Jason's POV

The cabin was filled with the heavy stench of alcohol when I first walked in. It was the fourth of July and there was a party in the Aphrodite cabin. I had heard about these parties from Annabeth. She warned me not to drink the red liquid in the green glass; It was a drug that made you so horny that you would practically jump on the person nearest person to you. I bit my lip as I ventured into the cabin of love, trying to find some of my friends. I found Piper chatting with her half brothers and sisters and decided to leave her to it. I shouldn't interrupt her. Next, I found Leo trying to impress a very scared looking daughter of Demeter by lighting a curtain on fire. She screamed and ran away, leaving Leo standing in the ashes. Literally. I ran over to my best friend and put my arm around him.

"Hey, you made it," Chirped Leo. "Did you see that? I almost had that girl, she was on the line!" I smiled considerately and nodded my head.

"So what's happening here? Anything fun?" I Inquired.

"Well they're doing drinking games and stuff in the other room," Answered Leo with a smirk on his face.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Let's move!" We stumbled across the cabin, knocking into the casual drunk demigod every so often. Finally we arrived to a room which appeared to be an oversized closet. I noticed that all of the clothes along the walls were colour coordinated and had been hung neatly on hangers. Leo and I walked further into the closet to find a bunch of people crowding around a table, covered in a red tablecloth.

"DONE!" Yelped Connor Stoll as he got up and raised his hands. Everyone cheered around him and a boy sitting to his left held his head in his hands.

"Looks like Connor is the winner, sorry Chad," Announced Drew. Chad only groaned in response and collapsed onto the floor. "Okay, who's next?"

"I'll go," Said Percy boldly as he walked up to the table and sat in a chair. I didn't even realise he was there.

"Jason, what about you?" Asked Drew sensually.

"Uhh, I don't even know what we're doing," I responded nervously. Everyone snickered.

"You'll catch on once we start," Snickered Drew. "Common Jason…" This plead was accompanied by a bunch of other people.

"Fine," I mumbled as I stalked up to the table and sat down in the chair next to Percy.

"Rules." Announced Drew. "No kicking, no holding, no powers, no choking and no hiding drinks. Got it?"

"I still don't know what we're doing," I mumbled.

"Okay! Round one," Gushed Drew as she placed a shot glass in front of me, filled with a blue liquid. Beside me, Percy brought the glass to his mouth and drank it all. He made a sour face and then slammed the glass on the table. I decided to copy him and drank my own drink. It tasted sweet and bitter at the same time. Almost like chocolate flavoured scotch. I licked my lips and then slammed the glass on the table. Everyone cheered around me.

"Now you're getting it Jason," Squealed Drew as she placed another drink before me. This one tasted like a sour cherry blaster. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the tartness to go away. Next was a green drink in a pink glass. I grasped the drink in my hand and then tipped my head back and drank it all. This one tasted like bacon, which was very odd for alcohol. By this point, my vision was getting a bit cloudy, and I had a slight urge to hang upside down from the ceiling. A drink was put on the table in front of me that was clear and smelled of strawberries. I drank it in one chug and then suddenly it looked as though I was looking through a beer glass, everything was odd shapes and colours. My head was spinning and I was thirsty. Very thirsty.

"Okay guys, this is the final round, whoever can finish first wins!" Announced Drew. Set before me was a green glass, or was it blue, with red or, I couldn't even tell what colour the drink was. My head was swirling, and all I wanted was something to drink. As I brought the glass to my mouth, I caught a scent of roses coming from inside of the glass and sighed. I slowly drank the contents of the glass, feeling the cool liquid rush down my throat. Suddenly my vision was clear and sharp, my head felt amazing, and then I looked to my side. Percy was looking at me with a look of pure lust. I gazed into his sea green eyes before taking his head in my hands and kissing him fiercely. Our lips collided in a fiery passion and he groaned and ran his hand up my shirt.

"Should we leave them to it?" Asked Drew, as I continued to kiss Percy. "All in favour say I." All at once the participants of the room said I and Drew smirked.

"Have fun you two," Smirked Drew as she closed the door behind her.

OOOOOOO Drew being an A-hole as usual, leave a review and tell me if you like this story so far and if you want more