Smaug jerked his great head upwards with a snarl as he glowered at the female, only to earn a vicious hiss in return. His molten eyes only narrowed as she again tried to shake her tail free of his grip, yet even in his mounting anger, he was all but entranced by her beauty. His own strength and power was without rival, and it infuriated him beyond measure that she resisted him.

Dragons were temperamental, vicious, and greedy, as was their nature...but the bond between a male dragon and that of a female, possessed a civility found nowhere else among their race. For years he had been content to ravage cities, destroy his adversaries, and bask in the glow of his plunder: but this female had already made desires of an entirely different nature rise within him. The thought that he was the last of his kind made him proud, his virility proof of his superiority, yet it also forced him, if subconsciously, to bury something that he had long forgotten he wanted. Who better, than he, to make his race great again with his offspring?

Feeling his anger leaving him, he settled his head against his gold once more and closed his eyes.

"You cannot trap me here forever, brute." she hissed, feeling abused and humiliated with only her neck free.

Smaug's eyes opened as he met her emerald gaze. "No, but a few decades are within reason."

"Don't you dare." Gli snarled furiously.

"You are in no position to threaten me. It is I who has captured you, not the other way around."

She hissed in outrage, her eyes becoming slits, her neck arched like a snake.

"You parade yourself across my mountain, and then you grow angry when I wish to keep you. Why then, did you come?"

Gli recoiled in surprise at his question, and in an act of foolishness, she spoke the truth. "I came to fight you."

His expression twisted into bafflement, before it transitioned into dark amusement. "How revolutionary of you. I suspect a creature so young as yourself has never come across a true dragon lord? A female that wishes to fight me..." He chuckled wickedly. "Preposterous."

He was right, and Gli hated it. He did not seem even slightly disturbed at her confession, testament to how little threat she posed. She had been a fool. Her brave heart and noble intentions had prompted her to, quite literally, throw herself into the dragons mouth. She was only several hundred years old, the epitome of youth, a bud just beginning to bloom into adulthood. She had no fighting experience, and little knowledge outside of her life in the forest. It had been her home, her domain, and she had seen no reason to leave. This dragon could defeat her with his size alone, already she was rendered helpless between him and his treasure. She fixed him with one last dark look, before she rested her head on the coins, content to glare at a pillar several yards away.

Smaug, satisfied that he had won the argument, coiled tighter about the dragoness in a near embrace, his neck flush with hers as he settled comfortably for sleep.

Gli was seething inside, even as the brute's breathing evened out. Her mind turned over her options over and over again, she did not doubt Smaug that he would keep her here for years if he deemed fit. She however, was not about to let that happen. She could not fight him, and striking a bargain would surely backfire. She would have to trick him. Her face knitted into a deep scowl, before she let out a sigh. She had no choice.

Days came and went, and Gli stared ceaselessly into the shadowy depths of Erebor. It was a week after she had been captured, Gli was drowsy with boredom, when Smaug did something very strange. He purred, it was more of a growl than anything, but a purr nevertheless. Deciding now was the perfect time to lure him into a false sense of security, she let out a similar sound, pushing her body against his lightly.

Gli relished in the sensation in spite of herself, being close to her own kind was something she had never experienced. Smaug was asleep, so she allowed herself to enjoy the contact, just a little. A more experienced, wiser, more observant dragon would have noticed the instant Smaug's purr died away, but Gli was none of those things in this instant. She did not notice how Smaug's breathing pattern changed, and his eyes opened as he shamelessly observed her.


Smaug had more-or-less been half asleep, resting while he kept a constant awareness of Gli. She had been sulking for some time now, and it irked him. She should be honored that he was even interested in her. Dragon females were fickle creatures, easily provoked, so he attempted to discreetly soothe her ire. The sound felt strange on his great vocal chords, more accustomed to deadlier sounds, but she responded. The gaze that usually burned with deadly intent was almost...tender as he observed the dragon beneath him, her vocal cords emitting a softer, sweeter sound than his ever could.

She was perfection as her golden scales meshed seamlessly with his hoard, as if she belonged there. It was then that emerald met amber, her three lids folding back as she discovered his gaze upon her. Her purr was all but choked into silence as she regarded him.

"What is your name, pet?" he asked, his bright eyes aglow with amusement.

Silence lapsed between them for a long moment before she turned away from him, ignoring him.