A/N: This story would not have a complete status if it wasn't for all of you wonderful readers and reviewers. In particular, I'd like to say how much I appreciate JaspersStoryAlter's support. Without their reviews, I can guarantee you that this story would be five chapters shorter and completely unsatisfying. To all of you who wrote me reviews, your reviews were super encouraging, and I'm so grateful for your feedback. I have my fingers crossed that you will enjoy this last chapter!

Harry reminded himself that this was all a learning experience. This was the first time he'd gotten this involved with and committed to another man, and they were still in the process of getting to know each other better. That was all.

"What?" he asked.

Severus narrowed his eyes. "You heard me the first time, Potter. I said that I don't own wear cologne."

The younger man blinked. After a minute of silence, Severus clenched his teeth, which sparked Harry into action. Agitated Severus was never a good thing, and Harry had learned (See! Learning!) that it was best to appease the man before things got too out of hand.

"Oh, I knew that," Harry lied with a wave of the hand.

His boyfriend snorted. "You're a terrible actor, Potter. I would tell you to keep your day job, but based on what I've seen, you should probably leave the bank, too."

"Ha ha, Severus. Get your money back and now all you do is ridicule me about my job," Harry grumbled, arms crossed.

"Oh, shut it. You should be happy that I'm not filing a lawsuit."

"Fine, maybe I deserve it. But do you have to bring it up every day?"

Severus just gave him a look. "That trick may work on your other friends, but you're foolish to presume it would be effective on me."

"Tricks? What are you talking about?" (Damn. Maybe he wasn't as good at changing the subject as he thought…)

Severus ignored him. "You're shocked by the revelation, aren't you?"

"Pssh. No."

The Guinness World Record winner of the Most Stubborn Man Alive award lived up to his title. "You're disappointed that your boyfriend's enigmatic smell can't be bought at the nearest department store. Admit it."

At this, Harry violently shook his head. "That's not true at all, Sev." He moved so that he could wrap his arms around the stiff older man. "Why would I care about buying a scent that I can smell everyday for free?"

When Harry playfully nipped at the pub owner's neck, Severus raised an eyebrow. But Harry felt him loosen up and took that as a good sign.

"All you ever used to talk about was how good I smelled. Isn't all the appeal gone now that your mission of tracking down my scent is over?"

The corners of Harry's mouth pulled down, and he pulled back a bit from the embrace. He tried to see how serious the other man was, but Stubborn Severus was wearing an impenetrable mask.

"Of course not, stupid." The pub owner growled. "I love you. You. Severus Snape. Your scent is just additional confirmation that you and I are meant to be together."

Most likely, Severus didn't even realize that he had tugged Harry closer and given him an affectionate squeeze. Nonetheless, the unconscious gesture made Harry smile.

"Is that so?" he deadpanned.

Harry mentally rolled his eyes at the affected indifference but chose not to call Severus out on it. "All the research confirms it," he stated with a silly grin.

"What research?" Severus asked skeptically.

"The research…uh…professors at Hogwarts University are conducting on our relationship. They've been collecting data for months. Didn't you notice?"

Severus subtly turned his face to the side. Luckily, Harry caught a glimpse of the grin just in time. "And what data have they found?"

"Well, there were major bonus points awarded when the gallons of Hope Your Teeth Rot finally got delivered."

"Hmm." (As much as the man tried to hide it, he was beyond proud of his "clever" name for the customized ice cream.)

"They also factored in my brilliant poems."

Severus snorted. "Did they read the last one?"

"What's that supposed to mean? That one was golden!"

Dudley is the worst

Would not kiss him for 10 mil

You are my true love

"There are days when I wish I had never found it in that folder."

"How rude! Do you know how many rough drafts I had to go through to get to that masterpiece?"

Severus didn't look impressed. "Why don't you go back to the research, Shakespeare?"

"Fine. There's the fact that you came with me when I volunteered at Minerva's animal shelter, helped me start that fundraiser for Remus and his friend, matched my donation to Katie Bell's grad school funds, and took over my shifts as a temp receptionist at Poppy's clinic whenever I was too busy with work."

All of the community service was Harry's small way of apologizing to some of Dudley's victims, but he'd been surprised when Severus had expressed an interest in helping – something he certainly wasn't obliged to do. He'd gained a lot of respect within the town for doing so, and now people were stopping by the pub all the time to show their appreciation and spend time with their new favorite couple. Consequently, Hog's Head was doing better than ever, which was great news for the pub owner (and his wallet).

"Any other data?" Severus inquired.

"Just the fact that you love me, too," Harry replied cheekily.

Instead of negating the statement, Severus surprised the banker with a quick peck. "And what did your researchers say about Dudley?"

Oh, Lord. Dudley… Once the media got word that Dudley and his friends had left Godric's, they just let their imaginations run wild. (Like went-to-some-tropical-rain-forest-and-experimented-with-unknown-recreational-drugs kind of wild.) Apparently, Dudley had been pining after Andy all along and was only using Harry to make Andy jealous. After seeing how overly protective Harry was, Dudley was further convinced that he was destined to be with the composed and gentle Andy. (Insert eye roll.) The two had resigned from Godric's with a couple of their buddies and were off to celebrate their love away from the prying eyes of the public.

Heartbroken by the breakup, Harry had begun to fall back on alcohol to cure all of his problems. It was during one of his nightly bar hops that he'd arrived at Hog's Head and fallen head over heels with the tall, dark, and handsome pub owner. Slowly, Harry was forgetting his past relationship and dedicating himself to his new one. Out of respect (i.e., out of fear from the last time they'd snapped pictures of the man), no photos of the couple had officially been published yet.

Yeah… News reporters and bloggers were really something these days.

"The researchers say that Dudley is a piece of shit that has zero impact on our compatibility or anything else."

"Our compatibility, huh?" the older man purred.

The shade of Severus's eyes deepened, and Harry immediately felt his body start to heat up. Before he even realized what he was doing, Harry had smashed their lips together. Once things finally did click, he just went with the flow. Severus was a sexy man and could be surprisingly flirtatious when he wanted to be. And Harry had quickly learned (See! Learning again!) that it was pointless to deny the facts or his feelings for the older man. In fact, he had his hands halfway up the pub owner's shirt when things were tragically brought to an end.

"Boys," a voice shouted. "You are breaking the Oath of Refraining From Public Displays of Affection! I thought we talked about this before."

With a cringe and a mumble, Harry shuffled back to his original spot on the opposite end of the bar table. There were a few chuckles from the people who'd stopped their discussions to watch the pair.

Fine. Perhaps Severus and Harry had gotten a bit carried away, but he felt like Hermione could have cut them some slack. (Like was it really necessary to invent a new Oath? Especially one with such a long and ugly name? The psychologist had argued that the rounds were meant for talking instead of making out, but Harry felt like there were many ways to communicate with your mouth. It just so happened that his preferred manner didn't involve using actual words…)

"This is Severus's pub," Harry tartly and loudly reminded Ms. Buzz Kill.

"And this is my meeting," she retorted.

Severus rolled his eyes at their antics. "Don't get her started, Potter," he warned. "You know she's not going to budge on those rules anytime soon, so it's best to just let the subject drop. Let's just finish this round so that we can go home and finish what we started."

(Harry liked that coy smile.)

"Yeah, nobody here wants to see you two suck face," Draco pitched in from across the room. "It's disgusting."

The banker gritted his teeth, desperately wanting to say "Fuck off." Somehow, he didn't think Severus would appreciate that much. Or maybe he'd be understanding…It wasn't like they were blood related.

Fortunately, Severus had his own way of keeping his godson in check.

"If you were being honest the other day and really are trying to win over Miss Granger's affection, I suggest you stop criticizing her closest friend," Severus advised, purposely keeping his calm as Hermione, Harry, and Draco lost their shit.

"What?!" the three screeched.

They weren't perfect. (They were far from it.) Severus was still pretty evasive and wasn't always straightforward when he was unhappy with something in their relationship. Harry wasn't Prince Charming, either. There were times when he came home and just didn't want to talk about work. And there were numerous occasions where he'd stupidly ignored the man's advice. However, despite their issues, their relationship just worked.

The therapy probably didn't hurt…

A/N: Thank you so much for reading until the very end! You're the best! :)

I can't say how happy I am that it's over… I mean, I've probably rewritten this epilogue three different times alone. lol

I believe this will be my last ffnet story, so I'm dying to hear what you guys thought of it. (Was it terrible? Was it semi decent?) Leave me a review!

Random side note: If this were a movie, I've decided that I would play "Not a Bad Thing" by Justin Timberlake during the end credits. I think it suits the couple. (If you know the song I'm talking about, what do you think?)