As I stepped out of the carriage I looked at the beautiful building that lay I front of me. Its design was the thing of dreams. Father looked at me cautiously, his words snapping me out of my trance, "Dear are you all right?" His eyes were concerned yet not too worried.

"Yes, Yes I'm fine." I smiled reassuringly. Father took the lead up the steps, Uncle Andre following behind him, and me trailing after the two. As we entered the large foyer we saw monsieur Lefevre waiting to greet us. As we walked up the steps we got many confused looks from some of the workers and performers. "Hello Gentlemen," He greeted my Father and Andre, "Mademoiselle." He smiled and bowed. I curtsied and smile back.

He led us up the stairs and toward the back of the Opera House. I looked around in wander as we saw all the costumes and actors. We finally made our way to the stage were rehearsals were underway for the Opera Houses' new production of Hannibal. As we entered I suddenly cringed in disgust for the lead sopranos' horrid voice. I never like Carlotta singing but I smiled pleasantly at Andre a moment after my disgusted look. He was a great fan of Carlotta's and didn't seem to mind her grotesque singing. Monsieur Reyer stopped to correct Piangi on his thick accent as we entered the room. "No, no it's Rome, Rome! We do not say Roma, we say Rome!" He said in utter frustration.

"Ladies, Gentlemen!" Lefevre yelled trying to get everyone to look our way. "Madame Giry?" He called to the ballet Mistress. She wacked her cane like staff on the ground and suddenly all was quiet. As Lefevre introduced us and explained his retirement I found myself daydreaming again. I often did so in situations which had no meaning to me. I thought of the stories that escaped the opera house, many were just rumors and mere stories but hearing them interested me greatly.

"Where is my lovely fiancé?" Raoul said snapping me out of my thoughts as he finished talking to Piangi. I had hardly noticed Raoul entering the room let alone introducing himself to the actors. "There you are Emily," He smiled tenderly. Raoul and I had always been friends since father worked for his family for a few years before going into the junk business or as Andre always corrects "Scrap Metal".

"Hello mon Cherrie I said sweetly. Where have you been?" I cooed sweetly aware my father was watching us. As soon as my father got his fortune he instantly was aware of Raoul's feelings toward me. Of course Raoul was a great friend but that was all he was. He never made my heart swoon for him but I wished to please my father, so I acted as if I did truly love him.

"Well my dear, I was almost late. My brother was having a hardship." He said sadly. What had I missed I had talked with Raoul a day ago and nothing was bothering him.

"What was it mon Cheri?" I said reassuringly. He gave me a smug smile. I looked at him puzzled.

"He was mourning because he does not have such a beautiful fiancé as I." I smiled realizing his teasing answer. He smiled back at me and took my hand in his as he excused himself. He looked at me before leaving he looked longingly in my eyes; I smiled and looked away not wanting to show my now bright red cheeks. As he left I saw father and Andre trying to calm Carlotta. Wonderful had she gone into one of her famous fits?