Here comes the Epilogue chapter for A New Sayian. Hope you guys enjoy in this one. Like I said in the summery, the story will come sometime mid-February

Hope to see you then…

Epilogue: the continuing battle- a new villain arises

3 years later…

Unknown POV

I'll never forget what those Sayians have done to my family. Too bad their existence or should I say Son Goku's existence will be removed forever and nothing will get in my way.

That man will pay for ratting out my family to the officials who wanted my family dead. Thanks to him my mother died and I watched as the life faded from my father's eyes

Soon he would pay and with the life of his Niece I will have it.

Evil Goma's POV

I'll never forget what Dr. Zager told me when I came to him after leaving my good half at the battle field. He told me I wasn't even supposed to exist. That I was of no used to him unless me and my good half were whole again.

That "Turles" couldn't be revived without her. I didn't even know who Turles was. Was he the man that Goma told me before sending me away from the battle?

"Leave! I don't care if you get away. Go find Dr. Zager and let Father come back! I don't care."

Was Turles the name of her Father? Who was he to me then? I have no memories of him; the last thing I ever could remember was the image of Trunks when Goma had first crash landed on this planet.

Soon Dr. Zager would get what's coming to him… soon I will make him pay for ever even creating me just to get my good half. For ever saying that I never was supposed to exist.

Goma's POV

I'll never forget the day that Trunks rescued me from crashing into the earth especially because I was so close to death's door already at that point the crash would've been a sure impact of death if he hadn't cushioned it by slowing me down.

I have a feeling that my counterpart will come back one day but I'm not worried about her or Zager. I think something even worst will come. I just hope it's just my imagination.

Then my fears came true just a few days ago.

I was training with Trunks who was going to easy on me. He sent a blast at me suddenly my vision blurred and in front of my eyes were the vision of a being jumping off a ship and lowering itself to earth.

I saw it land on earth but the person I'd thought I would never see nearby is evil Goma. I could hear them talking.

"Who are you?" I could hear the alien say, it was a female. "Darkura that is my name. What should I call you?" Darkura said. But wait! That was evil Goma's voice though, but she sounds more human like than when I first saw her.

"Coumilla. I am Coumilla."

"Goma!" I blinked my eyes, Trunks' eyes widen with shock. I was lying on the ground. "What happened?" I asked him he pointed at my hip. I had a burn from the blast.

"Oh. Looks like a vision hit me at the wrong time." I chuckled. Trunks frowned at my laughter but hugged me. "You ok though?" he smiled.

"I'm fine, Trunks-kun~" I blushed when he lifted me bridal style just to take me back to the house. "We need to prepare. An alien is coming." I whispered in his ear.

"When?" Trunks' eyes furrowed in anger. "2 years from now. We have to prepare everyone in case she brings a threat. Plus Evil Goma will be there. She proclaims herself to be known as someone else entirely."

Trunks didn't worry as he took to the sky flying us back to my Uncle's house.

We have to wait and see what would happen. I just hope nothing goes wrong…

Well guys this is the end of this rope…

Just kidding I hope I get the prologue for the sequel worked on I also haven't decided on the title for the new sequel and might need recommendation for a title idea cause I'm confused on how this would go.

Anyway just sit tight everyone the sequel will come soon I'll still have time to work on:

Mark of the Lunar Moon: A Fairy Tail story

The Mysterious Cat: a Dbz story

Forget me not which I'm working on the next chapter now and will have help coming over the following weekend to help me work it out

A Switch up-Mix Up: a DBZ/Fairy tail crossover

I need help with:

Can't say I'm in love

And I still need people to request to adopt my stories:

Fairies in Wonderland

Fairy Bleach

Please stay tuned for the next story and chapter updates and please review this if you enjoyed the little hints for the next story and hopefully I will see you guys soon~