A fill for the ASoIaF kink meme: GirlJon/Stannis AU

When Selyse dies Robert tells his brother he's going to find him a new young pretty wife

Stannis is not impressed when this turns out to be Ned Stark's legitimized bastard but marries her as commanded but sends her to Dragonstone to keep her away from Robert.

On a visit home he finds much more welcoming chambers, a happier daughter and a younger brother willingly visiting,he takes time to get to know Jon and by the time he returns to court his wife is expecting.

When their child is born Lord Arryn is very interested in the fact the baby has thick black hair...

Bonus points for R+L=J - Stannis finds out when Robert dies that GirlJon's father was Rhaegar who had taken Lyanna as another wife. So his claim to the throne is strengthened by his wife and houses who declare for him as his wife is a Targaryen Princess.

Beated by the wonderful CloudyDream.

The girl was only fourteen. She was only five years older than his own daughter and that's why Stannis couldn't blame Ned Stark for once as the other man glared at both him and Robert.

The girl, Joanna, was beautiful. Long, wavy brown hair with a single blue rose in the back that held her hair back. He could see the intelligence in her darting gray eyes, smooth pale skin, full red lips, delicately angular features, and the simple, low-cut dress she was wearing did nothing to hide the shape of her body, already that of an adult woman's. She was the pinnacle of Northern beauty and, while Stannis had never met Lyanna Stark, now he could truly see why Robert and Rhaegar had waged a war over her. Even if she'd been only half as beautiful as her niece, it would have been enough.

That must have been why Robert had stared at the girl for a full minute after he stepped off his horse, as if he would take her in front of all of Winterfell then and there, Stannis knew even before Ned Stark had pointedly cleared his throat.

And that might be why the girl was tightly gripping her half-brother's hand, tightly as the boy gave the Stark glare through Tully blue eyes at both Robert and himself.

Stannis wondered who between the two of them scared the girl more, and he surprised himself by hoping it was Robert. He actually wanted her to like him as much as she possibly could, considering that he was of an age with her father (and looked even older), and that she had just met and yet, soon he would become her husband.

Stannis had a feeling Robert wasn't even registering in her mind.

He shook himself of his thoughts. He had stared at the girl throughout them and she had just gripped her brother's hand tighter. After all, it was all she could do.

His brother and Stark had gone down to the crypts to visit the tomb of Lyanna and everyone else was getting settled into Winterfell. The girl turned around and went into the castle without even glancing behind her, her siblings following to probably comfort her on her dreaded nuptials, though they all turned around to glance at the man who would soon be their good-brother.

Stannis would have like to say that he had not wanted this marriage, but that wasn't true. It had been two years since Selyse had died and even Stannis himself had started to think he might need to marry again. The girl was younger than he would have liked, but she was beautiful and could more than likely bear a son or two.

Robert had thought he was doing Stannis a favor by giving a beautiful young wife and Stark a favor by legitimizing his bastard and a chance to give birth to sons that could inherit Dragonstone, as disappointing as it might be. Robert had not thought about the fact that Stannis didn't want a fourteen year old for a wife and or that Stark didn't want someone only two years younger than him for his daughter. Stannis knew that if it had been Renly, Stark wouldn't be complaining. Stannis knew that for once, it should be Renly.

That was probably why Ned had said that the girl should be married in Winterfell in front of its weirwood tree, likely hoping that Robert would disregard the idea of it. Robert just brought half the court to Winterfell to witnesses the marriage along with his family. Stannis himself had just brought Shireen and Davos.

Shireen. She hadn't said much about what she thought of gaining a step-mother that was more of an age to be her sister, but then again Shireen didn't say much to him, or anyone for that matter. Stannis sighed. He could feel a headache coming on and he needed to talk to Davos.

"She's a pretty girl," Davos said weakly when Stannis tracked him down, finding Davos putting his things away in the room he had been given in Winterfell, which had turned out to be just across from Stannis' own room. "Just get a few sons on her and treat her kindly and you might even be somewhat happy."

"Will she be though?"

Davos sighed. "Perhaps. At the very least, she won't complain, m'lord. She knows how lucky she is."

Stannis shook his head. "I don't want a wife who doesn't complain because she's lucky, I want a wife who doesn't complain because she's happy."

Davos gave him a weak smile. "I'm afraid you might have to take what you can get."

Stannis narrowed his eyes, wondering exactly how to get the girl to like him. Perhaps he should stop calling her the girl.

"That would probably be a good idea," Davos muttered.

Stannis frowned, partly at Davos and partly at himself. At that moment he desperately wanted to tell Robert that the wedding had to stop. He knew that at least Ned Stark would agree.

But Robert never would. All Robert would do was to laugh and drink, and slapping him on the back and telling him he just had cold feet; and then telling Stark he had to accept the fact that his daughter was a woman and old enough to marry.

"You could talk to her," Davos said.

Stannis stared at him, confused. "What?"

"You don't want her to be scared of you tomorrow, or at least less scared, talk to her. Ask her what she likes and doesn't like what her siblings are like, what's her direwolf's name. At the very least, what harm could it do?"

Stannis didn't want to find out. Sighing, he left Davos' room. He had to admit that Davos had a good point. For the girl to stop being terrified of him, she had to get to know him. For him to stop seeing her as simply 'the girl', he had to get to know her.