Stuck In The Middle

Epilogue – Ten Years Gone

Disclaimer – I don't own anything having to do with T7S or Led Zeppelin's "Ten Year Gone". Started the story with a Zep song, gotta end with one too! Enjoy

Then as it was, then again it will be

An' though the course may change sometimes

Rivers always reach the sea

August, 1989

Steve Hyde stirred in his sleep. He rolled over to reach out for his wife, only to find she wasn't lying in bed with him. He opened his eyes to see the blankets had been pushed aside on her side of the king size bed they shared. He figured the twins had woken up, and she was taking care of them. He stretched his arms and legs, getting ready to get up and help her out.

It had been ten years since the incident in Chicago. Ten years since he crashed his car and fell into a coma, and was guided by his guardian, David Brown. Ten years since he helped him see the light, and he woke up from his coma saying Jackie's name.

Shortly after he was out of the hospital, he made a promise to himself that he would start to let his walls down around Jackie, and show her his heart, as David had stated he should do. He gave Jackie the gift he had driven all the way to Chicago to give to Jackie. It was a promise ring. He couldn't afford an engagement ring, so it was the next best step. It was enough for Jackie, who squealed with happiness.

She started classes at the Point Place Community College, and within a year she joined Eric and Donna at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. She found a passion for business along the way, and found herself interning fir W.B. at Grooves, and finally working for him.

She finally got her engagement ring before starting classes in 1980. They were finally married in July of 1982.

Blind stars of fortune, each have separate ways

On the wings of maybe, downy birds of prey

Kind of makes me feel sometimes, didn't have to go

But as the eagle leaves the nest, it's got so far to go

He was about to get up when he heard the door to his room open slowly. Then he heard a tiny voice speak up.

"Daddy?" It asked. Hyde smiled. It was his oldest daughter, five year old Caitlyn. "Daddy, are you awake?" She asked again.

Hyde couldn't help the smile that formed over his lips, the smile he always had on his face when his kids were around. His kids had made him soft.

"Yea sweetie pie, I'm awake," he answered his daughter.

"Can I come in the bed with you?" She innocently asked.

"Of course sweetheart," he answered her.

The next thing he knew, his daughter flew up into the bed with him, and he found himself caught in a tangled mess of dark curly hair as she snuggled up next to her father. He then heard another voice at the door to his room.

"Daaaaad!" The voice whined. "I'm hungry!" It whined again.

Hyde propped himself up on his arms, to smile at his oldest son, six year old David. He had been born in June of 1983, most likely conceived on the honeymoon. As soon as the doctors announced it was a boy, Hyde asked Jackie if he could name him. Jackie smiled and said yes. He told her that he wanted to name him David. Jackie scrunched her face in confusion, not understanding the name choice, and voicing her dislike for the name. He told her that when he was in his coma, someone by the name of David helped him find his way back to her. It was enough for Jackie to agree to the name. She even found a nickname she liked for him, and only she called him, Davey. Hyde swore that sometimes when David smiled, he could see his guardian in his smile.

Sometimes when he dreamed, he would see David Brown. It was usually before a major decision, or an important event in his life. He was always there, helping him figure out the right path. He wasn't sure if he was real, or if it was his subconscious making it all up. Regardless, he was happy for the guidance from David Brown every now and then.

Changes fill my time, baby, that's alright with me

In the midst I think of you, and how it used to be

"Hey David, why don't you come up here for a minute?" Hyde called out to his son, who was still standing in the door way. He watched as his son's curly dark head moved towards him. His son soon jumped on the bed, and crawled to the other side of his father. He was still at the age that he didn't mind cuddling with his parents, and both he and Jackie took total advantage of it.

"Where's your mom?" Hyde asked David.

"She's with Emily and John," David explained, referring to his twin two year old brother and sister. "They both woke up crying a little while ago, complaining about nightmares," David said.

"Ok. So if your mom is busy with your brother and sister, how about the three of us get up and make breakfast?" Hyde said to his two oldest children. "What should we make?"

"Pancakes!" David yelled.

"Waffles!" Caitlyn yelled.

Hyde laughed. "Ok, we can do both. Let's go!"

Did you ever really need somebody, and really need 'em bad

Did you ever really want somebody, the best love you ever had

Do you ever remember me, baby, did it feel so good

'Cause it was just the first time, and you knew you would

They were just about to get up and out of the bed, when Jackie walked into the room with a child on either side of her, holding their hands. She was breathing heavy.

"Steven, we have a situation here," Jackie said with nervousness in his voice.

"Is everything ok dollface?" He asked her.

"Well, it's just that, my water broke while I was with Emily and John in their room," she told him.

Hyde was up like a shot as soon as she said this. The fourth time around, and his heart still skipped a beat when she said her water broke. But it was early, they were supposed to have another three weeks before their fifth, and last child, was to make an appearance.

"But, we were supposed to have three weeks!" Hyde exclaimed.

"Well, guess what? We don't! Can you please call the Forman's, or Eric and Donna? Now!" Jackie said through gritted teeth. She wasn't very pleasant during her other three labors, he figured this time wouldn't be any different. He knew he had to do as she said.

"Awww, but I don't want another brother or sister," David whined. "I already have three! I don't want another!"

"Hey buddy," Hyde said as he kneeled down to his sons height. "You get to be a big brother again, which is pretty cool. Having a big, loving family is awesome. Your mom and I didn't have that growing up. You guys are lucky," he explained. David just shrugged his shoulders. At six years old, these things rolled off his shoulders easily.

Through the eyes an' I sparkle, senses growing keen

Taste your love along the way, see your feathers preen

Kind of makes, makes me feel sometimes, didn't have to grow

We are eagles of one nest, the nest is in our soul

Twelve hours later, Hyde was holding his newest daughter in his arms, all six pounds and six ounces of her. His fifth child, and the feeling of love at first sight didn't go away at the first glance. Each time, he didn't think it was possible to love another human being more than himself. But five times, he did. And each of those four births, he fell in love with his wife all over again. She really was an incredible woman.

"Hey Steven," Jackie called sleepily from her bed. "It's your turn. You get to name this one," she said.

Hyde smiled down at the little girl in his arms. "I was hoping you would say that," he said. "I already know what to name her," he said. "Darlene."

Jackie scoffed from her bed. "Darlene? Steven, I'm sorry, but you choose horrible names for our children," Jackie said.

"Hey, you ended up liking David! And Darlene is a Zeppelin song! It also means "tenderly loved" by the way," he explained.

Jackie sighed. "Ok fine. You redeemed yourself with the meaning. Can I hold Leeni then?" Jackie asked, already giving her daughter a nick name. Hyde handed the tiny bundle over to her mom.

"Hi baby girl, I'm your mommy," she cooed to the little girl. Hyde smiled down at his two girls. "Yea, and she's pretty incredible," he added on. Jackie smiled up at him.

Vixen in my dreams, with great surprise to me

Never thought I'd see your face the way it used to be

Oh darlin', oh darlin'

"Can you believe it Steven? Five kids," she said laughing.

"Yea, coming from the two kids who had no parents and no love growing up. At least we had a perfect example of how what kind of parents we didn't want to be one day," he said.

"True. But we also had a pretty good example of great parents and love form our surrogate parents," Jackie said with a smile. "We owe a lot to the Forman's," she said. Her face then got serious as she looked at her husband. "Thank you for taking your walls down ten year ago Steven, and letting me see you heart," she said with tears in her eyes. Hyde just kissed his beautiful wife, as they heard a knock on their door. Kitty poked her head in.

"Hey there mommy and daddy," she said followed by her signature laugh. "I have four of your kids here who want to meet their newest sister!"

"Come on in," Hyde said. Kitty the walked in, followed by Red with Emily and John, and finally David and Caitlyn.

"Guys, this is your new sister, Darlene," Hyde said.

"I call her Leeni though," Jackie piped up.

"Oh Steven, she's just beautiful!" Kitty exclaimed. "You and Jackie sure do make gorgeous babies," she said.

"Well, of course we do. I mean, look at us," Jackie said with a smirk.

Another head then popped in, a mop of red hair that was Donna Pinciotti-Forman. "Can the rest of us come in now? We've been dying to meet her. And I think the nurses are annoyed that we're taking up the whole waiting room," she said.

Jackie laughed. "Of course! Bring in the gaggle!" She said.

The door opened and Donna walked in with Eric and their eight year old son Ryan, and their two year old daughter Brittany. Kelso and Brooke followed next with their ten year old daughter Betsy, eight year old son Matthew, five year old daughter Kelsey, and their own set of two year old twins Jennifer and James. The last to pour in were Fez and Caroline with their six year old, almost seven year old, daughter Julie, five year old daughter Tiffany, and two year old son Jack. Everyone walked over to fawn over Jackie and Darlene.

Hyde looked around with a grin on his face, as his daughter Caitlyn climbed into his lap. He couldn't believe the amount of people he had in his life that truly loved and cared for him, after the way his first sixteen years of his life went. He was so thankful and fortunate for the Forman's for taking him in all those years ago. He was also thankful for Jackie taking a chance on him when they were teenagers. He wouldn't have the life he did if it wasn't for that incredible woman.

He also owed a lot to a guardian named David Brown. If it wasn't for his guidance ten years ago, he wouldn't be in that hospital room right now with a wife and five kids. He owed everything over the last ten years to him.

He knew that somewhere, out there, David was looking down at the scene with his wings on his back and a smile on his face.

I'm never gonna leave you, I never gonna leave you

Holdin' on, ten years gone

Ten years gone, holdin' on, ten years gone