Nasch's Refusal

- A Waltz -

Scene: A ball at the palace of the United Kingdoms of the Poseidon Ocean. Prince Vector is chatting amicably with Princess Merag in a corner of the ballroom. Nasch spots them, then storms up to the couple and pulls Vector away into a side room.

Vector: Is there something you'd like to say to me, Nasch?

Nasch: Yes…

*cue music*

You stay away from my sister;
I do hope that you understand.
I know that you fancy my sister,
but Merag does not need a man.

I've seen the way you look at my sister,
and I think that it should be said:
if I catch you ogling my sister,
I'll rip your eyeballs out of your head.

Vector: …isn't that just a little harsh?

Nasch: Harsh? You think that's harsh?!

If you hurt my sister
I'm telling you, mister
I'll break both your kneecaps
and then you'll be sorry!

If I see you near her
I'll teach you to fear, sir!
If you make her cry I will
rip your knavish heart out of your chest with my bare hands, throw it on the floor and stomp on it until you DIE!

Vector: …

Nasch: I mean it.

Vector: You know, she's probably not thrilled with you chasing away suitors like this.

Nasch: That's none of your business!

Vector: *chuckles* You're going to have to give her away sometime.

Nasch: …I know.

One day, a man will marry my sister,
I must confess it is true.
But the man who marries my sister
will definitely NOT be you.

The man who marries my sister
will give her all that he can give.
But you stay away from my sister…
…if you want to live.

Vector: ...

Nasch: I believe I've made myself clear. *stalks off*

Vector: ... I am SO gonna attack this country.

- FIN -

Author's Note: I'm not really sure why I wrote this... it just kinda popped into my head. I can totally see Nasch being like the crazy dad (brother) that sits out on the porch with a shotgun to keep boyfriends away from Merag. Also I like Gorgonicshipping. 'Nuff said.

Although I also like Holyiceshipping, so you can imagine the other "man" to be Durbe if you want. ;)