Zeelee-Vallen: Well, last chapter had a lot of Oocness, mainly cuz of period pains xD Now, we will continue.

We do not own Naruto.


She swayed back and forth, eyes half lidded as they flew through the sky. It was a few days after the period incident, and her insides no longer felt like they were being crushed. But… She drew her eyes down to the sandy ground beneath them, Itachi refused to speak with her since. Now that she was in the right state of mind again, she was sad.

She was happy to grow closer to her older brother, but now he was even more distant then when they met.

Perhaps… It was her state of mind when her insides were curling, but now he… Hated her. Perhaps he would drop her off in the next town, leaving her all alone... Her head bobbed, stricken with sleep deprivation. For a moment, her head rested on his shoulder. She suddenly jumped awake, feeling his hard muscles tense up. She quickly lifted her head, eyes wide. Her face heated, her eyes burning from sleep. How uncouth of her. She was being to imposing. She shifted a bit farther down Seth's back, a comfortable distance between them.


It was easy to forget she was a woman. She had the body of a child, even the gently voice of one.

But now she had her first blood, she was obviously going to start her womanly fazes. It often started with the complaint personality, and the shrewd remarks. Then would come the sly-ness. Finally, she would become shameless.

That's what he knew of woman. He had many chase after him. Many adore him. Many loved him. He watched them all, unknowingly to them. They were such vile things. Sneaking amongst each other, stabbing each others backs.

Yet Hinata did not show the slightest sign of change. She was still quiet as usual. Whenever they stopped, she would make the best use of herself. She was… A good child. Gently, he shook his head. He would keep her around a little longer, see how she turned out.

In reality. He just didn't want to let her go. Her presence was one of comfort. Not that he needed her, but she was nice to have around. At first she was a burden, but she quickly adapted. It was obvious she was used to a life of hard work.

When he felt her head rest between his shoulders, his heart jumped. Soon as it was there, it was gone, making his eye brows furrow. He was sure she was going to start seducing him like the many other woman he knew.

Rather, she moved away from him, father. Now… Why did that bother him?


They stopped in a town. He gave her a handful of gold and told her to go play. She stared at him, studying him. Seth was un-summoned, leaving just them. He didn't look like he was about to leave her, but the amount of gold in her hand was… Gracious. Perhaps most she ever seen. But he made no move to leave her side while the trudged down the sand covered street. People in layers and layers of clothing eyed them, specify Itachi. He wore cloths like them, but all black. She wore the same cloths she met him in, a tattered grey servants dress. The sun beat down on her skin, her dark hair burning.

She shook it off. It was all trivial.

Her first goal, was to find water. They needed water for the heated travel. They could hunt food, so that was no bother. A small smile tilted her lips as they made their way to the market.


He gave her money to test her. What would she spend it on? Cloths? Sweets? Jewls? His eyes narrowed as a small smile tilted her lips. What was she thinking?

They made their way to the market, his suspicion growing.

Much to his surprise, she bypassed all the novel stands, going straight for the one who had bags of water.

How… Efficient. A sudden gleam entered her eyes as she spoke to the man, battering him down. It was like she had experience in the area, and a lot of it. Then again, she was a slave girl. She managed to gain bags and bags of water for only three gold. If it was him, it would have perhaps used fear to barter him down. Then, the trader would still charge him 6 gold at least.

She was useful.

She looked up to him, her eyes searching him. What was she looked for? The light in her eyes died down, making him blink. What did he do?

She held out the bag of gold, confusing him even more. Was she done? She had a whole bad of gold, of which she could do anything with. Including getting cloths for her burning flesh. The sun was not kind to her. Her cheeks were red from the heat, her skin clammy. But somehow, she completely ignored it.

A look of interest colored her eyes, making him blink. Where did that look come from?

"Ca… Can I go see… See if I can get a clue for Sasuke?" He blinked again.

This girl… Was much different than he was thinking. She showed no sign of change. Not one. She was still intent of finding his brother. Never gave one thought to material items, and now she was looking for his permission to do something.

"Meet me where we landed." Her smile made his heart warm. Indeed, she was a good girl.


Zeelee-Vallen: ITAHINA! ITAHINA! I love this pairing so much. Either way, hope you liked.