Hello everyone. Yes, finally chapter 7 of this story. I know there's many of you that have been waiting for this. I am sorry it has taken this long, but various things in life, not to mention a touch of block have been getting in the way. Anyway, Shaak has met her daughter again, how will things go?

Shaak Ti's Secret: Chapter 7 – Mother and Daughter.

Pure Joy continued to race through Shaak's veins as she looked at her daughter who was now looking at her. Silently, Shaak thanked the Force for this gift, this precious gift. Up until now, Shaak had gone out of her way to keep her daughter secret and at distance, but that had all changed now. Every fibre of Shaak's body wanted to just run to Ahsoka and pull the young teenager into her arms; to comfort her, to help her, to be the mother she always should have been to her; Jedi Code be damned.

Shaak could both see and feel the pain in her daughter. Indeed, Ahsoka's emotions were all over the place and the Force around her was confused. Shaak was neither surprised nor perturbed by this. Indeed, Ahsoka had every right to be confused after what had happened to her. Shaak vowed that she would spend every second of her meditative retreat helping her daughter start again; if she could and if Ahsoka would let her.

If Ahsoka would let her? That really was the big question, wasn't it? In truth, Shaak was all too aware that she couldn't take that for granted. Indeed, the feelings from Ahsoka she was sensing at that moment were far from welcoming; not that Shaak blamed her.

"Master Ti," Ahsoka replied. Her blue eyes widened slightly at the sight of the elder Togrutan master and her response was automatic and slightly forced. Of course, Ahsoka was far from annoyed over the appearance of a Jedi Master, but by the same token, she would have preferred to have avoided one as well; especially a council member. However, even though she was doing her best not to bother too much with the Force, the feelings radiating off the Jedi Master were strange and puzzling to Ahsoka. The young Togrutan could clearly sense affection from the elder woman; not something that was usually associated with Shaak Ti. The other thing that puzzled Ahsoka was the obvious question; what was the elder Togruta doing here?

Try as she might, Shaak couldn't stop the small number of tears that appeared in her eyes as she threw herself down next to her daughter. She was desperate to take away all her daughter's pain and tell her that everything would be alright. Despite her best efforts, she just couldn't keep up her usual calm demeanour. Her voice was filled with emotion and motherly love as she uttered, "You don't know how glad and relieved I am to see you, Ahsoka."

Despite her anger and confusion, Ahsoka couldn't help a slight smile. It was rare to hear that kind of thing from a Master; especially Shaak Ti, and it was kind of nice. Nevertheless, it still didn't make her feel that much better and neither did she really want to be dragged back to the order; which is what Shaak was most likely here for, in Ahsoka's opinion.

"Master, it is good to see you," Ahsoka began, "but what are you doing on Shili? Do you have a mission here, or something?"

Shaak looked down and shook her head. Despite her glee at finding her daughter again, she had to remind herself that Ahsoka had no idea of the link between them and in truth, Shaak understood Ahsoka would probably not respond too well to the news. Nevertheless, her daughter deserved to know the truth. "N..…. no. Actually, I'm here on meditative retreat."

"Meditative Retreat? Why?" Ahsoka was puzzled. She could tell the older women was disturbed, but it made no sense to her. Shaak was never usually like this.

Shaak closed her eyes; the time of truth had come. "When I heard that you had left, I…I broke down. Master Yoda ordered me on retreat."

Ahsoka's eyes widened. Shaak Ti had broken down because of her leaving? Ahsoka was stunned. Not only was it completely against the code to care for others like that, but it was completely against Shaak Ti's character. Ahsoka might have expected that response from Anakin, but from Shaak? Shaak Ti was just too serene to ever behave like this and yet here she was. Ahsoka's own feelings confirmed that Shaak was a broken woman; perhaps even more broken than herself and that was saying something. "Because I left?" She stuttered in reply.

Shaak looked down and more tears appeared on her face. She was desperately searching for a way to tell Ahsoka, but all words abandoned her. Just how do you tell a teenager that you were the mother that she never knew? Shaak had no answer to that question and she understood telling Ahsoka straight up that she was her mother could potentially do more damage than good. ''Why... o why in the name of the Force is it so hard to explain?'' she mumbled desperately to herself. Nevertheless, Shaak knew she had to go through with it. Ahsoka did deserve to know the truth, besides, Shaak did have that Datapad with her that Yoda gave her. She briefly wondered if Yoda was aware that this was going to happen.

Shaak looked back up. It was now or never. As difficult as this was going to be Shaak wanted…no…needed to do this. Taking a risk, she lightly put her hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. It was more to fully convince herself that this was real than anything, but it did offer Ahsoka a bit of comfort. At least, Shaak hoped it did. Thinking for a second, Shaak found a way to start, "Ahsoka, do you know anything about your family?"

Ahsoka frowned. She had no idea how this was an answer to her question, but she decided to say nothing. It was becoming obvious to her that there was something bothering the master. She decided to play along and see where this was going. "Only that my father was killed just before Master Plo took me to the temple. I know nothing of my mother."

Shaak closed her eyes and nodded. She couldn't help the wave of shame that she felt. This should have been so very different; Shaak knew it. "Yes, I know," she breathed in reply. "You don't know because it….it would have ended my membership of the order. It probably still will."

"Master?" Ahsoka questioned. She had no idea where this was going now. What Shaak Ti was saying now was confusing.

Shaak gave a few deep breaths. "To answer your question. It hit me so hard because…because I am actually your mother." There, she'd done it. Fear spread through her as she waited for Ahsoka's reply.

Ahsoka blinked her eyes rapidly; Wait…...what? What the what? Did Shaak just say that she was her mother? That is certainly what it sounded like to Ahsoka, but really? That couldn't be true. It simply wasn't possible. "My….my…..m….mother? No, that's not true; it can't be. What about the code? You…..…..my mother…" Ahsoka closed her eyes. No, this was not right. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Ahsoka screamed.

Shaak panicked slightly. Of course, Ahsoka wouldn't believe her. Why would she? After all, Shaak had followed the code completely as far as everyone knew. That fact that Shaak hadn't been the rigid Jedi everyone thought would be a surprise. "It's true, Ahsoka, I swear on the Force."

"No, I would have known." Ahsoka cried. "The Force would have told me. I…I don't want to hear this." Ahsoka started to get up to leave. She wanted to get away; she wasn't sure where. Anywhere would be better than here now.

Shaak grabbed hold of her daughter's hand in panic. She would not allow Ahsoka to run off; she wouldn't. "Please. It is true. I fell pregnant with you whilst I was training my first Padawan here on Shili. Your father, Pash Tano, saved me from an Akul. I…..I loved him."

"YOU'RE LYING." Ahsoka screamed. "Is that what the Jedi council are sinking to, now? Lying to draw me back."

Tears started to stream down Shaak's face. She was losing her daughter again. Wait; the datapad. It was her last chance. "I can prove it to you Ahsoka; if that is what you wish."

Ahsoka slumped back down; proof? There was proof of this? How could that possibly be? As much as she knew that Shaak was lying, Ahsoka had to admit, she was intrigued. "What proof?"

A hint of relief filled Shaak as she picked the datapad from her belt where she had kept it. She hoped that this would do it. She switched it on and presented it to Ahsoka. "Just before I confessed to the council, Master Yoda insisted on a genetic test to confirm my story. The Halls of Healing still have a sample of your blood on file. Master Yoda asked for it to be compared to mine. The results of that test are on that pad."

Ahsoka took the pad in her hand and looked at it sceptically. Despite what Shaak Ti had said, she still wasn't too convinced that this was genuine. Nevertheless, she noticed the results file on screen and opened it. Her eyes widened at the result.


Ahsoka stared at the screen for several seconds. The proof was in front of her on screen. No matter what she believed, Shaak Ti was her mother. She closed her eyes as the impact of the news hit her. All this time; all this time her own mother was in the very same temple as she was. Questions flooded into Ahsoka's mind. How hadn't she known? Why hadn't she been told? All these years she had wondered about her mother and nobody had said a word. Yes, she had been a Jedi and not supposed to have a family, but now she wasn't a Jedi and she had set out to find her mother and all these years…..Anger started to flare within her. She knew she shouldn't be angry. She had just found her mother, after all, but she just couldn't help it. "SEVENTEEN YEARS!" She suddenly screamed.

Shaak recoiled in shock and panic. "Ahsoka?" She asked in panic.

Ahsoka closed her eyes to calm herself slightly, but she couldn't hide the fact that she was angry. Yes, she knew she shouldn't be, but she just couldn't help it. Why hadn't she been told? "You've been keeping this secret for seventeen years? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't tell you," was Shaak's quick reply. Even as she said it, she knew it wasn't the best. However, she would have to run with it now. "If I had, I…...I would have burdened you with the attachments which burdened me. I couldn't allow that. I had to see you succeed in the Order."

"Attachments!" Ahsoka screamed. "You're telling me about attachments? Unless my knowledge of the biology of our people is seriously wrong, it would have been your attachment to my father that produced me!"

Shaak again closed her eyes. She had no argument to her daughter's accusation. She was a hypocrite. "I know, I was…...am a fool, my daughter. I should have left the Order. I should have been a mother to you."

"A bit late for that," Ahsoka hissed. She really didn't know what to say or think. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions; most of which, she couldn't even determine. Combined with the ordeal she had just been through, Ahsoka had no idea how she was going to respond. That thought reminded Ahsoka of something and a flash spark of anger went through her. "And what about my trial? If you were my mother, surely you could have done something. The council wouldn't listen to me, but they would you. Why?"

Shaak gave a deep breath. Her daughter's question tore through her heart. It was the same question she had asked herself time and time again, but now, she had no idea how she was going to break it to Ahsoka. "Yes, I knew you were innocent, Ahsoka. My feelings had told me, but I couldn't say anything. For some…"

Ahsoka immediately cut her mother off. The anger she felt was intolerable. In fact, Ahsoka knew she was so angry, she was in danger of falling into darkness but at that moment she didn't care. "YOU KNEW I WAS INNOCENT?" Ahsoka let off a violent scream; her anger radiating off her like ripples in a pond. "You could have helped me but you didn't. I have to accept that you gave birth to me, Master, but you are NOT MY MOTHER." Ahsoka spat her words out like a repeating blaster on overload. After she finished, her breaths came in pants; her chest heaving with the exertion.

Shaak's emotions broke. She placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders and begged to the Force that things would work out. "I know you hate me, Ahsoka. By the Force, you have every right to hate me. I'm not even going to lecture you about anger and hate. Just please, Ahsoka….." Shaak dropped her head and prayed, "…forgive me. I've been destroyed by this as well. Please let me help you."

Ahsoka swung her arms out violently and broke out of her mother's grasp. Her mind was awash with pain, despair and anger. She knew she had to get away; she would end up like Barriss if she didn't. "NO!" she exclaimed, "I can't forgive you. You and the other masters have destroyed my life."

"Ahsoka please….."

"No. You're no different to Windu." Ahsoka gave a few deep breaths. "I HATE YOU!" She screamed before she turned and fled. In truth, Ahsoka had no idea where she was going or why, but she didn't care; she just had to get away.

Shaak slid down the wall and exploded into tears as she watched her daughter run off into the distance. The pain from rejection merged with all her other emotions; each one multiplying the others to the point that she could no longer function. As her body met with the floor, all Shaak could do was cry; she had lost her daughter completely.


Master Yoda was troubled. He had been meditating for the last hour, but the flare in the Force had disturbed him to his core. This time, it hadn't taken him too long to determine where the flare had come from. Indeed, in many ways, he had half expected it. "Hmmmm, met they have. Pain; such pain," he mumbled to himself.

Despite the fact that he had expected the first meeting between Ahsoka and her mother not to go that well, the intensity of the emotions flooding through the Force was so strong, so damaging, that he could sense them clearly all the way from Coruscant, and he had to recoil. The fact disturbed him and what made it worse was that he still did not have any idea what the final outcome would be. The only thing he did sort of know, was that things were likely to get worse before they improved; if they improved.

For the first time in his very long life, Yoda found himself wondering if the Force had misled him. As a Jedi Master, his entire life had been following the will of the Force wherever it led and it had now led him to even question his own beliefs in one of the fundamental tenets of the Jedi Code; that of no attachments. Now he wondered if everything had been truly for nothing. No, he could not accept that. The Force had never lied to him. Been silent and clouded, maybe, but never lying. The ancient master sighed and his ears dropped. All he could do was continue his side of the plan and wait until the two months were up.

"Enter you may," Master Yoda suddenly spoke as he opened his eyes. He had sensed the other approaching master the instant he approached Yoda's door. Yoda was in fact, relieved. His ongoing attempts to determine the way forward had, in truth, been driving him sheer crazy and Master Yoda was glad of the change of focus; not to mention that he need to speak to Master Kenobi anyway.

The door into Yoda's quarters opened and Master Kenobi cautiously ambled in. Obi-Wan had been debating with himself the whole day about whether to approach the grandmaster, but he eventually decided that Yoda's strange decisions recently needed looking into and he also needed to do something about Anakin. Obi-Wan hoped the grandmaster had a few ideas about that. "I'm glad you can see me, master."

"Hmmm, pleased I am that you are here. Wanted to speak to you, I did."

Yoda's statement stopped Obi-Wan in his tracks for a moment. In general, he did not believe in coincidences but this was pretty unusual. Mind you, on the other hand, Yoda was Yoda. He always did have a knack for knowing what you needed before you even got there. Obi-Wan concluded that it must have something to do with it. Nevertheless, Obi-wan suspected that Master Yoda wanted to say something, so he held off his own question and waited.

Master Yoda stumbled to his feet and inched towards Obi-Wan, tapping his gimer stick as he went. "Yes, Hmmm, a problem we have. Lost faith in us, your former Padawan has."

Obi-Wan was not surprised. Indeed, he had noticed such himself and it was part of what he wanted to discus with Master Yoda anyway. "Anakin? Yes. I believe the loss of Ahsoka has hit him harder than he'll admit."

Master Yoda sat back down in front of Obi-Wan, dropped his head and closed his eyes. "More than that it is. Grave errors we have made with him. Grave errors I have made. The final straw, young Tano leaving was. With Shaak Ti our hopes are."

Obi-Wan Joined Master Yoda on the floor and raised an eyebrow. Okay, Shaak Ti was Ahsoka's mother, but what did that have to do with this? "Master?" he asked.

Yoda chuckled. It was obvious to him that Obi-Wan had noticed something odd in Yoda's own behaviour since he was here, but it appeared he hadn't fully worked out what. "A plan in action, there is. Know the outcome of it, I do not. Trust in the Force, we must otherwise, lost we are." Yoda closed his eyes again and his whole being dropped. He hated being this uncertain of things but his view of the future and of the outcome was non-existent. "Too late anyway, I may be." His voice dropped off until it was barely audible.

Obi-Wan nodded; he was right then. Master Yoda had been up to something. That explained why he had gone out of his way to keep Shaak from being expelled. His eyes widened as he put things together; surely Master Yoda hadn't done what he thought he had. "You've sent Shaak Ti after her daughter, master, haven't you?"

Yoda looked back up. "Sent? No, not sent. Seen to their meeting the Force already has. Merely following a plan, I am."

"But why, master?"

Yoda regarded Obi-Wan's question for a moment and he mused how much to tell. True, he did want Obi-Wan to come around to the new reality, but could he risk it? "Tell me, Obi-Wan, your view on attachments."

"Attachments?" Obi-Wan questioned. That was certainly straight out of left field. Where was Master Yoda going with this? "A Jedi must put aside attachments to keep focus on what is important. To do otherwise is to lose the big picture."

"Huh, very Jedi like that is, Obi-Wan." Master Yoda again chuckled; more at himself than anything. It was from here that things would perhaps get a bit risky. "Forgotten the bonds we all have."

Obi-Wan was taken aback; bonds? "Bonds, master?"

"Bonds, yes." Master Yoda raised his arms and gestured all around himself. "All around us they are. The bond between a master and apprentice, the bonds between friends, lovers even and the bond between a mother and daughter. True in the force they all are. Forgotten that we have. Forgotten that, you have or forgotten Qui-Gon, have you, hmm?" He chuckled again before he sobered himself. "Forgotten this, we all have. Now, paying for that we are."

Obi-Wan's eyes dropped as he caught the gist of what Master Yoda was talking about. "Did we forget about Anakin's bond to Ahsoka, master? He knew she was innocent all along."

"Yes, forget it we did. Also, remember Shaak, knew her daughter was innocent as well, she did." He shook his head. "Haunting her now, that is. Easy their reunion wasn't. Hope now, we must; the Force's plan, this was."

"I hope for Anakin's sake that the plan works." Obi-Wan returned. He had never been one to trust to luck. In reality, he had never been one to just trust in the Force either. He smiled in amusement slightly as he remembered the arguments with Qui-Gon over the matter. However, in the current situation, there was really nothing to do. Or was there? "I wish, I could help Anakin."

Yoda looked up. The time had come to discuss what he wanted Obi-Wan for and Obi-Wan's question was the perfect lead in. "Help, yes. Help you must. Losing himself slowly young Skywalker is. A secret he is keeping."

"A secret?" Obi-Wan asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, a second attachment in the boy, there is. Seen him sneak out the temple I did." Master Yoda looked up. "Suspect he has a woman, I do."

Obi-Wan recoiled. No, it can't be. Wait, on second thoughts, since when had Anakin ever followed rules? "A woman master? Are you certain?"

Yoda shook his head, "No, certain I am not, but strong the indication is. However, know the identity of the woman, I do not."

Obi-Wan gave a deep breath. If this was true, there was only one woman that Obi-Wan knew Anakin was interested in. "Senator Padmé Amidala. Anakin has always had feelings for her, master. I can't believe he has thrown everything away."

"Worry, you should not," Yoda quickly added. "Intend to tell the other council members, I do not. With Skywalker losing faith, stupid it would be to get him expelled, no?"

"Then what should we do?" Obi-Wan asked in panic. He suddenly felt sick. He would not let Anakin be expelled; he wouldn't. Not after Ahsoka and Shaak.

"Watch, you should, Obi-Wan. Confirm the relationship between young Skywalker and the Senator, and then help them. Let him be expelled, I will not. If work my plan does, then changes required will be."

Obi-Wan was very relieved at Yoda's intentions even if the approach to attachments was different than what he had been brought up. Nevertheless, he had to ask a question he didn't really want to know the answer to. "What if the plan doesn't work?"

"Then lost we all are."


"I hate you," she had screamed. That was all Ahsoka could think of as she trudged through the grasslands outside of Corvala and Ahsoka had to ask herself, did she really hate Shaak Ti? No, not really; how could she? Try as she could not to think about it, she had to accept that Shaak was her mother. Her mother; the very reason that Ahsoka had come to Shili was an attempt to find her mother who had to still be out there somewhere. Little had Ahsoka known that her mother had been with her in the Jedi Temple the whole time.

If she was honest, that left Ahsoka with more than one problem. Not only was she angry with her mother, but she now had no real reason to be on Shili. The family member she had been looking for wouldn't be on Shili very long now. What was she to do now?

Ahsoka sighed and looked around. With the darkness of the night, she couldn't see much and she had no idea where she was going; she just had to leave that situation and she hadn't given any thought into where she was running. She closed her eyes and tried to stretch out into the Force. As upset as she was, she couldn't sense as usual, but as far as she could tell, everything was fine, but it still left her the question of what next.

The more she thought about it, the more confused Ahsoka became over the situation. Literally every shred of what she had believed, of what she had been, had been stripped away from her and Ahsoka had no idea what to do about it. In many ways, she found herself more lost here on Shili than she had been the one night she had slept rough on Coruscant. Of course, the revelation about her mother was one of the main reasons for that.

Now she had calmed down, Ahsoka did start to regret the way she had screamed at Shaak, but there was nothing she could do about it now and it didn't alter the fact that she still felt betrayed in all senses of the word.

With the night starting to drag on, Ahsoka did start to consider her plan for the night. She had no doubt that with the way things were, she would have to spend the night on the grass lands somewhere. It was a prospect that was, admittedly, slightly terrifying but also slightly freeing at the same time. She did realise that trying to find some concealment at the very least, was probably a very good idea.

She headed to the fringes of the current patches of grasses. A few clumps of tress rose out of the grass and stretching into the darkening sky. Although not that much was visible in the fading light, she could see that the trees were the sporadic edges of a forest; one of the many that dot the endless grasslands that covered much of Shili.

At least the forest did give her some hint of cover once she got herself into it. Thinking over, the young Togruta started to make her way into the forest when a loud growl erupted behind her. Ahsoka froze as alarms flared in the Force; something was here.

Slowly she turned around and her heart sank; there wasn't just one thing here, there were four. Instinctively, she reached down for her lightsabres only to find nothing there. As the four angry creatures closed in, Ahsoka realised she was unarmed and out-numbered. Sinking into her combat stance she readied herself knowing it was unlikely she would get out of this. With a final roar, the first akul leapt…


Shaak couldn't help but whimper as the speeder sped along. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape the pain from earlier. There was no way to ignore the truth, her daughter had rejected her and in the worse way possible. In a way, though, every cell of Shaak's body knew that she had deserved the rejection and Force, Ahsoka had every right to hate her after what had happened. Shaak would never forgive herself.

Shaak knew at that instant that she would never be stable again. Although she had two months, she knew that she would not be stable to stay in the order therefore, she resigned herself to staying on Shili. After all, without Ahsoka, she had no reason to really care anymore anyway.

Shaak closed her eyes and sighed as a fresh wave of pain washed over her. It was a good job she was in a speeder, she reasoned. In the state of mind, she was in, she would be prime prey for the many akuls that would be around at that moment. It was at that instant that she felt it.

"NOOO!" she screamed as the Force blasted out a warning. "Ahsoka!"

Not even thinking for a second, Shaak threw the speeder into a hard-right-hand turn as she focused on the waves of pain and terror flowing from her daughter. Yes, Ahsoka hated her. Yes, Ahsoka had run off, but there was no way Shaak was going to give up on her daughter.

She pushed the throttle as wide open as the speeder could manage, cursing for a second that the craft available on Shili did tend to be a bit below par. Following the warning in the Force, Shaak blasted across the open grasslands towards a small forest area that she could see form the air. As soon as she entered the outskirts of the forest, Shaak's breath recoiled as she witnessed the scene.

Shaak didn't even think for a second as she screeched the speeder to a halt. Her blue lightsabre was lit as soon as she hit the floor. Somehow, two Akuls were dead already; quite how Ahsoka had managed that Shaak had no idea, and a third was whimpering a little way off, but it was the sight of Ahsoka lying unconscious in a pool of blood that really stabbed Shaak in the heart as was the remaining akul closing in for the kill.

Not even think about Jedi way for a second, Shaak leapt at the akul and single swipe of her lightsabre dismembered the attacking creature. Sheathing her sabre, Shaak ran to her daughter, tears dripping out her eyes. Ahsoka looked lifeless with a claw wound across her chest and Shaak couldn't help but fear the worst as she collapsed beside her daughter.

Full of fear, she pressed two fingers against Ahsoka's neck. Tears of relief swept through her as she felt her daughter's pulse. Somehow, Ahsoka was still alive but Shaak knew she didn't have long.

Ignoring the blood, she was getting everywhere, Shaak scooped Ahsoka up in her arms and leapt straight back into the speeder. Fortunately, Corvala was still very close. "I promise, I won't put you second again, Ahsoka. I will be the mother I should have always been, but please, on the gods of Shili I beg you, don't leave me. Please stay with me."

Well, finally, this chapter is done. I am very sorry for the length of time it took and for the slight cliff-hanger this chapter ended with. Please, don't shoot me, the cliff-hanger was essential for the story. Also, I know people are going to ask why I didn't show the fight between Ahsoka and the akuls. Well, there are several reasons for that but the main one, not giving too much away, is that the story of what happened will be important later when mother and daughter start to get on better.

Anyway, in the next chapter, Ahsoka and Shaak will have made it to a medical centre, but how will Ahsoka be? Obi-Wan also tries to find out exactly what is happening between Anakin and Padmé.

I will try to be much faster with my updates now and I will start on the next chapter of The Order Redeems very shortly.