
Just a little side note, Mirai Trunks is from the future where Goku died from the heart virus. You all should know what I'm talking about anyhow. Anyway, as my lawyers keep telling me, I really *don't* own the characters of DBZ.

I own him! *points to Mirai Trunks clone* He's mine! All mine!! And no, you still can't have him.

Anyway, enjoy the story.


The Return of Mirai Trunks

Chapter Fourteen:

{In The Normal Timeline}

"Damn it, Kakarrot! Hold still so I can blast you!" Vegeta growled as he blasted at the thin air where Goku was barely seconds before. Goku smirked at him.

"I'm just too fast for you, Vegeta." Goku said with a laugh, dodging Vegeta's recent punch.

"Care to make a bet on that?" Vegeta asked. He backed up several feet, and started blasting several short fire shots at Goku all at the same time. Goku had a harder time dodging all of them.

"Now try this on for size Kakarrot! Final Flash!" Vegeta cried, sending his attack headlong at Goku. Just at the last second, he adverted it to purposely miss Goku, and head straight upwards instead.

Goku was distracted by the move for only a second, but it was more than enough time for Vegeta to appear behind him, and blast the other Saiyan from behind, sending Goku plummeting to the ground below.

Just as he was about to make contact with the ground below him, he turned himself over onto his back, and blasted skywards up at Vegeta, who barely missed the attack. Goku smirked to himself as he powered up.

"Kaaaa....................maaaaa.............haaaaaa............maaaaaa..... ......HAAAA!" Goku cried, thrusting his hands forward and sending a massive ki blast straight at Vegeta.

Vegeta knew he couldn't dodge it, so he put up his arms, preparing to at least block the attack. As the ki blast hit it's target, Vegeta struggled to get control as it pushed him further and further away. Finally he managed to get enough force behind him to throw the ki blast back at Goku.

"Oh shit!" Goku cried as his own attack was sent back to him. He disappeared just as the blast struck the ground, leaving an enormous crater upon impact. He reappeared in the air a moment later, directly over the crater.

"Not bad Kakarrot. I'm fairly impressed." Vegeta said with an arrogent smirk as Goku smirked back at him.

"Same to you Vegeta. You've improved I see." Goku replied.

"Shall we see how much Kakarrot?" Vegeta asked with a smirk. Before the other Saiyan could answer, Vegeta flew straight at him, combining punches and kicks in mid-air.

Goku was temporarily caught off guard, but quickly recovered as he started to block and counter, attacking when an opening presented itself. The two attacked with punches and kicks, blocking most of each other's moves as though anticipating each one. Eventually, Vegeta managed to land a kick in Goku's chest, stunning him temporarily. Goku grinned as he disappeared and reappeared behind the Saiyan Prince.

Vegeta turned around and struck......through thin air.

Goku smirked as he suddenly appeared above Vegeta, and send two hands fisted together on his head, before disappearing and reappearing infront of Vegeta to punch him in the stomach.

As Vegeta caught his breath, Goku flew down to the ground. A few seconds later, Vegeta followed. They both put their guard back up as they observed each other, before suddenly rushing at each other an instant later. They both hit, warded off, and counter-attacked as they flew upwards, rotating around each other at they accended into the sky, their fists and legs still swinging at each other.

Suddenly, Vegeta spotted a break in Goku's defense, and punched as hard as he could, smirking as Goku fell towards the ground once more, and followed. Goku disappeared a split second before Vegeta could hit him again.

An instant later, Vegeta felt Goku's elbow jab into the back of his head as Goku reappeared a second later behind him, and hit him hard with his elbow. Vegeta fell towards the ground, but before he could vanish, Goku reappeared once more right over him, kicking him hard and sending him crashing into the earth.

As Vegeta was sent crashing back to Earth, Mirai flew closer to the island. He sighed heavily as he watched his father fly straight back at Goku in rage.

"I'd better wait." Mirai said to himself. He stopped where he was, and floated down to the ground, watching each Saiyan infront of him spar back and forth, each struggingly for the advantage over the other.

"Come on Vegeta. Is that all the Great Prince of the Saiyan race can do?" Goku asked with a grin. Vegeta scowled at him as he disappeared, appearing a second later face to face with Goku, who was too stunned to move out of the way as Vegeta punched him straight in the jaw, sending the other Saiyan backwards several feet. He crossed his arms over his chest with an arrogent smirk.

"Guess not. Baka." Vegeta said. Goku frowned for a moment, before smiling a moment later and raising an eyebrow.

"Care to try again?" Goku asked.

"Gladly" Vegeta retorted, charging at Goku again. As the two continued their spar, this time getting more violent than before when Goku managed to get the upper hand and Vegeta started to grow furious.

"Come on Vegeta. I KNOW you can do better than that." Goku said with a mocking tone as Vegeta scowled darkly at him.

"Damn it Kakarrot. Shut the fuck up and just fight me. I don't need a commentary, bakayaro!" Vegeta said as Goku laughed at him, blocking his fist at the same time.

"Temper, temper Vegeta." Goku said, pulling back and and sending a massive ki blast at Vegeta, that sent the Prince violently back to earth, the crater larger than the one before it.

"Ok, maybe I outta step in. If they keep this up, they may end up killing one another." Mirai said with a laugh as he rose into the sky, heading in Goku's direction, who was watching the crater for Vegeta to climb out. Goku looked up as he sensed Mirai's ki and smiled as the lavander haired young man flew up to him.

"Nice one Goku." Mirai said, looking down at the crater as Goku laughed sheepishly at him, scratching the back of his head.

"Thanks. But I have a feeling Vegeta would feel differently. I think that last attack knocked him unconscious." Goku said, looking back down at the dark hole in ground below.

"Guess it's time to head back?" Goku asked, looking at Mirai again as the demi-saiyan nodded.

"Fraid so. Mom and Chichi are furious. You have any idea how long you two have been gone? Almost four hours by now, probably more." Mirai said as Goku paled a sickly white.

"CHICHI'S GONNA KILL ME!" Goku said, clearly panic striken as he gulped visably. Mirai couldn't help himself as he started laughing at Goku's terrified expression.

"It's not funny Trunks! You don't know here like *I* do! DEAR KAMI! What if she decides not to give me dinner for a whole MONTH?!" Goku cried, barely seconds away from bursting into tears.

"Guess you'd better hurry back then." Mirai said with a laugh as Goku hesitated, looking down at the crater again.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take him home." Mirai said as Goku nodded, and practically shot into the sky.

"Thanks Trunks! I'll see you later, and GREAT PARTY!" Goku cried over his shoulder as he streaked further away.

Mirai smiled to himself as he watched Goku disappear, before looking down at the crater below him. With a sigh, he decending into the center to pick his unconscious father from the dirt and debris at the bottom.

**************************************************************************** ***************************************

"It's ABOUT time Son Goku! WHERE have you BEEN for the past FOUR HOURS?!" Chichi screeched as Goku landed at CC.

"I'm *really* sorry Chichi......honey..........we lost track of time. Please don't be mad." Goku pleaded trying to appease his steaming wife and mate.

Chichi shook her head angrily as she turned to look at Bulma.

"We'll see you later Bulma. Thanks for inviting us. It was a great party." Chichi said as Bulma smiled at her best friend and nodded.

"Not a problem Chichi. Anytime. Glad you enjoyed it. I'll see you later then. Bye." Bulma said as Goku timidly picked his wife up and rose into the sky, heading back home but called over his shoulder at Bulma before he got too far away.

"Oh and Bulma! You might wanna warm up the regeneration chamber for Vegeta." Goku said.

"Why? What happened?" Bulma asked a little worriedly as Goku sweatdropped.

"I think I may have gone a little too far with the sparring this afternoon." Goku said sheepishly.

"A LITTLE he says." Mirai said with a smirk as he landed at CC, not actually touching down as he hovered a few inches over the grass, supporting his unconscious father with his arm around his father's waist and holding Vegeta's arm over the back of his shoulders.

"Yeah, about that....." Goku said with a nervous laugh as Bulma sighed deeply and shook her head.

"Don't worry about him Goku. Serves him right. That's what he gets when I ask him not to spar for ONE day, and he does anyway." Bulma said as she moved towards the door to hold it open so her son could carry Vegeta inside.

With a sheepish grin, Goku nodded, before flying away, Chichi still steaming in his arms.

**************************************************************************** ***************************************

Two Weeks Later:

"Bye Mom, I'll see you later." Mirai said as he headed towards the front door. Bulma looked up from her cup of coffee.

"Wait a minute Trunks. Where are you going?" Bulma asked as Mirai smiled as he turned around.

"I'm heading over to Gohan's. He and I were supposed to get a spar in today." Mirai said.

"Are you sure that was alright with Videl?" Bulma asked with a chuckle. as Mirai laughed lightly.

"Yeah, Gohan says she's cool with it." Mirai said as Bulma nodded.

"Well have fun." Bulma said, as Mirai nodded and smiled at his mother, before heading outside again.

As he flew to Gohan and Videl's he got to thinking. He was beginning to miss his own mother, Mirai Bulma. Sure, the Bulma of this time was great and all, but she wasn't the won that had raised him in the horrible times of the Andriods's terrany.

But still, he had been in this time so long now, nearly a month.

"Do I really wanna leave already? Sure it would be great to go back home again......but......what about everyone here? Even if things are peaceful back home, it's not the same. There's so much I'd miss here. Father, Goku, Gohan, the rest of the Z fighters." Mirai said with a sad sigh.

Before too long he found himself at Gohan's door. He shook his head, trying to rid himself of all the unhappy thoughts that plaged his mind and heart. He should be greatful, he had then now didn't he?

With a determined nod, he forced any other unpleasant thoughts or feeling to the farthest corner of his mind and knocked on Gohan's door. A few seconds later, he was greeted by the smiling face of Videl.

"Oh Trunks. Good morning. Gohan mentioned something about you stopping by. He's putting pan down for her nap. If she doesn't get one, she gets fussy later on." Videl said with a smile as she let Mirai inside.

Gohan smiled as he walked silently down the hall, motioning for Mirai to follow him outside. He kissed Videl on the cheek as he passed her, before walking outback with Trunks. Once he shut the door behind him, he turned to smile at the young fighter.

"Sorry. Didn't want to have her wake up.It's hard to get her to go to sleep. Heh. But why don't we go somewhere else to spar. If you wouldn't mind that is?" Gohan asked with a smirk as Mirai nodded.

"Sure." Mirai said, rising into the air after Gohan, as the two flew away from the house.


*Lily* Come on, two fight scenes in ONE chapter? What do you expect from me? Heh. Hope you all enjoyed the first one, the next one will be Gohan vs. Mirai Trunks. Who do you think will win?

*Mirai* Me?

*Lily* You'd think that wouldn't you?

*Mirai* You mean you're gonna let Gohan beat me? That's not fair. I'm your mate.

*Lily* Never said that either.

*Mirai* Damn confusing onnas.

*Lily whacks her mate with her crockpot* Damn otakus.