Hope you enjoy this next chapter. This has got to be a record for most chapters posted in a day. Okay I have to say that I think this is my last Chapter for this story. I had to skip forward in time so let's see how this works out. So this is the epilogue, please enjoy.

Three years Later

"Comtesse de Devereux!" One of our servants ran toward me. I had been the Comtesse ever since Christophe's father died giving him the title of Comte.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked.

"Comte de Devereux i-is dead." My heart fell.

"W-what? How can he be dead? What happened?" He dropped his head.

"He was struck by a carriage outside of the Opera house in Versailles." I felt tears run down my cheeks. Christophe was dead. How was I going to tell Jacqueline?

"Mama! Mama look." My breath hitched when I heard my daughter's voice. I dried my tears and turned around to see my beautiful little girl. Her hair waved just like mine, but instead of brown or blonde like my husband's she had black hair.

"What is it?" I asked as she showed me a package.

"Molly said it from Papa." I looked at the package and saw it's address was from Versailles. Christophe must have sent it before he went to the opera.

"Let's open it." We opened it together and found a doll inside.

"Mama it's pretty."

"It is very pretty Jacquie. I think it's for you." I said placing my finger on her nose. She giggled and her topaz eyes lit up as she picked the doll up.

"Maybe Papa pway with me when he get home." I smiled.

"Maybe he will but for now maybe you should go play with Molly." She ran off to go find her nanny. I felt a few tears fall from my eyes as I walked to Christophe's study. I walked in and sat at his desk.

"My poor little Jacqueline." Jacqueline was going to be heart broken when she learned that her father wasn't coming back.

I hope you liked it Make sure to look or the sequel later today or tomorrow. Thank you every on for all your reviews! Good bye. :'(