1 day , in tokyo , godzilla is on a rampage , when a time portal opens , and a mysterious being floats through , revealing itself to be mr. vile , master of future earth , and the ultimate expression of human evolution , who reveals that in the early path of the 21st century , the human race suffered a cataclysm of such shattering smoag , that all life on the surface was utterly annihalated , and that the only 1s who survived had gone deep underground , and they would 1 day return to the surface world , and reclaim it for the new master race , then he reveals that he has come to achieve the perfect life , a secret to regeneration , a secret godzilla posesses , then he tells godzilla that he will submit to his demands or face absolute annihalation , "prepare yourself godzilla , prepeare yourself , for genocide" he says , then he reveals that he has opened a small time portal , in order to send godzilla a little present , as a gesture of his "goodwill" , he then reveals that it will drain goji of his vitalities , so that mr. vile can study and understand the very stuff of godzilla's life , regenerator g1 , and that all his useless parts , like the brain will be removed , leaving the configuration designed for maximum battle lust satisfaction , "behold , i give to you , the perfectly concieved and evolved satisfier , the regenegator" mr. vile says as he leaves the area so that godzilla and the regenegator can begin their battle , the regenegator appears , and it looks like a giant , upright , muscular crocodile , and the battle begins , godzilla wins , but not without suffering damage , as mr. vile had anticipated , and mr. vile returns , and reveals that he has studied godzilla's blood , and says that godzilla's regenerator g1 is the only missing element he requires to give him the regenerative capabilities he craves , and then he goes on to tell godzilla "the vice concentration of regenerator g1 in the universe is located in those radioactive spikes of yours , and it will be mine , meet yet another of my vile creations , 1 that has traveled through time to suck off your spikes , the hiltagin" , the hiltagin appears , and appears to be a mutant bull-monkey-scorpion hybrid creature , and the battle begins , the creature goes behind godzilla , going after his spikes , but godzilla charges up his heat ray and fires it at the monster's face , the monster fights back , jabbing at godzilla's lower torso , and attempting to charge at godzilla , but godzilla grabs the beast by the horns and yanks it's head off , killing it , then mr. vile appears again , this time larger , and more muscle-bound , and says "FOOL , again , it is i , mr. vile , and you have plenty to reckon into design of the perfect plan , i have harnessed the relentless regenerator g1 , and started the endless death of your so-called rampage , i have managed to travel right through time , with my entire perfect form , and plan , to destroy you and your moronic fans once and for all , and with your death , i shall have the secret to regeneration , prepare for your doom , at the hands of mr. vile" , then the battle begins , godzilla is overpowered , and is nearing defeat , but as mr. vile prepares to finish him off , godzilla charges up his spiral heat ray , and fires it at mr. vile , vaporizing him once and for all , "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !" he says as he is vaporized , godzilla rises up , and returns to the sea , walking off into the sunset