Disclaimer: These characters belong to the creators of Glee, I own nothing.

What do you do, when you realize that everything you've been dreaming of won't happen? Or, at least, not like you expected?

Do you scream? Cry? Hit something? Someone? Do you tell somebody?

What do you do?

When you feel all that unbearable frustration, anger, all that sadness and all because of one drunken mistake. Because you were mad to your then ex-boyfriend. Because you wanted some sort of revenge against him and in the end it all backfired.

And now you stand in the middle of your bedroom with a pregnancy test in your hand saying that you are, in fact, pregnant.

So… what do you do?

Well, you pretend, why? Because right now you have to face your parents, put a brave face, a fake smile and an inscrutable façade.

Later you'll have time to cry, scream and maybe punch the wall or kick a chair, but for now you have to pretend that your life continues perfect, that you're not breaking inside by every ticking off of the clock.

The slam of the front door knocks you out of your daze.

"Rachel I'm home! Where are you?" Your mother shouts and you immediately begin to panic, hearing the footsteps on the stairs, you run to the bathroom to hide the pregnancy test. Just as you exit the bathroom your mom enters the room.

"Hey mom how was your day?" you say giving her a hug.

She eyes you suspiciously "Boring 'cause you weren't there to entertain me, why are you so out of breath?"

You roll your eyes at her "I swear you just want me to make you laugh. I just got home for a little run around the block," you say trying to act nonchalantly.

She smirks at you "Of course sweetie," she keeps eyeing you and you try hard to not start fidgeting. She breaks her examination. "If not you then who?"

You almost let out a sigh of relief that she didn't found anything out of place with you. You clear your throat. "Yeah well it's always my pleasure to entertain you" She rolls her eyes at you exiting your room with a tilt of her head indicating that you have to follow her.

The two of you enter the kitchen and start preparing dinner, talking about random things and for that you're thankful, you don't know what you would have done if she got insightful.

Just as you're putting the final touches to the dinner the front door slams shut–what is it with this family and slamming doors– and your dad enters the kitchen with a grin on his face.

"Ahh the loves of my life! I missed you so much!" He says as he wraps you in a tight hug and twirls you around, sets you down and walks over to your mom and pecks her in the lips.

You laugh and roll your eyes "You saw me this morning dad, no less than eight hours ago."

He just shrugs in response.

"Okay you two drama Queens go set the table dinner's ready." Your mom says, and you go and do as told.

Once that everything is set the two of you sit to start eating. Dinner with your family is always your favorite part of the day. Usually just being in the company of your parents makes you feel at ease, safe.

But not today, today you take a moment to observe, to memorize the happy smiles on their faces, the adoring, loving gazes thrown at you. Because you don't know if after you tell them everything they will look the same at you. You will be lucky if they don't kick you out.

So for now that's what you do. You pretend that you're still their happy perfect little girl, with a loving boyfriend and a brilliant future ahead.

Yeah right.