Here's my new story! Hope you enjoy :) Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN POKEMON ALL RIGHTS GO TO GAMEFREAK.

Blood. All there was, was blood. Her mother lay in front of her, surrounded by her own blood. A bloody butcher knife was clutched in Dawn's right hand, and her fist was clenched around it with such strength that her knuckles were turning a ghostly white.

Blood was splattered over Dawn's face, and it stained her clothing as well. The sirens outside were deafening, and it was matched by the flashing blue and red lights outside the window.

There were shouts from outside, and within seconds the door was knocked down and the police filtered into the house to see Dawn, staring blankly at her own mother's recently dead body in front of her. Her eyes were dim; it was like she was in a trance and unable to escape.

"Drop the weapon!" A police officer shouted, his voice echoing throughout the entire house. Dawn didn't move an inch. The only reason the police knew she was alive was because she was breathing, though it was difficult to notice at first glance. Her breathing seemed more shallow than a normal person's.

A different police officer briskly walked over to Dawn, noticing that she wouldn't move. He deliberately grabbed the butcher knife from Dawn's hand and backed away, placing the weapon on the floor. As his hand brushed against hers, she blinked once and seemed to regain control of her body. She looked up from the dead body belonging to her mother. The light seemingly returned to her eyes and she had suddenly and painfully become aware of what was happening around her.

"W-what's going on?" Dawn asked softly, her voice was hoarse and it cracked when she spoke. She was completely confused and she had no idea what had happened. Her mother was lying dead on the ground in front of her. There was a bloody knife about ten feet away from her. Blood scattered the room. So. Much. Blood.

"You are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. Everything you say or do can be used against you in the court of law." The police officer informed her, grabbing her hands roughly and pulling them behind her back, locking her wrists together with handcuffs.

Dawn stayed silent, but she remained confused. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in her own bed and when she came to she was blood-spattered and being arrested. Dawn turned her head, about to face the police officer when she saw her mom, lying dead on the ground again. This time, it finally clicked in her head the truth of what happened.

"M-mom..." Dawn choked out, the corners of her eyes immediately filling up with tears at the sight of her mom, the stab wound in her chest and the pool of blood she was on top of. A sob rose from her throat and Dawn bit her lower lip to hold it back, however she was unsuccessful.

The tears kept on coming, over and over again. It seemed to never end. She was led out of the house, away from her home.

When Dawn had finally arrived at the police station she was questioned and she would await trial, but she had to live in a juvenile detention center for 3 weeks. Dawn was one of the youngest in there, only being 13 years old.

Most of her nights were spent crying, still unsure what happened. No one would explain anything to her, except that she was the killer. She didn't speak to anyone in the center, and no one spoke to her. That was the way she wanted to keep it.

She didn't plan on staying there for longer than she needed to. There was no way she could kill her mother, and the court would prove that. At least, that was what she hoped.

3 weeks later, through a very heart-wrenching trial, she was guilty of her crimes. Due to some psychological tests they did on Dawn, she was diagnosed with an early form of depression called disassociation where after a traumatic experience sometimes a body would go numb where one is not self-aware. They connected this to Dawn's father's murder, two months prior to the murder of her mother. So, instead of the normal life sentence for death she would be put into a mental institution for 3 years until she was 16, and then she would go to a community highschool to make some friends.

Dawn knew this couldn't be right. She wasn't depressed, sure she was sad from time to time and she grieved the loss of her father but she was not depressed. However, her lawyer told her the best way to go would be to lie to the court. Either three years in a mental institution or twenty years in prison. The trial seemed to be set up from the beginning. She couldn't win.

The headline of every newspaper in the world, Dawn grew quite infamous. '13-year-old girl murders her own mother!'. Every paper twisted the story in one way or another, and everyone ate it up making Dawn look like a bad guy in the whole story, but it looked that way to begin with. Paparazzi followed her around whenever she was in public, and at least 100 people with cameras were at the mental institution when Dawn was going to be admitted. Pictures were taken and the flashes were blinding, but when the doors closed behind Dawn...

She disappeared from the world for 3 years.

Actually, this idea came to me when I read Only One Question by WereWING11. It is an amazing, but depressing story for anyone even if you aren't into the fanfiction he wrote about! So please go check it out it would mean a lot to me :) But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the beginning! The chapters coming will be longer and better, this is more of an intro to what you're getting into.

- Revised 4/9/18