A/N: So I saw this post on tumblr with this idea and I decided to write it… And yes I like to use songs to start and end my fics… It's my thing. Best way I express myself, through song. So I'll just leave this here…. *hides*

Together can never be close enough for me

To feel like I am close enough to you

You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you

And you're beautiful

Now that the wait is over

And love has finally showed her my way.

Seven days after:

This could not be happening again. The tears stung her eyes as she walked through the cold, empty hallway, barely breathing. She played with her ring on her left, fourth finger, trying to gain strength from the silver band. Why was the world doing this to her?

She wiped at her face to clear the tears and clear her vision, sucking in a sharp breath, she stopped at the heavy metal doors. She shut her eyes and held her breath, trying to calm her nerves. She wished he was here and he could hold her, tell her that everything would be okay, but he wasn't and she would have to deal with that.

She slowly pushed open the doors, stepping into the dark room. It was cold and empty and filled her with dread. Why did she come here? She needed the closure, she reminded herself. He needed to know. So she moved to where he was, in the middle of the room.

4 days before:

"Castle! Get down here!" She yelled up the stairs, hands on her hips.

"Coming! I'm coming!" He yelled back, stumbling down the stairs half dressed.

"We're going to be late." She scolded, buttoning up his shirt, while he tried to fix his hair.

"Well if someone hadn't decided to walk around completely naked today, we wouldn't have a problem." He retorted.

She blushed, knowing it was his fault why they were late. It was the last day on their month long honeymoon in the Caribbean and she wanted one more day to drive him wild, without any distractions or interruptions. So she teased him, walking around the house butt naked, acting like the complete picture of innocence when he asked what she was trying to do. Of course, he couldn't last long before he attacked her and proved his love for her, right on the kitchen counter.

"That's what I thought." He teased, "What time is the flight anyway?"

"In about an hour." She told him. The airport was an hour away and if they missed this flight, they wouldn't get another until the next week and she was due back at work in two days.

"Got all the stuff out in the car?" He asked, looking around.

"Got it." She confirmed.

"I'm gonna miss this place." He said, looking nostalgic.

She went up on her toes and pressed a light kiss to his lips. "Me too, but we gotta go."


Somehow, they had managed to get to the airport in half hour and were boarded and seated on the plane with five minutes to spare. Of course everyone knew Rick and he got privileges everyone else couldn't and of course being married to him, those privileges were extended to her as well.

As the place taxied the runway, she gazed out the window, already missing the warm weather and clear beaches, not to mention the friendly people. She felt a nudge on her shoulder and turned to him.

"We can always come back." He whispered.

"We really should." She turned her eyes back out the window as the plane picked up speed and launched into the air. She leaned her head back on the seat, closed her eyes and gripped the armrests. She hated this part, when the plane took off. It was always her fear that the plane would fall right out of the sky as it dipped and turned and tried to gain altitude.

He draped an arm around her shoulder and she turned and pushed her face against him, letting him calm her fears, not afraid to hide them from him anymore.

"We're at level." He whispered in her ear, rubbing her arm lovingly.

She sat up and smiled at him, leaning over for a kiss, "Thank you."

She looked out the window, at the clouds below the plane. They were endless, just like Castle's love for her and her love for him. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with him, it had taken them four years to get to relationship status and another two to get married. She was done waiting and being cautious, she was all in and so was he. She couldn't wait to have his children, to walk around in his clothes because hers were too small. She wanted it so bad and nothing nothing was going to stop her. She smiled as she interlaced their fingers and drifted off to sleep for the rest of the ride.


She was brought out of her sleep by the feeling of warm, wet kisses along her jaw. She blushed as an involuntary breathy moan escaped her lips. She couldn't help it, she was just so charged for him. Anytime he touched her, her skin was on fire, she felt like she might explode.

"We're home." He rasped into her ear, his stubble scratching her jawline.

"Castle, if you don't stop that, we may get arrested for indecent exposure…" She breathed, feeling aroused. She needed to get home and get him alone. It had only been six hours, but six hours too long.

He backed off and stood to collect their carry ons and followed Kate as they walked off of the plane. After going through all the checkpoints, they stepped out of the airport in the cool October air. She drew her jacket tightly around her and shivered. It wasn't that cold, but her body had been so used to the warm weather of the Caribbean, this was a bit of a shock for her.

"There's the car." He pointed at a black Lexus, parked a little while away, with his driver Paul leaning against it, scanning the crowd for them. When he saw them, he immediately jumped in the car and drove over to them.

"So sorry to have you waiting in this cold weather." He took their luggage and placed them carefully in the back on the car and opened the door for them

"It's okay Paul, we weren't even here for a minute, just get us home." Castle told him, sliding in beside Kate in the backseat of the car.

"Sure thing sir." Paul closed their door and ran around the car to the driver's side, starting up the car and driving them home.

They reached home in another half hour and Castle left Paul with a generous tip. Fuelled from the teasing from the plane, she shoved Castle against the door and kissed him hard, her hands creeping up under his shirt, smiling as he moaned into her mouth.

"Take me to bed Mr. Castle." She growled, dipping her head to suck on his neck.

"No problem."


2 days before:

"Hey! Look who's back!" Ryan grinned as they entered the bullpen.

"Well if it isn't Mr. and Mrs. Castle." Esposito teased.

Beckett rolled her eyes and grinned back at the boys. "I'm still your boss, in case you forgot."

The grins dropped off their faces as she threatened them without words to stuff them with endless paper work.

"Good to have you back Beckett." They mumbled, turning back to their work.

"Beckett?" Castle raised an eyebrow.

"We can't both go by Castle here, that's too confusing. So I'll be Beckett here, but you know that in every way, I am a Castle." She breathed the last part of that sentence, hinting at something more.

"Oh definitely." He squeaked.

"So boys! Got anything?" She called to them.

"Just wrapped a case actually." Esposito informed her raising a file of paperwork he was filling out.

She nodded and turned back to her desk, catching up on what she missed out on as Castle settled in his seat, pulling out his phone to play games. He was such a man-child sometimes, but he was hers and she'd love him until death do them part.


"Hey girl, how you doing?" Lanie asked, pulling her in for a tight hug. It was the first time she was seeing her ME friend since she came back and since she had no case working on, she thought she may as well pop down to see her friend.

"Fantastic" She grinned.

"How's the married life treating you?" Lanie inquired, just a bit jealous of her and Castle's relationship.

"I love him so much Lanie, it's great." She gushed, her face turning red.

"I would hope so, you did marry him." Lanie laughed.

They spent the next hour catching up on each other's lives. Lanie filling Kate in about her and Esposito's relationship and Kate filling Lanie in on the privileges of being married to Richard Castle.

"Girl, we should have a party. Tonight at the old haunt? You, me and the boys, how's that sound?" She suggested.

"That's sounds great Lanie." She agreed.

At that moment her phone rang and she answered with her usual greeting.

"Beckett," she listened for a while nodding, "Yea, sure I'll be right there." She ended the call and looked up at Lanie.

"Got a case, we'll see you later?" She asked.

"Later, Mrs. Castle." She teased.

"Oh shut up." She grinned as she made her way out of the morgue and back up stairs. She almost ran into Castle, if he hadn't reached out and stopped her.

"Hey! Castle what are you doing here?" She asked surprised.

"I was looking for you."

"Well, you found me. What's up?" She stepped aside, leaning against the wall.

"I have to go to a meeting with Gina, something about book promotions or… whatever. So I was coming to tell you I have to head out."

"Okay, sure. Listen, Lanie wants to have a celebration tonight at the old haunt, think you can make it?" She asked him.

"Definitely, I'll see you there." He leaned down to give her a soft kiss. Just as he was pulling away, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him to her against the wall, running her tongue along is lips, which opened with a moan. Her tongue plunged into his mouth, warm and wet. She moaned as he bit down on her lip and jerked her hips forward.

He pulled away gasping. "I think we'll finish this later Mrs. Castle."

"You bet Mr. Castle." She growled into his ear.

"I better get going." He said, backing away slowly, his eyes locked with hers. Dark and filled with want. Oh she could not wait until tonight.


"He did not!" Ryan exclaimed, sounding very much like a teenaged girl.

"He did!" Lanie confirmed, despite a pouting Esposito's protest.

"Dude, I need to see that video." Ryan chuckled.

"No one's seeing anything. I'm gonna burn that thing." He mumbled.

"You? Sleep dancing to single ladies? You wouldn't!" Ryan choked, trying to hold back his laughter.

Esposito just shot him a glare.

"Hey, where's your man?" Lanie asked Kate, who was staring at her phone.

Her brows furrowed, "I don't know, I've been texting him all night. He was supposed to be here an hour ago…" She bit her thumb, feeling worried.

"Don't worry, he'll be here." Lanie placed a hand on her friend's shoulder, trying to ease her tension. She smiled at her.

"Yea, I guess you're right." She said weakly.

But she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He always answered her calls and in the case he couldn't, he would always send her a text explaining why. She couldn't figure out why he wasn't answering her now.

A dreadful feeling settling in the pit of her stomach as she stood abruptly, gaining the attention of the others around her.

"I'm gonna … I'm gonna go over to the loft, make sure everything's alright." She said, squeezing her way out from the booth.

"Castle, where are you?" She whispered to herself as she dialled his number again. Voicemail.

She hailed a cab and gave him directions to Castle's loft. Five minutes away from the loft her phone rang. She looked down, relieved when she saw Castle's face. She was ready to scold him for being so late, not answering his phone and making her worried sick.

"Castle, you better have a good explanation." She snapped.

"Is this Mrs. Castle speaking?" an unfamiliar voice asked. She drew the phone back from her ears, double checking to see if her eyes had been playing tricks on her and it wasn't Castle's face she saw on her caller I.D. It was. That feeling of dread worsened as her heart picked up speed.

"Y- Yes, it is. Who is this?" She spoke through the lump that was forming in her throat.

"This is Dr. Bailey from the New York Presbyterian Hospital." The voice spoke.

She couldn't breathe. This was not happening. The voice on the phone was not going to tell her what she was thinking.

"Ma'am, there has been an accident."

Well I just heard the news today

It seems my life is going to change

I close my eyes, begin to pray.

End A/N: So the songs I choose for these fics don't necessarily have anything to do with the topic I'm writing about, I just pick a verse that will. Like the end song is "With arms wide open – Creed" which is about him hearing he was going to be a dad… But I used that verse, for this context. But yea, I just want to see how this is taken, if I should continue…