Kirk pressed the intercom outside Spock's quarters. He carried an apology in his throat and a six – pack of beer in his hand.

"Come." said Spock in an emotionless voice.

The door slid open and Kirk entered. Spock was sitting at his desk in his thinking position. His eyes widened at the sight of the captain.

Kirk grinned, "Did you miss me?"

He sat down across from Spock and tossed him a beer. The vulcan barely caught the drink and looked at the human across from him curiously.

"Go on, open it."

Spock did so, still not saying anything.

"Spock, I came to apologize for the way I was acting. I really, honestly did not mean a single thing that I said. I depressed and angry, and..., well I'm sorry. I wasn't myself when I was drinking either. I guess the beer was kind of an inappropriate apologizing gift." Kirk laughed at himself.

"Spock come on, you haven't touched it."

"Captain, I do not favor alcoholic drinks. You come to apologize, but make me drink alcohol, which I don't like. I don't understand humans, they are illogical beings. However I accept your apology, but not the drink."

Kirk made his puppy face. Spock knew he would have to drink the beer sooner or later, so he emptied the bottle in one gulp. Anyway, the Jim had just been through a lot, so Spock figure he should make him happy. About five seconds later, he fell to the ground.

Kirk pressed the intercom and said guiltily, "Bones, I'm afraid we have a drunk Vulcan."

McCoy laughed heartily. It was good to have things back to normal.