Omg so this is my first story for Vampire Academy. I have had this idea for weeks now and couldn't get it out of my mind so I hope you all love it :)

Also this is after Rose and Lissa graduate and are living on their own. Rose never meet Dimitri in school.

Also they still have the bond in this.

Enjoy xoxo

Day 1

Rose groaned as she rolled over. Her body didn't have much room as she tried so she slugged herself trying to sit up. She opened her eyes and all she could see was darkness. She tried to gain her thoughts as she peered though darkness. The last thing she remembered was being in the apartment, with Lissa. She went to answer the door and a group of men barged in, knocking her out. She felt them carry her way and now she was moving. She could feel motion. She had been kidnapped.

"Liss" Rose hissed though the blackness. She tried to shove her hair out of her face when she realized her hands were tied together. She tried to slip her hands though the ropes but it only gave her ropes burns. Trying to do it in the dark wasn't helping either.

"Liss" Rose said again. This time she could hear stirring. Then a thousands thoughts flashed though Rose's from Lissa's head from the bond.

"Rose?" she said weakly. Rose tried to see her figure, but failed. She made out where she was by her voice.

"Lissa are you okay?" Rose asked. The bond told her she was scared. Hell, you wouldn't need a bond to tell your best friend was scared in a moment like this.

"My hands and feet are tied" she said weakly. Rose could tell by her tone of voice that she was on the verge of tears. "What happened? Where are we going?"

"Last thing I remember was someone punching me and then I blacked out. Were in the back of a car currently, and our destination will be determined"

"Oh God, oh God please no" Lissa said choking up. Rose couldn't see the tears but she knew they were there. "I wish we had the wards at our apartment, otherwise this would of never happened"

"I tried to fight them Liss, I did. They were just too big and too many of them" Rose said trying not to cry herself. In most situations she knew what was going to happen and where she was. This was the first time she was truly terrified for her and Lissa's life. The next half an hour was hell. They both kept quiet only listening to the sounds of each others breathing before the car jerked to a stop. Rose and Lissa both fell sideways in the car. Hitting there hips and shoulders hard.

"Why have we stopped?" Lissa whispered to Rose.

"We must be here" Rose said the tension in her voice.

Just then they heard a click. Rose looked up as the trunk door had been opened. She could see two figures made out from some of the light that came from the light post about twenty feet away. One of the guys grabbed onto Rose's feet and pulled her out of the black SUV. He set her feet on the ground and went to untie them so she could walk. The other one pulled Lissa out and did the same. Rose looked around. They were in a huge driveway of a manor. The house extended about the lengths of two football fields. Length and width. It had over a dozen windows but as Rose looked closer each window had bars, no escaping at this place. Once the other guy untied Lissa's feet the men pushed Rose and Lissa to start walking. They walked about ten feet to the monor's porch. They stepped up a couple steps then stood face to face with two huge door white doors. One of the guards knocked quickly on the door then stood back a hand on Rose's back to make sure she didn't try anything.

For moments there was nothing but silence but then they heard footsteps at the door. There was a whole bunch of clicking and then both doors opened revealing a young man, with dark brown hair and a muscular body covered by black dress pants and a royal blue dress shirt.

"Welcome ladies" he said as he threw his hands in the air, and stepped back allowing the guards to push Rose and Lissa forward into the living room, a huge living room. It had to be a hundred feet of extravagant everything. Red and gold patterns covered the walls, as dark pine wood ran along the floors. Chandeliers of enormous size hung from the ceilings, and black couches and chairs covered the floor of all different sizes.

"My name is Dylan. I am the house assistant. I created this and have been keeping it alive for over twenty years. I'll take you on a tour of the house before everybody else gets up" Dylan took a long glance at Rose, trailing her up and down. Rose got a good look at his eyes and realized they had red rings around them. Strigoi. They were in a house full of Strigoi. Rose quickly looked at Lissa as the guards started making them walk following Dylan. She hadn't realized that he was Strigoi. Great another thing to drop on her.

Dylan lead them though the living room and then into a dinning room. "Here is the dinning room" he said. This room was just as big as the last. With a long oak table that stretched out from one end to the next. There was a least a hundred chairs that matched the table colour perfectly. How many Strigoi were living in this house? More than she thought apparently.

Next he showed them the library. The entire room was just rows upon rows of books along the wall. There was books from two hundred years ago till books that were published a year ago. It had to easily be over a thousand books. The library also had silk red velvet couches to sit on while you read and a beautiful diamond chandelier that hung in the middle of the room. The room was amazingly beautiful expect for the windows. The six huge windows in the room had all been bordered up with wood and had bars over top. The boards to keep out sunlight and the bars to keep them in.

Next was the kitchen. Rose was convinced that this house was worth a billion dollars from the size, and everything that was in it. This kitchen was the size of one that would be in a restaurant. It had long island in the middle with three fridges and stoves pressed against the wall. A long counter top with sinks connected with the fridges and the walls were covered in cabinets. "So this is your kitchen" Dylan said smiling. "Help yourself to whatever you want, whenever you want, and if something run's out don't hesitate to tell us"

'I'd rather starve' Rose said to herself.

"So that's about all of the house. You can go exploring later and see the rest of it yourself if you like. I'll take you to your rooms now" Dylan said. The guards lead Lissa and Rose down a hallway and up a huge spiral staircase. When they got to the top then took a turn that lead down a big hallway. It was like a hallway at a hotel. A huge,long line filled with rooms that were inclosed by doors. The men lead them about halfway down the hall and the stopped in front of one of the doors. It said 205.

"Here's your new room. We had your stuff packed and shipped over so everything you need is already in there" Dylan said as she grabbed onto Rose's wrist and started un-tying the ropes.

"What about Lissa?" Rose asked as she looked at her best friend. The men started to push Lissa down the hall away from her as Dylan stood at the door with Rose.

"No she's not staying with you" Dylan said pulling the ropes off Rose's wrist.

"What why not?!" Rose said stunned as she rubbed her wrist's.

"She's the last living Dragomir on earth. Do you really think were going to give up a chance to play with her" he said seductively as he stepped right up against Rose his body pressing against hers. Without even turning his head Dylan opened the door to her new bedroom for her.

"I'll see you later" he purred as he pushed back Rose's curly hair, and traced his finger along the artery in her neck. Rose slammed her eyes shut prepared for the worst but all she felt was a wisp of air and when she opened her eyes, he was gone. Rose stood there for a moment before entering her new room.

She closed the door shut and walked in. The room was pretty big, it had two queen beds with a full bathroom and two closets. When she walked in she saw a girl standing in one of the closets picking out tops to wear. Rose cleared her throat and the girl jumped around ,her hand on her heart.

"God you scared me" she said as she threw a shirt onto one of the beds. "I was told I was getting a roommate today, you must be her. I'm Nikki" she said as she held out her hand. Rose shook her hand and stepped closer.

"I'm Rose" she said. Nikki was really pretty. She was pretty tall, a little bit more than Rose. She had deep black wavy hair with crystal blue eyes. She had a slim body that was currently being shown off by a pair of low riding black sweats and a black tank top that was rolled showing off her bellybutton.

"That's your bed and closet" Nikki said pointing to them. "They took some of your clothes and put them away for you. The rest is the ones they give you" Rose looked at the bed before walking up beside Nikki and opening her closet.

It was filled with some clothes from home but was mostly cleavage showing tops and short dresses. With tight jeans and shorts.

"Nice clothing option, that they give" Rose said. "Apparently I have to dress like a slut" Nikki laughed as she continued looking though her closet.

Rose took a closer look at Nikki. She had blue eyes that she had saw but it hadn't clicked in for her at first.

"Your human" Rose whispered to her. Nikki gave a surprising look before answering.

"Its pretty obvious by my eyes" she said laughing.

"But this house is full of Strigoi" Rose said confused.

"Not all of it. This entire floor is filled with people like you and me. Humans, Dhampirs and even Moroi"

"What, why?" Rose asked.

"Because this is a blood whore house"

Sooo what did you guys think? Chapters will be longer in the future I promise.

Review to see the next chapter xoxo