Bring it On ~~ Prologue
Title~ Bring it on

Author~ Xiora Li

E-mail~ [email protected]

Rating~ M 15 +;Mild swearing.

Disclaimer~ I do so not own Sailor Moon,Naoko Takeuchi does.

Summary~ Serena Terrin is a sixteen year old beauty,head of the cheerleading
squad and most popular girl in school. But good things always come with a
secret....shes Sailor Moon. Darien Shields is sixteen,captain of the football
team,star quarterback and most popular guy in school,whats more,hes Tuxedo
Mask. One day a bet was made among the Wildstar Football team,and was
accepted. Darien Shields must perform and complete a wild mission.........Get
Serena Terrin to fall in love with him before winter dance. But it's not long
before Serena catches on,but misses a minor detail or two.So let the games

Comments~ Hey peoplez I'm back,with once more a humorous fic. This plot just
popped into my head and man was it hysterical. I guess the only thing to say
is read and tell me if you would like to continue reading it so I don't send
something nobody is reading to the list.

Signs~ "talking" *thinking* -music- ~~~~scene change~~~~~

Bring it on ~~ Prologue

"Time up,please set your pencils down."

Groans were heard throughout Mr. Sumatas eleventh grade Biology class. They
had been given an hour to complete a two hundred and fifty question
quiz...and they weren't exactly what one would call easy.

"Psst,Sere! How many did you miss?"Molly Lawrence whispered.

"I'm not sure,but my brain is fried!"Serena Terrin replied with a grin.

"Hehe,did you study?"

"Of course I did!"

The bell rang. Grateful,the students piled out of the classroom and dodged
human obstacles in the hallway to get to their lockers so they could go home
or go to practice.

"Man I am so glad it's friday! School is starting to take its toll. How many
more days do we have left?"Molly asked with a yawn.

"Roughly a hundred and fifty."

"I will never survive."

"Hey Sea!"A voice called out.

Serena groaned and saw a pack of guys coming towards her. Or,as Molly liked
to call them,Seas fan club. They were composed of almost every single guy at
Wildstar High,but today Ryan Borg,Luther Zurkan,Nate Simpsons,and Jake Dane
were the only ones traveling in a pack.

"Round one."Serena muttered under her breath as Molly snickered.

"Hey Sea,whats up?"Ryan asked.

"Nothing much Ryan, just heading to cheerleading practice."

"Ah yes,babes flying through the air and cheering for us,life couldn't get
any better. Oh wait a minute,yes it can. What do you say you and I grab a
bite to eat and a movie afterwards hmm?"He asked,caressing her cheek.

"I say take that offer and shove it."She replied,smacking his hand away.

He started laughing,"Sooner or later Serena,you'll be mine."

"Yeah,when hell freezes over."

"Serena!!!"Molly scolded.

"Whhhhaaat? He deserved it!"

"Never stoop to a four year olds level."

"Right. Well I gotta go,I'm gonna be late."Serena said.

"And when is that ever an issue?"She replied.

"Funny,gotta go!"

"See ya!"

Serena ran down the hall and outside to the track field. The cheerleading
squad had been asked to practice there so the football field could be used
for ballet,so the gym could be used for little league signups. When you
thought about it,why couldn't the little league just hold their signups out
here? But,the football team were also asked to run laps around the tracks. So
while the girls were practicing in short skimpy clothing,the football team
would be running laps without shirts. To make a long story short,the whole
school would be out there watching.

"Hey Serena!"

Serena looked up and smiled. Lita Torenza was winking at her and motioning
her head to the muscular guys of the football team. She rolled her eyes. Lita
Torenza was a girl of five foot nine. She had fairly long curly brown hair
with brown eyes,and literally obsessed over every guy she saw.

She looked at her other good friends and members of the squad. Mina Adkins,a
bubbly blonde haired girl with blue eyes and an odd sense of humor. Almost
every guy fell for her. Amy Anderson,a brainy girl with blue eyes and deep
blue hair. And Raye Peterson,a raven haired priestess with dark eyes and a

Then there was her,Serena Terrin. A tall girl with legs for miles and curves
every girl on the school grounds would die for. With blonde hair going to her
waist and blue eyes that sparkled,it was no wonder every guy wanted her. She
was the most popular girl in school. Her friends would tell her,but she would
never believe it.

These five girls seemed like the most innocent,sweet,and carefree girls in

That was almost a joke.

Sure they were innocent and sweet,but carefree? As if. You see,these girls
had a secret. A deep one. They fought evil energy sucking youmas,trying to
take over the universe for their masters,in mini skirts and high heels with
super powers. Serena was Sailor Moon,and whenever she transformed,her hair
would grow longer and be put up into two buns with hair streaming from them.
Origionally,she wore that hairstyle all the time. But when Andrew pointed out
that she had the same hairstyle as Sailor Moon,she automatically changed it.
Now it flowed freely down to her waist.

"So whats up girl?"Raye asked.

"Eck,nothing much. Ready to practice?"

Today it was only the five of them practicing. The other members of the squad
decided to run off to the movies or somewhere with their
boyfriends,which,were all members of the football team.

"Do we HAVE to?"Lita and Mina asked,drooling over the football team and
causing the other three to sweatdrop.

"Oh come on you two,what happened to Andrew and Ken?"

"Oh they are still around,but when they have bodies like that ,Then I will
pay more attention."Mina mumbled

"Mina,they do have bodies like that. And they are on the football team. And
if they catch you drooling over their friends,they won't be to happy."Serena

"Eh,kiss 'em senseless. They won't mind afterwards."Lita replied,not taking
her eyes off the guys.

The remaining three girls,once again,sweatdropped.

"You two are hopeless."Amy said.

"Don't you know it."They sighed.

Again,they sweatdropped.

"Okay girls,lets get to work."Serena said.



Darien Shields whiped sweat from his forehead and shielded the blazing sun
with his hand. The cheerleading squad were practicing,and his team were

"You all are pathetic."He said.

"Dude,there are babes over there. And your calling us pathetic."Ken Porter

"Yes,four of them being our girlfriends."Andrew Jackson said,looking at some
bystander and smacking him over the head for drooling.

"I wouldn't say a thing Dare,you ain't got a girlfriend. Just twelve million
chicks drooling all over you." Chad Morson said.

"I could easily get a girlfriend."Darien protested.

"Yes but not one you could love forever." Greg McCarty said.

"Where are the other guys?"Darien asked,trying to change the subject.

"Girlfriends. Not a bad idea either,could we have the day off?"Ken asked


"Why not? It's the same thing every day. Run,slam into stuff,throw stuff,and
slam into some more stuff."Greg said.

"It's practice McCarty."Darien growled.

"Yes yes,but we can practice with our girlfriends."Andrew snickered

"How could you do that?"Darien asked dumbly.

"Run to the movies,tonsil hockey,throw clothes....."Chad joked pervertedly.

"Chad that was an insult!"Ken,Greg,and Andrew yelled.

"It was a joke man,I swear!"

"It had better."Andrew said,smacking him upside the head,"But the fun thing. Shopping. Dude,that's
just fun!"

"That was something I didn't exactly want to hear."Darien groaned.

The guys snickered.

"Hey,the advantages of having girlfriends. Something that the mighty Darien
Shields does not."Ken said.

"I could get one. I just haven't found the right one."Darien blushed.

"Yeah,right."Chad said.

"Let's just forget it."Darien mumbled.

"No."Andrew said stubbornly.

"Why not?"He asked.

"Because we have a proposal for you."Andrew replied.

"We do?"Greg asked.

"That being?"Darien asked dully.

The guys grinned.

"You get Serena Terrin to fall in love with you. And don't give me that
look,we all know you have a crush on her. Before the final hour of the winter
dance,and we will dress as women for one week and go to school like
that.....and even shave our legs."Andrew announced.

A small smile crept onto Dariens lips as the image popped into his mind and
played over and over. Andrew extended his hand.

"Do we have a deal? We'll even flirt with every guy and the opposing
team."Andrew said.

This was good. Really good. Darien made up his mind and grasped Andrews hand
and shook it.

"Your on."
