones, flesh, blood. So easy to break and tear. Just a twist, a snap, and -

Ryuu's eyes snapped open. Red eyes blinked at him but they were instantly replaced by gray ones. Breath hitching, Ryuu flashed away from Minori.

"I," Ryuu shook his head and took another step back. Minori was holding her wrist, shock on her face as clear as the sudden abyss opening in Ryuu's mind.

What just happened?

Rei reached for her mother, her small lips moving, but Ryuu couldn't hear her over the roaring in his ears. He took another step away from them, gray eyes finally leaving him to look downwards.

Without another word, he made his escape, jumping into the trees. As soon as he was out of sight, Ryuu didn't hesitate. Softly he muttered "Ame" and soon the world disappeared and he landed on soft ground, hands and knees catching his heavy body.

Gasping for breath, Ryuu stared at the white ground.

What was wrong with him?

"Well, this is an unexpected sight," came a familiar voice above him.

Without even looking, Ryuu clenched his fists, laying his forehead against the cool ground even as he grunted out, "shut up."

"How rude." A pause. "Is that how you're raising Itachi's daughter?"

Ryuu scoffed and raised his head, eyes meeting deep brown ones. Xen looked unamused, lips curled into a slight frown as he studied him. Raising himself onto his knees, Ryuu glared at him.

"Why can't you just go away," Ryuu muttered, chest heaving.

He didn't know why his body was betraying him. Didn't understand the roaring in his ears nor the sapphire eyes that kept creeping into his mind. Fingers clenched into his knees as he shook the image away. One of his hands rested on his head, fingers clutching at his hair.

"Why won't it go away?" The last part of his question was soft as the roaring intensified. Bowing his head, Ryuu gnashed his teeth together.

"What happened," Xen asked and Ryuu felt, rather than see, as the man stepped closer.

Ryuu lifted his head, eyes narrowed as he drew back from Xen, forcing himself to stand. "I blame you. This," he waved his hand in the air, "is getting worse."

"What is?"

Ryuu breathed harshly out as he looked away. "This."

A pause. The room seemed to suddenly shrink even as the roaring continued. Ryuu curled his fingers into fists at his side, refusing to show weakness to this...this thing in front of him.

This thing that wore his face and memories like shadows.

This thing that insisted that it was him.

It wasn't him. It couldn't be him.

He was Xen. He was Xen. He was-

"I always wondered if God realized how painful it would be."

Snapping his head to Xen, onyx eyes clashed with brown ones. Ryuu frowned, the roaring in his ears growing louder even as he stuffed his hands into his pockets to try and keep them from shaking. Breathing out, he let out a soft, "what?"

"Do you ever wonder," Xen looked away, upwards towards the empty sky of whiteness, "if God realized how painful it would be when He created Adam and Eve?"

"Wha... have you finally gone crazy," Ryuu muttered as he finally stepped towards Xen.

But Xen continued as if he hadn't spoken, eyes never leaving the emptiness above them.

"How painful it must have been for God when He realized that they chose to eat it even when they were told not to." Another pause, another deep breath. "Can you imagine how painful it was to realize that you weren't enough...even when you were God?"

Ryuu shook his head as he narrowed his eyes at Xen. "What does that have to do with anything? You, God - it's not real. God isn't real."

"It's never been about whether or not He is real." Xen turned to him, eyes eerily calm and inhumane. "Because it was the knowing that mattered, Ryuu... because knowing, He chose. It doesn't matter if God existed because the choice did. The choice to continue despite the pain and the decision despite the knowing." Xen cocked his head. "Isn't that why you let them die?"

"No," Ryuu began once more, but then stopped as the roaring became deafening. He clutched at his ears. "I didn't choose. I never chose. I didn't-"

He didn't let them die. He didn't. There had been no choice.

It wasn't his choice. It wasn't. He didn't decide to kill them. He couldn't control the clan or the village. Everything had already been set. The scene, the script, the characters: Itachi, Fugaku, his parents, Shisui. Himself. They had all slipped between his fingers.

The visions, the voices, the people that were no longer here - never were here - and he choked. He felt not himself. He wasn't himself.

Something roared against the abyss in his mind.

Ryuu shook his head, shoving away as he stumbled up. "What would you know, huh? You're not even fucking real," he mumbled, ears ringing as his vision blurred. "Just leave me alone."

Without another word, Ryuu disappeared from Takama-ga-hara.

Sighing, Xen turned away. His eyes narrowed at the room morphing around him. As the last traces of Ryuu's presence slipped away, the world around him returned to its normal state. The empty whiteness turned into stone, wood, metal, and sunlight.

Xen grimaced as he took in the familiar skyscrapers from beyond wide windows. Running a hand over his face, Xen sighed once more.

Ryuu was slowly losing it. Xen, the subconscious part of Ryuu's mind, was losing it too, unable to control the environment anymore whenever Ryuu was conscious within their Takama-ga-hara. He knew there would be consequences for hijacking Ryuu's memories, consequences for taking her away.

He just didn't realize it would become this bad.

Xen moved to sit across from the windows. He studied sunlit skyscrapers in the distance. Despite the golden colors that reflected from the distant buildings, he'd never seen the sun here. The sky was perpetually stuck at what he assumed to be sunset; always an orange hue that melded into crimson. The skyscrapers were all the same: sharp-edged and bleeding metal, covered with reflective mirrors of gold.

It's been five years and he still didn't understand why Ryuu's Takama-ga-hara included this scene of a sunless sky.

The boy's gotten taller, leaner, and...and more unhinged. Xen wasn't sure why, but more and more memories were creeping into Ryuu's consciousness, causing relapses and everything that came with it.

His relapses were starting to affect their Takama-ga-hara.

Xen usually didn't get affected by whatever Ryuu felt. He was, after all, just a part of Ryuu's mind; a manifestation of his subconsciousness. He was created by a Ryuu that no longer was because when that Ryuu decided to steal away memories of her, it meant distorting whatever Ryuu was... and now, the Ryuu that was left was only half Ryuu.

Xen's eyes closed. Another pause, another deep breath.

He wondered what it must have felt like when Adam realized that the body that was created from his, was no longer recognizable.

The betrayal. The agony. The loss. Yet despite everything, he still chose to eat it with her... and Xen wondered, just how much Adam must have loved Eve to have chosen her over God. How greedy Adam must have been. To want both God and her. But in his choice, the first man chose that of which he cannot live without.

And Xen wondered if once Ryuu was pieced back together, would the boy who was whole, but broken, choose Eve.

Or would he choose God?


Haru stared down at the portrait in his hand. The frame was soft against his fingers. He glanced up at Nobukio.

" This is amazing." He looked back down, his left hand moving over the portrait as he gently skimmed the surface. "Thank you, Nobukio-san. For everything."

"They are ready for you to take home," Nobukio grumbled as he laid a heavy hand on the table before lowering himself to a stool. Haru nodded absently as he continued staring down at the portrait. "I finished them a little over a week ago. I am glad you were able to come in this morning, Haru-kun."

Haru hummed at the words. He would have come earlier to view the portrait, but with his father', he'd been pretty occupied. So occupied that he hadn't even told his sisters. Then again, he hadn't told anyone. Not even Ryuu knew.

He'd asked his father to keep the information a secret until he was ready to tell others. Sighing, he ran his left hand through his short hair. He licked his lips, fingers suddenly trembling. He turned away from Nobukio and looked back down at the portrait in his hand.

A masterpiece, truly. It was too bad that he will not be able to give this particular one to Ryuu anytime soon. Maybe never. Whatever was going on between 'Xen' and Ryuu, Haru knew it wouldn't end well. Despite everything, though, Haru couldn't retract his request to have her portrait drawn.

The blue of her eyes stared up at him; a deep sapphire that he had Nobukio redo more than any of the other pieces. The eyes had to be right. And he was glad he was so picky about it too.

Looking down, he could almost believe she was in front of him. He almost expected to hear her laughter, something that followed her around like a shadow. A worn smile crept onto his face. It wasn't just laughter that followed her, but also Xen. His brother always smiled more when she was around. Blinking, he fought off the sudden ache in his chest.

A shaky breath escaped his lips. Fingers tightening on the frame, he stared blankly down at the portrait. He traced her features with his eyes. Memories, brief and blurred, reached him from somewhere deep within his mind.

She'd been like an older sister to him. She'd gotten along with their mother. Their father, like everything that involved Xen, was against the interracial relationship. He'd threaten to disown Xen if Xen married her. It was another chip in their parents' relationship and their relationship has always been shaky.

At the thought of his past parents, Haru looked up and caught sight of the portraits Nobukio drew of his old family. Without thinking, he went closer to them and set the portrait in his hand aside as he stared at the family portraits.

He stared at his old parents.

In the pictures, the two were smiling, but Haru knew that the two rarely ever smiled or laughed around each other. In the last memories he could remember of them, the two had been at odds and the few memories he could pull from the thick fog of his old childhood, they were always arguing.

He stared at the man that was once his father. The man had been stern, sterner than even Hyuuga Hiashi. However, Haru never heard or saw his parents in this life argue. He knew for a fact that his father, the current one, still grieved over his mother's death.

Haru's eyes turned to his before-mother, comparing her physical features to his mother in this life. The two looked nothing alike except for the dark long hair and even that was different. They did share quite a few things in common, though.

The first having Haru/Su as their son and the second, their stern husbands. They both loved their children very much, too. Even now, he often confused the memories of warm hands caressing his cheeks and even warmer arms embracing him.

His mothers. Something heavy settled on his chest, a lump forming in his throat as tears bit into his eye.

He will never, ever see either grow old. Never hear their laughter again or see their smiles. They'll forever be young in his eyes, frozen in time. Both lost to him, either by his death or hers. His vision blurred. He wondered what both would say to him about his impending marriage. It was times like these that he missed his mothers the most; their absence never so apparent until now.

He turned away and stared down at the ground, blinking away tears.

"I wasn't going to mention this as I respect your privacy, Haru-kun, but still, it weighs on my chest. After all, it was unsettling to draw her married to someone else," came the raspy whisper behind him.

Haru jumped, eyes instantly turning to where Nobukio was looking. He frowned, brows furrowed in confusion. He studied the portrait of his old family alongside the elder. "What do you," Haru began, but froze, his body turning very still at Nobukio's next words.

"Uchiha Hizuki." Nobukio coughed into his hands and, turning away, continued in a weak voice, "she was a beautiful woman in her youth and even in her last days. Kaito-sama would have certainly agreed." The room was suddenly deafening even as Nobukio continued nonchalantly. "The day she learned she was carrying Ryuu-san, was the happiest I've ever seen the Demon Eyes of Konoha."

Haru tried to blink, eyes burning. Nobukio's words reverberated throughout the room. Chest pounding, Haru opened his mouth, but he watched his words from a distance as they escaped him. "Uchiha Hizuki...she looks like mo—this woman?"

"Very much so, Haru," Nobukio said as he shuffled around the room. "They could be twins."

Haru, eyes finally blinking, could only stare at the portrait. And he continued to see it as he walked out of Nobukio's home. The image of his mother burned into his eyes even as the elder's words hummed in his ears.

Uchiha Hizuki and his mother. Their mother, he realized as he thought about Xen and Ryuu. Theirs... Theirs?

He should have paid more attention to where his feet were carrying him, but before he knew it, he was in front of the Hokage office. He paused outside of the building. Unsure of how exactly he got here and why he hadn't noticed when he got here.

What was odd, though, was that he wasn't the only one outside, lost in thought. Heart pounding, Haru quickened his pace towards the familiar figure.

"Ryuu-nii," he breathed hurriedly, voice hitching. He quickly cleared his throat. "Good morning. You're here early. I thought you would still be at the shrine with Minori and Rei," Haru trailed off as he thought about the Uchiha family shrine. The shrine was something that was built by Minori to honor the Uchiha who died five years ago. He paused in thought. Ryuu's parents had their names there. He'd met Ryuu's father once, but he'd never met Ryuu's mother from this life. He wondered if she was...but no. It couldn't be. It would mean his mom, his before mom, was -

Shaking his head, Haru focused back onto Ryuu. But it seemed like he wasn't the only one having trouble concentrating as he saw Ryuu slowly shook his head. The younger boy blinked, eyes looking down before looking up at Haru. A small smile played across the Uchiha's face, but Haru saw the tension that settled between furrowed eyes.

"I didn't want to miss you," Ryuu muttered as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. Shrugging, Ryuu looked away again. "How was your morning?"

Weird, Haru thought even as his lips contradicted by saying, "good." Licking the lie from his lips, Haru turned to the door and quickly made his way towards it. "We should get going. Sousuke and Nou are waiting for us inside already."

That brought a smirk to the other boy's face, his eyes lightening even as the tension remained. "Oh man. Do we have to?"

Haru only laughed before entering the building, Ryuu following behind.


"It's not going to work."

At the curt words, Konohamaru frowned. Besides him, Udon and Moegi were also frowning. All three were silent, sharing glances. Konohamaru scratched his head even as his two friends turned their frown into scowls that were sent his way.

The sun was reaching its peak. It was a hot day, with only a few wondering clouds giving relief from the sun's rays. But best of all, today was the day he was going to get even with Naruto! Since he heard of Naruto's return from his mission, Konohamaru had been building the greatest disguise ever with the help of Moegi and Udon. They were going to hatch their plan today and then force Naruto to play ninja with them.

Then Rei had appeared out of nowhere like she always did with Minori and the grandson of the Hokage invited her along when the younger girl asked to play with them. It was the first time Udon and Moegi had met the younger girl...and so far, the two didn't like the condescending tone from someone younger than them.

"But," Konohamaru turned to Rei, "it's the greatest disguise ever!"

Rei's onyx eyes looked back and forth between Konohamaru and the 'greatest disguise ever'. "It's not going to work," came her clipped reply.

Groaning, Moegi pushed past them and took the box. "Well, just wait and see! How would you know, anyways, you're just a little girl."

Konohamaru winced at the words, eyes shooting a glare at Moegi before turning back to Rei, but the little girl simply shrugged the words off even as she frowned after the other girl. Udon sniffled and went to Moegi, helping her with the box. He turned to Konohamaru. "Come on, Konohamaru. Let's go!"

Rei crossed her arms, lips pursed as she looked at the ground. Konohamaru sighed as he waved them ahead. "You guys go ahead, we'll catch up."

Moegi and Udon twitched at the 'we' but silently nodded and said nothing. As the two left, he turned to Rei.

The younger girl's lips quirked a little before she met his eyes. "They don't like me."

"They don't know you," Konohamaru answered without hesitation. "And I don't know. Try to be, well, nice."

Rei's lips turned at the side. "So...lie?"

"No," Konohamaru scratched his head once more. "Not lie...just...if it's not nice, don't say it."

"But how was that not nice?" Rei's lips pursed once more as her onyx eyes furrowed at him.

Sighing, Konohamaru nudged her towards the direction Moegi and Udon disappeared to and without him saying anything, Rei began walking where he nudged her. Moving beside her, Konohamaru looked down at her.

"Well, we worked hard on that disguise and, uh, you know, when you say it wouldn't work, it felt like you were telling us our hard work was for nothing." Konohamaru cocked his head a little, eyes looking away. "Does that make sense?"

Rei was silent, Konohamaru turning his gaze back to her and caught the small nod. As they turned the corner, Moegi and Udon ran over to them, box hefted between them, wild grins on their face.

"Ne, ne! I think I spotted Naruto and his team! You said he wears orange, right? And his teammate has pink hair?!"

Konohamaru's face lit up and beside him, Rei's eyes brightened, her lips turning into a smile at the mention of Naruto. Udon and Moegi lifted the box and Konohamaru looked sideways at Rei. Rei hid her hands behind her back, eyes looking down before she looked up at them. Her smile gone.

"I'm sorry about what I said," Rei whispered.

Udon sniffled, wiping his nose with one hand even as Moegi sighed. "And I'm sorry about calling you a little girl."

Rei smiled at the older girl, nodding. Then she turned to Konohamaru and pushed him towards the box. Konohamaru, at his friends making up, laughed at the nudge but moved under the box anyways.

He turned his eyes to Rei, winking. "Just you watch, Rei! It'll work."

Rei nodded slowly, smile lessening as the three 'disappeared'. She still thought it wouldn't work, but she'll keep it to herself now. Shrugging, Rei watched as the three moved forward, only to bump into the wall. Their voices rose as they argued over how to steer. Sighing, Rei followed slowly even though she was sure the three would give themselves away without her.

And she was right. She hid herself to the side, stifling her giggles as Naruto danced around the 'greatest disguise ever'. She was too far to hear what was being said, but then there were explosions, smoke, and the sound of coughing. She was about to come out of her hiding when suddenly, a warm hand was on her head.

Blinking, eyes wide, Rei looked up as a shadow fell over her. Her surprise was quickly erased with a large smile.

"Sasuke-nii!" She turned towards the boy as she smiled up at him.

Sasuke half-smirked and half-smiled down at her, his hand still on her head as he nodded towards Konohamaru's group and Naruto. "What are you doing here, Rei? And with those idiots?"

Rei frowned as she tugged on his sleeves, forcing his hand away from her head. While she didn't want to tell Sasuke that they were the brightest group ever, she also thought it best to defend her friend. "Konohamaru and Naruto are not idiots, Sasuke-nii. That's mean."

Sasuke simply cocked an eyebrow and as if the universe was out to prove her wrong, there was a sudden familiar voice shouting, "you're a witch and you're ugly too!" It was followed by audible cracking knuckles, screams of terror, and the sound of punches being thrown.

The two Uchiha turned, but Rei couldn't see what was happening as everyone had moved out of sight.

"Hn. Not idiots, huh," Sasuke mused. He leaned down, nodding towards his back, "come on, let's find a better view. You're probably safer with me than with them at the moment."

Hesitating, Rei nodded as she climbed onto his back, arms encircling his neck. His familiar warmth lulled her, the little girl sighing into his back. Then he jumped and the air around them spun. Rei held tightly, eyes squeezed shut. She opened them only when she felt them land onto something. Slowly, she got off of his back and looked down from the branch that Sasuke landed on.

"Hold onto the trunk," he whispered, eyes not leaving the scene before them. "Remember what I taught you?" Rei nodded slowly, carefully distributing her weight and held onto the base of the tree firmly.

Before he left for the land of waves, Sasuke had been teaching her how to climb trees. She smiled at the memory. It was supposed to be a secret, just between them. But at the sound of screaming, she looked up and saw as Konohamaru, Naruto, Udon, and Moegi sprinted away from a pink haired girl that was hell-bent on catching them.

"Who is that," she asked, head turning to Sasuke who was smirking at the scene, teeth flashing.

He scoffed, shaking his head. "My teammate, Sakura."

"Oh," she turned to the scene just as she noticed two figures turned the corner. Eyes wide, she opened her mouth to shout a warning, but it was too late.

The two Uchiha watched, both frowning, as Konohamaru ran into one of the two figures. Fingers clenching, Rei shifted forward, but Sasuke stilled her with one hand. She blinked as he shook his head at her, onyx eyes never leaving the scene in front of them. She watched as Sasuke drew two small stone from his pocket.

"Don't worry. I'll jump in if needed," he muttered as he squeezed her shoulder gently.

Just as he said this, the black hooded figure that Konohamaru ran into, suddenly grabbed the younger boy by the scarf, dangling him in the air. Fingers tightening on the bark, Rei's heart pounded against her chest. She snapped to Sasuke, but she saw that he wasn't looking at Konohamaru. Instead, he was watching Naruto when the blonde charged forward. Rei's heart jumped when Naruto fell backward, landing on his back.

Breath catching, she watched as the black hooded figure turned back to Konohamaru, his free arm pulling back as Konohamaru struggled.

Without caring if she was heard, Rei shouted, "Konohamaru!"

Everything seemed to freeze, but from beside her, Sasuke moved. And time started again as something hit the stranger. A yelp of pain followed with a thud as Konohamaru fell. The breath she was holding left her. She shifted, about to climb down to check on her friend when Sasuke's hand stopped her once more. Rei stilled, eyes looking up at him, but the other Uchiha simply scowled down at the two strangers.

"You're a long way from home, losers," he drawled with a calm tone before crushing the second rock he had in his palm to dust, voice sharpening as he spoke his next words, "get lost."

Rei looked down at the strangers as the black hooded one suddenly reached for his back. "Get down here, you punk. I hate kids like you. All that attitude and nothing to back it up." But before he could take it from his back, his companion stopped him with a quick wack to the head.

"Don't use that here!" Her voice cowed the black hooded figure as he rubbed his head.

"But, Temari," he began, head turning away from Rei and Sasuke.

He reached for his back again, but then stopped dead as a new voice entered the scene.

"Kankuro, back off." And Rei was suddenly shoved behind Sasuke, her stomach dropping at the sudden loss of balance as she grabbed tightly onto Sasuke's clothes. But then she felt as one of his arm grabbed her tightly around the shoulders while hiding her behind him.

Rei was about to protest, but her complaints fell short at the sudden harshness that appeared on Sasuke's face. She's never seen that before.

The same voice from before spoke again, ignoring the shock he's created.

"This is not the way to build a relationship between our villages."

"Ah, haha, sorry about that Gaara. I got carried away," Kankuro shrugged sheepishly as he looked up at them.

"You should know better," came the curt response.

Rei peeked from behind Sasuke, trying to catch the voice's owner, but he was blocked by the tree. Or he was. She watched in fascination as sand suddenly poured down and formed into another boy, red hair and a giant gourd on his back. He stood next to the other two strangers.

"I'm sorry about their behavior," came the curt and emotionless response as he bowed his head to them. "It won't happen again."

Without a word to his companion, he turned to leave which prompted the other two to follow. However, Sasuke's pink haired teammate called out after them. Rei watched, intrigued, as the three explained that they were here from the Land of Wind. From another village! Blinking, she observed them as they continued walking away after explaining about the Chunin Exams.

Rei looked at Sasuke. "Are you joining in the Chunin Exams, Sasuke-nii?"

She saw him stare after the retreating figures even as he shrugged, his eyes narrowed together. Rei frowned at the concentrated look as she followed his gaze. Before she could ask him what was wrong, Sasuke knelt down, beckoning to his back.

"I think it's time to go home, Rei," he muttered, eyes meeting hers.

Rei frowned at his lack of response, her arms clutching at him. "Right now?"

Sasuke opened his mouth to respond, but both Uchiha turned as they heard Naruto shouting Sasuke's name. The blonde kid was pointing an accusing finger at Sasuke, glaring flames at the Uchiha. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow at him, but that only made Naruto angrier.

"Damn it, Sasuke! I could have handled it!" The blonde shouted as he took a step forward. "I'll prove it to you right now!"

Sasuke scoffed, head shaking. "Whatever, loser. I don't have time for this. Let's go, Rei."

He nudged Rei onto his back, the younger girl hesitating only briefly as she waved goodbye to her friends. As they left, Rei could hear Sasuke's pink hair teammate ask who she was, but she didn't hear a response as Sasuke was already taking to the air. She closed her eyes as Sasuke continued using the roofs to make their way home. Rei was used to this form of transportation, snuggling into Sasuke's back as she took in his scent, breathing in deeply.

She really missed him, her Sasuke-nii. His mission to the land of waves was the longest he's ever been away from home. Remembering the mission, Rei frowned as she opened her eyes. Laying her cheek against his back, she watched Konoha pass her by before she started speaking.

"You never answered me, Sasuke-nii." The words were mumbled into his shirt as she shifted her head so she could rest her other cheek on his back. He didn't even pause, making no move that he heard her even as he responded.

"It's a possibility." A non-response if anything. Rei pursed her lips. She sighed, head lifting from his back as they finally got to the edge of the village, Sasuke dropping down to take the road now. But he made no move to lower her, instead, his arms tightened around her as he shifted her up on his back as he continued walking.

There was a moment of silence as Rei mused over his answer. Sighing, she leaned her forehead against his shoulder.

"Will you go away again?" A pause followed by a sniffle."Wh-what if you don't come back this time?" Her small arms tightened around his neck, tears suddenly prickling at her eyes. Her chest ached.

Sasuke paused in his step, but it was only for a second before he continued. "The Chunin Exams are here so I'm not going anywhere..." A soft pause and Rei felt his chest take in a deep breath before saying, "I'll always come back to you, Rei."

Sniffling, Rei bit her lips as laid her cheek back on his shoulder. "Promise?"

"Promise," Sasuke spoke the word without hesitation even as he felt the little girl relax onto his back. His eyes looked straight ahead, his mind whirling about what just happened.

When he neared their home, he set Rei down, the girl running past him to open the door, already shouting for her mother. He followed closely behind, eyes watching her.

"Rei, shoes," he called after her as he took placed his outdoor shoes away. She ran back and quickly deposited her shoes forgetting her indoor slippers to which he just shook his head even as he slipped his on.

He made his way into the kitchen and paused, head nodding at Minori as the older woman smiled warmly at him from where she sat, sipping on an afternoon tea.

"So it was your turn today," she nodded towards the tea tray as she smoothed her hand over Rei's hair as the little girl ran by. Sasuke grunted what he thought was an adequate response, watching as Rei grabbed some cookies before slipping through the back door to play in the yard. He noticed that she was barefooted. "Did she cause any trouble with Konohamaru-kun?"

"Not much," Sasuke answered as he sat across from Minori, slowly pouring himself a cup. "When did that start? I thought the only idiots Rei knew were Naruto and Haru."

Minori attempted to hide her grin as she looked down into her cup. "They met when you were gone." A pause as she placed her cup on the table and away from her hands. "I think her attachment to Konohamaru was partially due to your and Naruto's absence." Especially yours was left unsaid between them.

"Hn." Sasuke sipped slowly before setting his cup aside. He shifted in his seat, eyes watching where Rei was as she came into view in the garden. He glanced briefly at Minori before looking away. "She asked me again...and I made the promise this time."

A silence followed his words, but he knew it would. He reached for his cup but left it in his hand as he twirled the liquid around. He didn't look up when Minori rose from her side and he didn't say anything when she left. Sighing, he stood up and followed her as she left through the back door, setting aside the cup in his hand.

Making his way to stand beside her, he followed her gaze as she watched Rei. The little girl was chasing something in the garden, her laughter soft even as it traveled to their ears. Sasuke waited for the older woman, eyes glancing between her and the ground.

It was Minori who broke first.

"Why would you make a promise you know you cannot keep?" Minori crossed her arms, eyes never leaving Rei. "She doesn't understand yet what happens on missions, Sasuke, nor does she understand what being a ninja entails. It was hard enough explaining to her why you 'lied' when you didn't come back when you said you would."

"I will keep my promise." Sasuke clenched his fist, arms mimicking Minori as he crossed them too.

Memories of Rei's sad face came to his mind. She'd cried at the sight of him when he had returned from the mission to waves. Then promptly called him a liar, stuck her tongue out at him, and proceeded to ignore him until he'd return from his training with Ryuu later that night. She'd been asleep when they returned but had come running into his arms even as she yelled at him for coming home late.

Sighing, Sasuke focused back to Minori just as the older woman turned to him.

"Sasuke," Minori began, her grey eyes making him flinch. He'd been hoping to avoid that look. At his flinch, though, her eyes softened. "Was she about to cry?" Sasuke's lips opened, then closed, but that was all the answer she needed. A wistful smile appeared on her face as she let out a soft laugh, her eyes closing as she shook her head. "Oh, Sasuke. A girl's tears are not the end of the world."

Feeling his face warm, Sasuke let his arms fall to his side before stuffing both hands into his pocket.

He ignored her laugh and instead shifted his feet before looking back at Rei.

"Where's Ryuu?"

Sasuke frowned when Minori stiffened at Ryuu's name. He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. She was holding herself tightly, arms around her midsection and eyes staring at Rei. "He'll return soon. There is a meeting right now for the Chunin Exams."

Sasuke pursed his lips. He wanted to ask her about the sudden change in her demeanor. Instead, Sasuke blinked and looked away from her. "You knew?"

"Ryuu mentioned it." Minori shrugged before she let her arms fall to her sides. "He's been assigned Exam Security."

Sasuke looked up, staring at the sky. Slowly, he thought of his words before saying it, smirking even as he continued studying her from the side. "Ryuu? In security? How fitting."

He took in the way her shoulders relaxed, a soft laugh spilling from her lips. The tension never left her eyes, though.

"Yes, I know." Minori tilted her head towards him as she turned to look at him. "I'm not sure if they're ready for Ryuu's sort of paranoia, though."

Sasuke smirked but said nothing even as he caught onto the wariness that lingered in her eyes. The two turned back to Rei as the girl ran up to them, her hand clutching something.

This time it was Sasuke who laughed at Minori when Rei revealed what she was hiding in her palms.


Hiruzen watched the argument between Iruka and Kakashi with calm eyes. He looked beyond them and observed the youngest jounin in the room. Listening to Kakashi's words, Hiruzen couldn't help but almost agree with Iruka as he studied Ryuu, the Crimson Dragon of Konoha. As always, he stood next to Haru, Konoha's Silver Sun.

Puffing from his pipe, he quickly settled the argument and then dismissed everyone.

The only ones who stayed behind were Ryuu and Haru as the boys had already been asked to stay behind. As they made their way towards Hiruzen, the Hokage inwardly sighed even as he built up whatever shield he needed to handle the Uchiha's resentment.

When the boy came to stand in front of him, though, Hiruzen took note the signature frown's absence. Today, Ryuu was pale, onyx eyes holding shadows that Hiruzen knew was not normal for the boy. Besides him, Haru's face had his regular grin, but Hiruzen also noticed the strain that wasn't usually there. It sat heavily on the older boy's shoulder, a tension that Hiruzen had never seen before on the charismatic Hyuuga.

He wondered what was going on. Keeping his observations in mind, the Hokage pushed them aside as he nodded at the two of them. He turned to Haru first.

"I trust you read your job description, Haru," He waited for the older boy to nod before he continued. "Have your clan and Ko prepared for the given task. I expect them to meet with the head of security tomorrow at sunrise by the Intelligence Division Headquarters. You are absolved of your responsibilities once that team has been transferred to Exam Security. Understood?"

Haru nodded. Hiruzen waved him off. He watched as the older boy hesitated even when the younger one made no move to acknowledge the departure. When Haru was gone, Hiruzen sat back in his chair, taking a smoke from his pipe. He set aside the pipe before pulling a folder out, laying it between the two of them.

"As for your portfolio, Ryuu. There have been some changes." The boy stiffened, but Hiruzen moved forward, "as requested, you have been placed under Exam security. Report to the Intelligence Division by nightfall, dressed in uniform and ready for the first watch. Did you have any questions about your duties tonight?"

"Have you found someone of kage-material to be part of your security?"

Hiruzen leaned back into his chair, arms resting with a masked calmness that didn't match his eyes. Brows furrowed, the elder sighed. "Yes. I have asked for the return of an old student of mine. Will that be enough, Ryuu-kun?"

Ryuu shrugged. "Whatever works, hokage-sama."

The hokage rubbed his chin before nodding and moving forward, knowing this was the more difficult part and why he specifically called for Ryuu to stay back instead of simply handing the boy a folder as he done for other jounin.

"There has been a request by the Kazekage. His party arrived this morning." Hiruzen eyed the tension that locked onto the boy's body, studying Ryuu's face before he continued."They are expecting another wave from Sunagakure to follow within a week from today and this second wave holds a certain person of importance to the Kazekage. He's requested a team from Konoha to guard this individual," Hiruzen paused, smoothing one hand over his beard. "While I usually do not do this to any jounin, especially those in security, I am transferring you over to handle this mission with the Kazekage."

"Hokage-sama," Ryuu began, the signature frown forming and Hiruzen quickly raised a hand to still the boy's objection.

"What this means is that instead of being under the Intelligence Divison security, you will be under diplomatic security. This will, after all, allow you to be with Minori and Rei because as you now know, Kakashi wishes to enroll Team Seven and I am sure the two will want to support Sasuke. Wouldn't it be best to be with your family, Ryuu, during such a potentially dangerous time?"

Hiruzen watched as emotions, rarely displayed by the boy, flashed across his face. Settling back, Hiruzen already knew what Ryuu would say. He watched as the boy's jaws clenched. There was a moment of silence before the boy nodded sharply. Taking that as a win, Hiruzen straightened.

"You will lead the mission. By tomorrow night, I expect you to have a team organized and prepped," Hiruzen spoke softly, hopefully appeasing the boy. "For now, though, you will be in uniform under the Intelligence Division before transferring over to Diplomacy. Understood?"

"Understood," Ryuu muttered as he took the portfolio and without looking at Hiruzen, left the room. Sighing, Hiruzen leaned back in his chair.

That child, he mused as he shook his head, puffing from his pipe.


Asuma grunted as Gai slapped his back. "Yoshi! My old friends, may all of our students succeed at this ultimate test to their youths!"

Kakashi, the bastard, simply smiled and crinkled one eye at Gai before popping into smoke, already off somewhere far away from the ecstatic jounin that was Maito Gai. Kurenai smirked at Asuma as she nodded at Gai.

"Thanks, Gai. Just so you know, though, that just because our students are a year under yours, they'll be worthy opponents."

"I wouldn't expect any less, Kurenai!" Gai flashed them a blaring smile and thumb before getting distracted by Genma who was making his way over.

Asuma sighed in relief as Kurenai came to stand beside him.

"He's gotten worse with time," the Sarutobi shinobi muttered as he quickly reached for a cigarette and his lighter. Kurenai rolled her eyes at him as he lit himself one, taking a quick puff in and visibly relaxing as his shoulders drooped. He smirked at her reaction, nudging her. "What, you don't agree with me?"

Shaking her head and making the decision to say nothing, Kurenai nudged him back. She quickly looked around and noticed a familiar figure walking out of the Hokage's Office. She waved. Asuma followed her gaze, eyes flickering from Hyuuga Haru back to her before turning quickly back to Haru.

"What the hell? Is that Haru?" Asuma took in the haircut. This was the first time Asuma has seen the Hyuuga heir since he came back. "What I wouldn't give to have seen Hiashi's reaction."

"Mhmm," Kurenai hummed in agreement as she gave Haru a passing smile as the teenage jounin came over to them with a bright smile of his own.

"Good morning Asuma-san and Kurenai," Haru rubbed his neck. "I apologize for not greeting you sooner inside."

"No problem," Asuma responded before taking another whiff from his cigarette. "It's been a while, Haru. Congrats on being promoted to jounin. And please, just Asuma."

"Thank you, Asuma." the Hyuuga heir cheeks reddened at the compliment before he coughed and turned to Kurenai. "But Kurenai, my sister-"

"I stand behind my words," the kunoichi interrupted as she crossed her arms, one eyebrow cocking at Haru. "Or do you doubt your sister's skills, Haru?"

Asuma choked, covering it with a cough as he wisely remained silent. He watched as the Hyuuga heir pursed his lips, the teen crossing his arms as he and Kurenai locked gaze.

"That's not what I meant," he began, but Kurenai cut him off once more.

"This is a great opportunity for your sister and I think she will surprise you." A wistful smile formed on her lips. "She's been training very hard, Haru. You've been a great source of inspiration for her."

Haru was taken aback, mouth opening and closing before he uncrossed his arms. Cheeks reddening, the Hyuuga heir let out a scoff even as he returned Kurenai's tentative smile. "She doesn't need me to inspire her. She's strong all by herself."

Kurenai was about to respond when a body flew towards the Hyuuga heir, the two stumbling before the other boy put Haru into a headlock. Aihara Sousuke threw the two jounin a grin as he struggled against the Hyuuga heir.

"Yo! We'll be stealing this brat from you." Kurenai could only laugh as Asuma cocked an eyebrow at the two teens. Haru eventually escaped from the hold, but it was mostly due to Matsukaze Nao's glare as she came upon her former teammates.

Watching them disappear, Asuma laughed. "In all my years, I would have never guessed that Hiashi would have a son like Haru."

He heard about the Silver Sun of Konoha. The boy was notorious for his kindness and willingness to take on missions that people tended to avoid, such as weeding and babysitting. Villagers and ninjas alike spoke about the boy with fond smiles and laughter. Very much the opposite of his father and anyone else from the clan. Asuma took another puff as he watched after the path that the three disappeared. He couldn't believe their sensei had been Choza.

He blinked when he sensed his companion stiffened. He turned to her, about to ask why when Ryuu's voice broke through.

"Good morning Asuma and Kurenai. Did you by any chance see where Matsukaze-san and Aihara-san were headed after the meeting?" The boy was walking towards them, a folder in his hand.

Oh, Asuma thought before clearing his throat and answering. "Ah, yes. They went that way with Haru. I'm sure if you run, you'll catch up to them."

"Ah," Ryuu bowed his head. "Thank you." The boy shunshin in the direction Asuma directed.

He turned to Kurenai, killing off his cigarette. The kunoichi had stiffened for only a split second, but he met her unreadable eyes and sighed.

"What was that?"

"What was what," Kurenai responded curtly as she turned sharply away from him.

Asuma contemplated if it was a good idea to prod her, but his curiosity got the best of him. "You and Ryuu-"

Kurenai silenced him with a look over her shoulder, her lips forming into a deep frown before she said, "not here."

And the acceptable here was her apartment, Asuma closing the door silently behind him before crossing his arms. He'd followed Kurenai the whole way, the two silent. Kurenai went over to her window, arms holding her sides as she stared out at the street below her.

"So here," Asuma whispered. When she remained silent, he sighed. "Kurenai, whatever it is, your behavior towards the boy will be noticed sooner or later. I know I have been gone, but if it's something-"

"Minori was 32 weeks pregnant when she went into labor," Kurenai kept her back to Asuma, arms continuing to cling to her side. Her voice was low, shoulders stiff. Asuma's mouth snapped shut as he stared intently at her back. "I helped with the delivery. It was a hard labor. I didn't think Rei... I didn't think either would make it."

Slowly, Kurenai let go of her side and she turned to the shelf by her window. On it was a photo of a toddler Rei in the arms of Kurenai. Asuma was silent, eyes watching the woman closely as she picked up the photo.

"But she did. They both did." A pause. "It was Ryuu who delivered her. She was in his arms, crying. He'd stepped away to clean her and I had gone to cut the umbilical cord. But then- but," Kurenai clenched the photo frame. Asuma walked slowly towards her, his eyes furrowing. "But the crying suddenly stopped. I turned to look at her, the child. At Rei. And Ryuu's hands..." Kurenai's shoulders shook. "Asuma."

He came to stop behind the kunoichi. She put the frame back and turned to him, eyes locking onto his.

"Asuma, Ryuu's hands were around her neck. She'd been crying when he took her away and then it was silent. And his hands were around her neck." Kurenai's crimson eyes squeezed shut. "Minori was hysterical, Sasuke by her side, and the child was silent, and his hands...his hands... so I called his name and it was like something snapped in him." She opened her eyes again, red met black. "His hands moved away and she began crying again."

Shaking her head, Kurenai leaned against the shelf. Asuma's fingers clenched at his side as his mouth fell open, mind spinning with her words. Coldness seeped into him.

"For weeks, I thought I imagined it. But I," Kurenai shook her head. "But Asuma, I swear, I didn't imagine it. Ryuu," a shuddering breath, "Ryuu tried to kill her. He tried to kill Rei."


A/N - Thank you for continuing to be with me! The reunion is in the next chapter. I was going to add it to this one, but it became too long and I still needed to add more so the reunion is in the next chapter and this is a promise because I actually wrote it so it exists! I will be updating my other fanfictions before I update the next chapter, though. I apologize for the long wait. I cannot thank you enough for your support.

*I am also in the process of rewriting chapters. I probably need to get a beta, but I don't deserve one, ahaha. I was and am a horrible beta myself so until I can reach out to Emlight about the Next Great Adventure, I will suffer through my guilt at my laziness and cringe over my writing.