Okay, so I've been re-watching One Tree Hill a lot over the last couple of months. I just really miss getting a regular fix of my Naley so I tend to binge watch episodes any chance I can get. One of the things that I have been noting as I watch the seasons are certain conversations and things that I wish would have been addressed on screen between the characters. So as I've watched I've been writing them down and decided to write what I would have liked to have seen. There's no particular order. I try to stick to canon and fit these them in the time frames of the episodes as best I can, but as we all know keeping up with the OTH timeline can be tricky sometimes. I'll be writing these as they come to mind so they tend to be quick and short. Also, if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. Keep in mind I'm only focusing on Nathan and Haley be it scenes of them together or separately with other people. Hope you enjoy.

Title: Start Spreading The News

Season: 4

Episode: After the episode I Love You but I've Chosen Darkness

Summary: Haley and Nathan call her parents to announce her pregnancy.

It had been a couple days since the press conference. Nathan and Haley relaxed in their apartment dealing with the shock of impending parenthood. After Nathan returned home from the press conference the couple made love and as they lay together afterwards, discussed how Haley had come to know about being pregnant and how they would handle it. The next day the two of them sat comfortably on their living room couch after watching one of Haley's favorite movies. Haley nervously bit her lower lip as she listened to Nathan's suggestion.

"They're going to find out sooner or later Haley."

"Yeah, but does it really have to be now? Can't we just wait a while?"

"How long is a while?"

"I don't know. When they visit us next?"

"The baby will probably be born by then. I can't imagine that going over well. 'Hey, it's been awhile. We missed you. By the way you have a grandchild now.' We shouldn't put it off. Especially when all of Tree Hill knows about it by now."

"Ugh. I'm not ready."

"Hales, since when are you okay with procrastinating?" Nathan laughed.

"I'm not. I just know they're not going to be happy with me. I'm supposed to be their responsible child. Now here I am married and pregnant all before my High School graduation."

"At least we can take comfort in the fact that you got pregnant while married." Nathan tried to comfort her. "No out-of-wedlock babies here."

"That does not help. Did you know they actually talked to me about this? They told me while they were okay with letting us get married they didn't want to hear about babies until after college. Now I get to disappoint them."

"Yeah, your Dad warned me about that too." Nathan shuddered remembering Jimmy's stern look after the reception Lucas threw for them. He had mentioned it in comical manner before in front of Lydia and Deb, but once they were going to say goodnight he pulled him aside and told him how serious he was about them waiting. Not that they were in any hurry to have babies in the first place. "Hales, look things happen. It's not like we planned this. They'll understand. These are your parents we're talking about. When have they ever not been supportive of you?"

"Never." Haley pouted.

"And don't you think I should be the one less likely to want to tell them? I'm the one that got you pregnant. I'm sure your dad is going to want to castrate me."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Let's just get it over with. Better us calling and telling them than someone else spilling the beans. I mean your mom and Marion still speak regularly, right? I doubt you want her to be the one to tell them."

"Oh god no! Give me the phone!"

Nathan leaned forward to grab the cordless phone off of the coffee table and handed it to Haley. As she dialed her parents' number, Nathan placed her legs over his lap and gently massaged her calves. He knew she was nervous. He was as well, but he knew putting off telling her parents would do more harm than good. He had faith that while they wouldn't be happy, they would understand that unexpected things happen. It's crazy to think that just a couple months ago they had fought over birth control and how they didn't want to worry about an unplanned pregnancy and it happens anyway. God sure has a good sense of humor.

Nathan looked at his wife and smiled at her reassuringly as she waited anxiously for her parents to answer the phone. Haley's eyes suddenly got wide and Nathan knew instantly someone had picked up the phone on the James' end.

"Hidey Ho!"


"Oh Haley Bob is so good to hear you! How's my baby girl!"

"I'm doing well. How are you and dad?"

"Oh we're doing great. We're making our way to St. Louis. Connor got himself a new girlfriend so we thought it was a good time to drop by and meet her."

"Connor has a new girlfriend? What happened to Alicia?"

"They broke up about 2 months ago. She wanted more of a commitment and he wasn't ready for that apparently. At least that's what he says. When was the last time you talked to your brother?"

"I don't know, a few months ago?"

"I suggest a phone call soon. So how's everything?"

"Everything's good. School and work are going well."

"How's Nathan? How's he been since the accident?"

"He's doing better. It was rough for a while there but things are looking up."

"Well, that's good. Your father and I were a bit concerned. We were planning on stopping by soon. Probably after visiting Connor."

"Really? I would really love that. Both of us would. I miss you guys."

"We miss you to, sweetie."

Nathan signaled to Haley to push on with the reason for their call. He understood Haley wanted to catch up with her parents but he knew the longer they spent with the small talk the less likely she would get to the real reason she called.

"So Mom is Dad around? I'd really like to talk to both of you."

"He was just getting a couple things from the store. We're at a rest stop in Oklahoma City. Let me see if he's walking back." It's silent for a moment while Haley waits on her mom. "Oh there he is. Jimmy, Haley's on the phone. She wants to talk to us."

Haley took Nathans's hand and squeezed it for support. The nerves she was feeling was almost unbearable.

"Okay honey, we got you on speaker." Lydia informed.

"Hey there Haley Bob? How's it hanging?" Jimmy spoke up.

"Hi daddy! Everything's going really well. I miss you guys."

"Oh honey you know we miss you too. Where's that son in law of mine?"

"He's here. We're just relaxing on the couch."

"Well put him on speaker phone. We wanna chat with him too."

Haley put the phone on speaker and held in equal distance between her and Nathan.

"Hey, Lydia and Jimmy." Nathan greeted.

"Hey there Nate. Hope all is good with you. We were a bit worried after hearing about the accident. Hope you're all doing okay now."

"We are. It was tough for a while but I'm getting better and my uncle Cooper is doing really well. We're just happy everyone came out okay."

"Well so are we, son."

"Okay, so mom, dad Nathan and I actually have some news."

"Really now?" Lydia asked curiously. "Oh did the two of you find out which school you're going to."

"Umm, not yet. That's still something we're working out." Haley glanced worriedly at Nathan.

"So then what's this news?"

"Okay, I'm just going to come out and say it," Haley took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."

"Come again?" Jimmy asked shocked.

"I'm pregnant."

Jimmy and Lydia suddenly burst out into laughter.

"Good one honey! No really." Lydia continued with her laughter.

"Mom, Dad I'm completely serious. No jokes."

The laughing stopped and there was nothing but silence coming from Jimmy and Lydia's end.

"Lydia? Jimmy? Are you still there?" Nathan asked cautiously.

"We're still here." Lydia answered almost quietly.

"Look, I understand that this news is pretty shocking. We know better than anyone. This was completely unexpected."

"How long have you known?"

"I've known a few weeks. Nathan found out just a couple days ago."

"Haley," Jimmy sighed loudly, "Were the two of you not being careful? Didn't we have this conversation?"

"Believe me we were being as careful as we could. We even had an argument about birth control a few weeks before I even found out and how we weren't ready to think about having a baby."

"Oh, honey. We hoped you wouldn't have to worry about something like this for a few years yet."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"I hardly know what to say right now."

"Daddy, I know I've upset you and I'm really sorry. We're sorry. But while we definitely did not plan on kids this soon we are taking responsibility and ready to take on whatever comes together."

"Sweetie, you don't need to apologize. Yes, we may be a little disappointed but that's mostly because of how young you are. To be honest I think you're mother and I should have accepted the possibility of something like this happening. We should have known that the moment we agreed to let you get married at 16 that even with your best of intentions and precautions something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. Would we have preferred later? Yes, but life has a way of surprising you."

"It really does." Nathan smiled at Haley, pulled her closer to him and kissed on her temple.

"How have you been feeling?"

"If you're talking physically, I've been okay for the most part. The morning sickness sucks but it's not as bad as I have read about. Emotionally, I'm a little terrified."

"We both are." Nathan added.

"Understandable. Oh, another little grandbaby in the family!" Lydia suddenly exclaimed overcome with emotion.

"So you're not mad?"

"Mad? Oh Haley Bob no! Why would we be mad?"

"Well, come on. How many parents do you know that wouldn't be mad at finding out their 17 year old is pregnant?"

"True. Then again how many parents let their 16 year old get married?" Jimmy countered.


"Listen, I won't say we're exactly thrilled with the fact that you're having a baby at this age, but we know that you're not going into this lightly and out of all of us James' you are probably the most responsible and level headed."

"So I don't have to worry about you coming after me with a butcher knife?" Nathan joked.

"Well, for now. Who knows how I'll feel when you're standing in front of me." Jimmy chuckled, "Nathan I know how much you love my little girl and I know that you'll be the man I know you are and will take good care of her."

"You can count on it sir."

"So how did your parents take the news?"

"Well, so far my dad has been surprisingly calm and quiet about it. Can't really tell if he's okay with it or just accepting a situation he can't change," Nathan didn't feel the need to go any further on his father, "As for my mom, she doesn't know yet. Not sure how I plan on telling her considering the stuff she's going through but we'll figure something out. I don't expect her to be happy about it."

"Well, don't dwell on it so much. Even if they aren't happy about it things will work out. Remember, not all parents can be as cool as us."

Nathan and Haley laughed loudly at her father. "Can't disagree with you there, Jimmy."

"Well, listen we will definitely be making a trip out to see the two of you after our visit with Connor. I think a visit is definitely overdue."

"I couldn't agree more. Then we can come up with a fun way to tell your sisters and brothers."

"Oh great, I can't wait for that."

"Matthew, Connor, and Spencer are going to gang up and kill me aren't they?" Nathan worriedly asked.

"Well you did knock up their baby sister." Haley playfully teased.

"I wouldn't worry about them. Jimmy and I got your back, Nate."

"Well baby girl, we need to hit the road if we want to get to Connor's by this evening. We'll talk soon. We love you!"

"Love you too!" With that they hung up the phone. Haley let out a huge sigh of relief.

"See, that wasn't so hard."

"Yeah, okay you were right."

"Are you hungry?" Nathan asked lovingly rubbing her belly.

"Yeah, I could really go for some mac and cheese."

"Food of the Gods. I'll whip it right up." Nathan moved to go to the kitchen, but before he could stand up Haley stopped him.

"Everything really is going to be okay, right?"

"Yeah. It's not going to be easy, but I really believe we can do this. As long as we're together we can get through anything."

"Thank you. I love you." Haley pulled him in for a kiss.

"I love you too, baby." Nathan kissed her then stood up, "Let me get you your mac and cheese and we can watch a movie. Your pick."

"Sounds great!"

Nathan walked into the kitchen and started to make Haley's favorite while Haley lay back on the couch and smiled contentedly. She felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders now that her parent's know about her pregnancy. Like always her parents did not fail to surprise her. She thinks they are going to react one way and they surprise her by reacting in the total opposite way. She couldn't deny that she was blessed with some pretty great parents. Not only that but she was also blessed with an incredible husband and she couldn't be happier that Nathan is the father of her child. She rubbed her stomach and smiled. He was someone else who always seemed to surprise her. She really believed him when he said they would be okay. It may get bumpy along the way but they'll get through it.