After his knot had gone down, Rei detangled his limbs carefully from the sleeping teen. He smiled softly when Nagisa's snoring didn't cease and left the room as quietly as possible. He was conflicted as to what he should do. His mind was telling him to leave and try to forget that this ever happened, but his entire being now gravitated toward the teen sleeping peacefully in the other room.

He walked as far as the kitchen and plopped heavily into the same chair that Nagisa had been in when he went into heat. He sighed and thought over his options. Obviously all of them had flown out of the window with the new development in the two's relationship, but Rei couldn't help but mull it over anyway. He wanted to stay and go back into that room and wrap Nagisa up so tight in his arms that it was impossible to tell where one ended in the other began. He wanted to stay by his side and make sure that no harm came anywhere close to him ever again.

But those thoughts are so irrational, Rei thought to himself. Two humans could never fuse together and Nagisa would likely fair better in a fight than I would. He doesn't need my protection from anything.

His urges actually scared him. It felt impossible to fight and Rei didn't want to give up any of his control, even to himself. He was disgusted that he was unable to do the right thing and leave Nagisa alone on that bed for his parents to find and deal with. Instead he had forced him into a mating that he might not even want and you couldn't just abandon a mate. Life didn't work that way much to Rei's misfortune.

As he was wallowing in self-hate, the front door swung open and part of the boisterous Hazuki family burst into the house, back from whatever outing they had been on. Rei noted absentmindedly that Nagisa's sisters were thankfully absent. This conversation was going to be bad enough with just his parents.

Not two seconds after that thought flitted across his conscious, Nagisa's father took a loud sniff that was audible even from the other room. "What the hell?" Nagisa's father grumbled as he took another big whiff. "Do you smell that honey?"

If Mrs. Hazuki said anything in response, it was drowned out by the blood rushing in Rei's ears. He didn't know what to tell them and he could feel his cheeks flush in embarrassment as he imagined possible future conversations.

"Ah hello Mr. and Mrs. Hazuki. If you're wondering about the smell, I just fucked your son through the mattress and forced him into an unwanted commitment because of my own animalistic urges. But don't worry he's sound asleep now."

Yeah that would go over so well.

The teen hung his head in his hands as he heard a pair of footsteps approaching the kitchen. "Rei-chan?" Mrs. Hazuki questioned as her and her husband appeared in the doorway. "What are you doing here? Where's Nagisa-chan?"

Rei was fairly sure that he was on the verge of combustion with how hot his face felt in that moment. He stared at the table guiltily and shrugged his shoulders.

"Now son this is important," Nagisa's father said. "What. Happened." The tone of his voice as well as his facial expression was menacing and Rei almost broke down in tears under his gaze.

"Um. Your son..h-he kind of went into umm.. heat while we were studying." Rei said in a small voice, looking away.

"Heat?" Mrs. Hazuki said perplexed. "But he's a beta!"

"He's actually not," Rei replied. "He was just a late bloomer I guess." Rei could feel his face getting redder and redder as time passed. He was mortified when a look of understanding crossed Mr. Hazuki's face.

"You mated with him didn't you?" Mr. Hazuki questioned, his voice profoundly more threatening than it was before. Rei felt like if he said yes, he was going to rip his dick off his body and shove it down his throat.

Panicking, Rei quickly stood from his seat and bowed at an almost 90 degree angle, apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry Mr. Hazuki! I didn't mean to take advantage of your son! I tried to leave, but he begged me to stay and he was in a great deal of pain and I didn't want to leave him there to suffer. I'm so very very sorry and will take any punishment you wish to bestow upon me to make up for my disgusting behavior."

Nagisa's father looked startled for a minute before bursting into laughter. Rei's eyes darted up to look at Mr. Hazuki's face. He was confused as to why his mate's father wasn't currently trying to rip his limbs from his body and toss him piece by piece into the garbage. But no, Mr. Hazuki was currently doubled over, eyes watering from the force of his guffaws.

"Oh God son," he said in between laughs. "You should've seen the look on your face. I thought you were going to piss yourself there for a minute!"

Rei felt his cheeks get even hotter once he realized that he was being laughed at. "I-I beg your pardon?"

"I'm not mad at you son," He said gently while wiping the tears from his eyes. "Hell I'm just glad he picked you instead of someone I couldn't stand."

Mr. Hazuki let out one more chuckle before going to leave the room, cuffing Rei across the back of the head as he went. "Welcome to the family son," he said before heading towards Nagisa's room.

Mrs. Hazuki giggled a bit before giving Rei a quick kiss on the cheek and a comforting pat on the shoulder and heading after her husband.

The teen stood frozen in the middle of the kitchen dumbfounded for a moment. He had always found Nagisa's parents to be on the eccentric side, but he was still stunned that they had accepted what had happened just like that. However, even though he had Nagisa's parent's approval, the weight in his chest wouldn't go away. He startled when Nagisa's sugar sweet voice dripping with drowsiness reached Rei's ears.

"Huh? Dad? Where's Rei-chan?"

Rei didn't stick around to hear his father's reply. With a heavy heart, Rei quickly vacated the building, his guilt eating away at him all the while. Once outside, he turned around to gaze back at the Hazuki residence, fighting his instinct to crawl back into bed with Nagisa where he belonged. Instead he pinched himself hard on the sensitive flesh right above his inner elbow before storming away, his head a clouded mess.

These past few days of Rei's life have been fifty different types of miserable. He was trying his absolute hardest to avoid Nagisa at all costs, though that was impossible since they were in the same class. The first day after what Rei had dubbed "The Incident" had gone off rather smoothly, with his parents allowing him to stay home on the grounds that he didn't feel good. He had spent the day sulking in his room, trying to figure out what he should do. But it felt like Rei was trying to assemble a puzzle that was missing half of its pieces. He just could not seem to see the whole picture.

His terrible day was made worse when he opened his door to find a concerned looking Nagisa standing on his doorstep with a gift in tow. Rei didn't even let him get out a greeting before slamming the door in his face. He quickly locked it and pushed his back against it right as the blonde began asking questions that Rei didn't know the answer to and fighting for a way in.

Rei was almost surprised to find himself crying silently as Nagisa continued to pound on the door, his guilt bashing against his head with every bang of the blonde's fists. What was worse, Rei felt his misery doubled with Nagisa's close proximity though he didn't know if it was because he could feel Nagisa's emotions though the bond or if he was just projecting his feelings onto the smaller boy. Regardless, it felt like hell every plead Nagisa sent his way which then dissolved into hiccupped apologies that seriously made Rei consider blowing his brains out.

After what felt like an eternity to Rei, Nagisa mumbled one more apology before sniffling and turning to go home, taking Rei's heart with him.

If the first day was hard, the second day was like having his eyes gouged out before being doused with rubbing alcohol. Nagisa was nothing like the pleading omega he was the day before, he was livid and he made sure that Rei was well aware of it.

At first it was just snide remarks sent his direction when Rei refused to eat lunch with the rest of the group on the grounds of needing to complete research. Then Nagisa proceeded to blow spit wads for the first 30 minutes of class before Rei had turned around and growled as loud as he could.

"Are you fucking five?" He snarled, seeing red. The commanding voice of an alpha boomed through the room and all the nearby omegas, betas, and even some of the alphas bared their throats in response to Rei's rage. He could understand Nagisa being upset with him, but he wasn't even trying to see things from Rei's point of view. He was being a complete child about the situation in Rei's opinion.

All anger was flushed from his system at the look on Nagisa's face. He was crestfallen, his lip quivering and his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He was hunkered down low in his seat, terror flashing through his eyes as he unwillingly submitted. As soon as he was able, he stood up and asked to be excused to the bathroom before darting out of there quicker than anything.

The withering gazes his classmates gave him for the rest of the period just made his heart shrivel up more.

Day three was probably the worst of all. Nagisa had skipped school that day making Rei feel even more like complete shit. On top of that, Haruka pulled him into the stairwell leading to the roof at lunch, an absolutely malicious look in his eye.

"What is wrong with you?" Haruka asked coldly. "Are you downright evil or are you just that stupid?"

Rei was flabbergasted for a moment and his mouth opened and closed dumbly as he tried to think of a response. However he didn't have time to formulate one before Haruka was right at his throat again.

"I cannot believe you actually growled at him. Especially after you pretty much said you didn't want him as your mate."

"I..umm..," Rei murmured going red with embarrassment.

"Don't try to make excuses to me. Just go and apologize to him. Talk things out with him instead of assuming you know what's best for the both of you."

Rei stood staring at his balled up fists for a moment. "It's not that easy," he murmured, heartbroken. "I took advantage of his weakness. How am I supposed to show my face to him after that? I can't even look him in the eye anymore." His fists clenched tighter as frustrated tears welled in his eyes. "I'm despicable. I couldn't resist my disgusting urges long enough to leave his house and call his parents so that they could help him. Nagisa may be upset now, b-but that's just the bond talking. Once his head clears and he realizes what I did, he'll hate me and we can put this entire mess behind us."

Haruka sighed loudly before grabbing Rei's chin and forcing him to look him in the eye. "You're an idiot," he said, but his gaze looked less furious and more exasperated. "Nagisa could never hate you. And I promise that he's not mad about what happened nor could he ever be mad."

"You don't know that for sure," Rei replied. "Once his head clears, who knows what he'll think."

Haruka pinned him down with one look. "I do know that for sure. Ask Nagisa about it. I'm sure he'll tell you. If anything, I think you're the one who was taken advantage of Rei."

Rei wasn't expecting those words, but before he could voice his confusion, Haruka let him go and continued to the roof where Makoto and Gou were waiting. I should join them, he thought, but Haruka's words had gotten to him and he found himself restless. He wandered to the library, sitting heavily in one of the plush chairs before mulling over his options. Haruka had effectively made him feel like worse shit than he already felt, but maybe that was a good thing. He stood and began to wander through the aisles, picking up every book on mating theory that he could find.

When he went to the counter to check them out, he made a decision. He would do as much research on mating and mating habits as possible before going to Nagisa and actually talking about what had happened. He needed to be the perfect mate before he could face Nagisa for what he'd done and ask for forgiveness. He had to be deserving of it first. Rei knew no way better than memorizing the theories for what a perfect mate entailed.

With a renewed sense of hope, Rei grabbed his books, ignoring the librarian's questioning look, and made his way home, only feeling slightly guilty about skipping his afternoon classes.

Rei rubbed at his sore neck as he poured over yet another book on the theories of mating. His eyes felt like they had been lit on fire and his back was filled with knots he didn't think were ever going to come out, but he couldn't stop his obsessive research. He had to know everything there was to know on the subject. He couldn't afford to have a single doubt as to what was expected of him in this situation. While Haruka's words were harsh and made Rei feel like the lowest specimen of human, they had effectively spurred him into action. As soon as he had the theories mastered, he could show himself to Nagisa as a suitable mate.

Rei was pulled out of his inner musings with a harsh knock on the door. Groaning, the teen stood slowly, his joints cracking as they were used for the first time in hours. The knocking grew more insistent the longer he took in his journey to the door, so he upped his pace a bit, praying that whoever was disturbing him at this ungodly hour wasn't also disturbing his rather rude neighbors. The last thing he needed on top of his already stress filled life was his neighbor filing another complaint to their landlord. Especially over something stupid like this.

Rei was so exhausted he didn't even bother to look through his peephole before opening the door. He was met with a harsh shove to the chest that had him stumbling backward before his eyes even had time to focus on his intruder. When they did, Rei was shocked to see a furious Nagisa.

"Hi there Rei-chan," Nagisa cooed, his voice dripping with menacing sweetness.

Rei felt like cornered prey as he gulped loudly, trying to calm his nerves. Nagisa was pissed and Rei knew he was about to feel the full force of his anger. "Hello Nagisa-kun. Uh, what brings you here today?"

Rei instantly knew those were the wrong words to use when Nagisa's eyes darkened with anger, the smile still plastered on his face. "Oh you know Rei-chan, just stopped by to teach my mate a lesson is all."

"Excuse me?" Rei's voice pitched up by several octaves with that statement. He backed away from Nagisa, who was stalking toward him with malicious intent. Nagisa pulled his backpack off of his back and he forced Rei into his bedroom, a seemingly innocent grin plastered on his face all the while.

"Now Rei-chan? You want to tell me why you've been avoiding me since we mated? Or why you slammed the door in my face? Or why you yelled at me in the middle of class?" He paused to push a cowering Rei down onto his mattress. "Because I'm dying to hear what you have to say for yourself."

Rei was frozen where he lay, unable to move as Nagisa straddled him, pulling a very sturdy looking rope from his backpack. He bound Rei's wrists to the headboard, tight enough to where he knew there would be marks, but it wasn't unbearably painful yet.

"Come on Rei-chan," Nagisa said his voice losing its bravado. "Tell me why? Are you that mad at me?"

Rei was becoming more confused by the moment. "Mad at you?" he said softly, his tone questioning.

A few tears landed on his shirt as Nagisa bent to bury his face in Rei's neck. "I'm sorry Rei-chan! I'm really sorry just stop avoiding me. Please!"

Every cell in Rei's body wanted to reach out and comfort Nagisa. Seeing his mate upset made him want to simultaneously kiss Nagisa's tears away while killing whoever had the gall to hurt Nagisa, even though he knew that person was himself. He pulled at his restraints growing more frustrated as his neck was dampened with tears and snot. "Nagisa-kun, why would I be mad at you?" He said carefully.

Nagisa pulled back, his face wet and blotchy. "R-rei-chan's not mad at me?"

Rei smiled at Nagisa softly, leaning forward as much as his restraints would allow to place a kiss to Nagisa's wet cheek. "Of course not."

"Then why?"

Rei sighed deeply before telling Nagisa about his guilt and how he felt that he had taken advantage of Nagisa and then later about how Haruka had yelled at him so he decided to own up and become a master of mating theories before asking Nagisa for forgiveness. Nagisa's eyes grew wider the more Rei talked before he started pounding Rei on the chest with his fists.

"You're such an idiot Rei-chan!" He yelled once Rei was done. "You had me worried for nothing! I thought you were avoiding me because you were mad that I tricked you, not because you were having a completely unnecessary internal crisis. Stupid! Stupid Rei-chan!"

Confusion bloomed on Rei's face as he tried to decipher Nagisa's yelling. "You tricked me?" he asked. "What do you mean you tricked me? Tricked me into what?"

"I'm in love with an idiot," Nagisa murmured to himself before continuing. "I'm assuming you slept through or skipped sex-ed class Rei-chan, but omegas know when they're going into heat days before it actually sets in."


Nagisa sighed. "I could feel something was wrong, so I went to Haru-chan about it and he told me that I was probably about to go into heat. I believed him because I had never really felt like a beta and what he said made sense. Anyway, he asked if there was someone I could mate with because going through heats alone is awful and I told him that the only alpha I was interested in was you. I would've just gone to you and asked, but you had never shown any interest in me and I was terrified of being rejected. I didn't want our friendship to be ruined Rei-chan." Nagisa took a deep breath and turned his head away before continuing, eyes firmly glued to the far wall. "I went back to Haru-chan the day before my heat was going to start and asked him what I should do. He told me that he had the same problem before he and Mako-chan got together. Mako-chan hadn't shown any romantic interest in him, but Haru-chan wanted him badly so he invited him to his house the day his heat was supposed to start, knowing that Mako-chan couldn't resist. I thought maybe the same thing would work on you so I invited you to study, knowing that I was about ready to go into heat. I'm sorry Rei-chan. I should've just asked you like a normal omega would." Nagisa hung his head in shame once he was done, his eyes welling up with tears once more. "I understand if you're mad now that you know. It was wrong of me and I'm really sorry Rei-chan."

Rei fixed his gaze upon the ceiling, trying to process all of the new information.

I didn't take advantage of Nagisa-kun?

He actually wanted me to mate with him, and it wasn't just the bond or heat talking?

Rei looked up at Nagisa. His head was hung low and he was sniffling quietly, his hands firmly placed on Rei's chest. He wanted to be mad at him for making him feel like crap for the past few days, but he knew that it was just as much Nagisa's fault as it was his for refusing to talk to him. More than anything, he just felt relieved that he wasn't the one who had done something reprehensible.

"Nagisa, I'm not mad at you." He spoke softly in an effort to calm his upset omega. When he thought of Nagisa as his, Rei's chest lit up with warmth and he smiled brightly.

"Y-you're not?" Hope had made its way into Nagisa's voice and he quickly began rubbing his tear-stained cheeks against Rei's chest and neck when Rei shook his head in confirmation.

"Rei-chan I love you," he squealed, his face firmly planted in Rei's neck.

Rei smiled fondly, reaching for Nagisa before he remembered his restraints. "Uh Nagisa-kun? Would you mind letting me go now?"

Nagisa looked up with a mischievous glint in his pink eyes. "Hmmm I don't think so Rei-chan," he said sweetly. "You know I've felt pretty awful these past few days. I think it's only fair if you get punished. Don't you agree Rei-chan?"

Dread pooled in Rei's stomach at the sickly sweet tone of Nagisa's voice, coupled with the threatening words. "W-what did you have in mind?"

Nagisa licked a hot stripe down Rei's jawline before biting hard enough on his neck to draw blood. Rei cried out, his body arching against his bonds in shock. "Nagisa!"

Nagisa laved the bite with his tongue, soothing the sting before sucking harshly. "Shhh, Rei-chan. I'm just making sure you never forget who you belong to again. You understand that don't you Rei-chan?" Nagisa's sweet tone hadn't waned and it made Rei shiver with both dread and anticipation.

Nagisa smiled down at him before attacking his neck again, alternating biting, licking, and sucking until Rei was sure his neck was a colorful pallet of purpling bruises. Nagisa slowly dragged his hand down Rei's chest before stopping just above the waistband of his shorts, his touch light and fleeting.

He trailed the tips of his fingers teasingly across Rei's growing clothed erection, hard enough for Rei to feel it, but light enough to do no more than frustrate him immensely. At the sound of Rei's desperate groan, Nagisa chuckled evilly, pulling his hand back completely before nuzzling once again in Rei's sore neck.

"What should I do with you Rei-chan?" Nagisa's voice sounded despairing, but Rei was not inclined to believe his tone. "You've been so mean to me these past few days, I can't think of a suitable punishment. Ah!" Nagisa brought his hand back to Rei's erection, brushing across it feather light. "I know! I should get you all worked up, play with you for a while until you're begging and crying and your entire body is as red as your face right now. And as soon as you can't take it anymore," he quickly snatched his hand away from where Rei was straining towards him, "I'll walk right out and leave you here tied up for your parents to find." Nagisa chuckled darkly. "Doesn't that sound like fun Rei-chan?"

Rei personally didn't see the joy in being humiliated in front of his family, but he was unable to voice his thoughts with Nagisa continuing to mutter filthy things in his ear and his body straining up towards his tease of an omega. Every bone in his body wanted to flip Nagisa over and fuck him into submission. He wanted more than anything to teach him who was really in control and punish him for daring to talk to his alpha in that manner.

Rei was getting so worked up that the next time Nagisa bit at his throat, he growled low in his throat, a warning for him to back off. Nagisa sat back and glared down at Rei. "Rei-chan, that had better not have been a growl," he said voice low and livid.

Remembering how upset Nagisa had gotten after he growled at him in class a few days prior, Rei immediately began apologizing profusely claiming that he didn't know what had come over him. Nagisa's hard gaze softened at Rei's desperate tone, but the glare was still firmly in place. After Rei had finished his apology, Nagisa remained quiet. He quickly settled in between Rei's legs before ripping his shorts off without a single word.

"W-what are you doing, Nagisa-kun?" Rei questioned. Nagisa's silence was distressing him, made him want to reach out and do whatever was necessary to please his mate.

Rei could've jumped for joy when Nagisa sighed loudly. "You pissed me off Rei-chan. Growling was completely unnecessary," he muttered as he started pulling on his mate's cock. "You really don't want to piss me off right now Rei-chan, I've had an awful couple of days."

"I know, I'm sorry" Rei said loudly, moaning when Nagisa paid special attention to the sensitive spot underneath the head. "I won't do it again."

"Oh I know you won't because the next time you pull your macho man alpha bullshit on me, I will walk out and leave you here, without a second glance." Nagisa tightened his grip, making Rei wince in pain. He backed off completely when Rei whimpered and stood to strip of his clothes. "You be a good boy and sit tight Rei-chan," he said, a touch of anger still present in his voice as he stepped out of his shorts and briefs.

Rei let out a choked off groan at the sight of his mate's erection springing free from his underwear and tagging his stomach with precome. Nagisa climbed back onto Rei before turning around and presenting his ass to Rei's gaze. He wanted to do nothing more than grab Nagisa's slim hips and pull him down onto his face so he could bury his tongue into that perfect hole. He pulled at his restraints as hard as he could, causing the headboard to creak dangerously and pulling an amused snort from Nagisa.

"Didn't I tell you to stay put, Rei-chan?" Nagisa reached back and slid a finger slowly into his entrance, opening himself up for his mate. At Rei's distressed whine, Nagisa chuckled before biting back a moan half to drive Rei's crazy and half because of the steady stimulation his fingers provided. "This is a punishment Rei-chan." Nagisa looked back over his shoulder and licked his lips at the frustrated yet awed look Rei was giving him. "What kind of punishment would it be if I gave you what you wanted every time you got a tiny bit impatient? No, you're gonna sit and watch, Rei-chan."

Nagisa continued his ministrations, making sure to put on a show for Rei who was still whining softly, but no longer struggling. After several minutes of this treatment, Rei finally resorted to begging. "Nagisa-kun," he whined, his voice high and distraught.

"Do you want something Rei-chan?" Nagisa purred. He pulled his fingers out of his dripping entrance and trailed them slowly up Rei's erection, causing him to shout with the stimulation.

"Please Nagisa. Anything, give me anything." Rei's pants filled the room and Nagisa almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"Anything Rei-chan? Well I guess you have been pretty good. I guess I can give you a little reward. What do you want Rei-chan?"

Rei groaned before whining "Please touch me Nagisa."

Nagisa scoffed at that. "You've been good for me, Rei-chan, but not that good. I think you're gonna have to wait a little bit longer for that." He smirked evilly at the resultant pitiful whine Rei gave in response. "What if I let you touch me, Rei-chan? Will that make you feel better?"

"Yes! Please anything Nagisa-kun! I'll do anything!" Rei strained at his restraints once again at the thought of getting his hands on his mate, making him come undone underneath him.

"Hmm, but I'm not sure I trust you enough to untie you Rei-chan. You'll probably just push me down and have your way with me."

Rei gasped unattractively "Nagisa I would never!"

"You're thinking about it right now though aren't you Rei-chan? You're imagining pushing me down and sliding into me with that big cock of yours and knotting me up tight yeah? You're pissed off at me because I'm not deferring to you like a proper Omega should right? You want to punish me yeah?"

Rei groaned at the image of his mate lying helpless underneath him, powerless to do anything against his alpha. His cock twitched and precome dripped down the head causing Nagisa to laugh. "Rei-chan you're so dirty."

Rei growled softly, more out of frustration than any anger at Nagisa. His mate still glared over his shoulder though, causing Rei to apologize profusely.

"I know Rei-chan," Nagisa relented. "I'm still not going to touch you or untie you though." Nagisa smirked as an idea popped into his head. "Do you want me to sit on your face Rei-chan?"

At the thought of finally getting some part of his body into his mate, Rei nodded furiously. "Please. Oh god yes Nagisa-kun," he panted. Nagisa smirked over his shoulder before slowly backing up.

"Do you promise to eat me out right Rei-chan? Do you think you can make me come from your tongue alone?"

Rei's mouth just watered in response, mind too fogged with lust to form any kind of coherent response. He faintly registered Nagisa's giggle, but then his focus was destroyed by the supple ass in front of him, waiting to be devoured. Rei arched up as far as his restraints would allow and licked a slow, teasing stripe from Nagisa's balls to his hole, already glistening with slick. The taste was different from when he was in heat, less strong. There was also a lot less slick, but Rei didn't mind. He plunged his tongue into Nagisa, the hole greedily sucking him in.

Nagisa moaned above him, leaning down so Rei wouldn't have to arch as much to get at him. As Rei worked him over, sucking and licking at him like a man who had just found an oasis in the desert, Nagisa's mind was effectively short circuited. Unable to think clearly, his legs relaxed against his will and he fell against Rei, his entire weight boring down on his face.

Nagisa quickly pulled himself up and looked down at Rei, apologizing profusely. Rei returned his gaze with a cloudy stare of his own. He was panting harshly, lying limp and still before arching against the rope that bound him to the headboard.

"More," he panted. Nagisa nearly came at the sight of his mate beneath him, begging him to sit on his face. He reached back and petted Rei's head gently before slowly lowering himself back down. Rei made a distinctively happy sound that evolved into a long moan as Nagisa came within reach. He buried his face in the ass above him, sucking greedily and plunging his tongue in as far as it could reach. He reveled in the sounds of his mate being pleasured and groaned as his own hips thrust up looking for some form of release.

"Rei-chan," Nagisa moaned before leaning forward and rubbing his cheek against the straining cock before him. Rei gasped against him and arched up, his back taught as a bow string. Nagisa was quickly reaching his limit between the talented mouth working him open and the amazing visual of his mate desperate before him. He sucked the tip of Rei's cock into his mouth and pulled on his own once, twice, before painting his mates stomach with his cum.

Rei groaned as slick flooded across his tongue and Nagisa keened as his orgasm ripped through him. Rei tongue fucked him through it before Nagisa was pulling away with a sensitive shudder. He quickly turned around and plunged his tongue into Rei's mouth, pulling back at regular intervals to murmur filthy praise.

"God Rei-chan you are so so good to me." His voice was high and breathy as he sighed against Rei's mouth. "Such a good alpha."

Rei was positively writhing beneath his fucked out mate, desperate and wanting. Nagisa straddled him, letting Rei's cock rub teasingly against his entrance. "Do you want to fuck me Rei-chan?" he asked, voice sugary sweet. "You've been so good for me, do you think you can be good a little while longer?"

Rei was unsure how he was physiologically capable of forming a response with the amount of blood that had to be circulating in and around his cock, but he managed a shaky "Yes," all the same.

Nagisa bent forward to kiss his mate once more before leaning back and slowly sitting down on Rei's cock. He trembled, still not quite recovered from his previous orgasm, but still managed to take him to the hilt, the beginning of Rei's knot catching on the rim of his entrance.

The whine that left Rei's mouth was just barely within human hearing range. He attempted to retain enough of his sanity so that he wouldn't cause harm to his mate, but it was all in vain. His hips bucked of their own accord and Nagisa cried out, half in pleasure and half in pain. He pulled off of Rei's cock and stared at him accusingly.

"Rei-chan, you're going to have to stay still." Rei swore he felt something in his mind break at those words. He wanted to fuck and bite and claim Nagisa more than anything, but he understood that if he wanted to achieve any form of release, things were going to have to go Nagisa's way.

"I c-can do that," Rei muttered, desperate to get that fluttering heat back around his cock. Nagisa smiled down at him, kissing his way up his jawline as he sank back down.

Tears welled up and his thighs trembled as Rei fought to keep his composure. The feel of his mate's slick entrance gripping him like a vice had his eyes rolling back into his head. He groaned, desperately pleading with Nagisa to go faster, but Nagisa only giggled breathlessly as he moved achingly slow.

"It'll be worth it, Rei-chan," Nagisa breathed, slowly stroking himself in time with his thrusts. "You need to start reading up on theories of patience."

Rei whined, his hips twitching minutely. He was almost glad for the slow pace. Otherwise he thinks he wouldn't have lasted more than thirty seconds with how wound up he is.

Nagisa bent down again to mouth at Rei's neck. His thrusts slowed to a standstill until he was just using Rei's cock to grind against his prostate. In contrast to his almost non-existent pace, his mouth was working furiously, desperately pulling Rei's blood to the surface with harsh sucks and bites.

He pulled back a little and sighed at the sight below him. Rei had tears of desperation in the corners of his eyes, his entire body was flushed a bright shade of red, and his neck looked like it had been mauled. Nagisa giggled, wishing his phone was closer so that he could take a picture and show Rei how absolutely gorgeous he looked lying there, fucked out. Love bloomed in his heart and made his stomach flutter.

"Rei-chan," he moaned out, "You look so beautiful." Nagisa slowly pulled himself off of Rei's cock and bent down to get at the ropes binding his hands to the headboard. "You've been so good to me Rei-chan. Do you think you've learned your lesson?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, fuck yes! I'm so sorry Nagisa. I'll never do it again! Just please l-let me fuck you," Rei breathed, his body tensing as Nagisa slowly undid the rope.

Nagisa ravaged Rei's mouth, his hands still working at the knots. When he was finally able to pull the last part free, he pulled back enough to breath against Rei's mouth, "Then fuck me, Alpha."

Rei had to viciously remind himself not to growl as he gripped his mate's shoulders and turned them around. He immediately sank back into that tight heat and started a punishing rhythm, his mind blank except for his desperate need to get off. His fingers gripped hard enough at Nagisa's hips to be sure to cause bruises. His mouth left Nagisa's neck looking like a war zone. He was everywhere, pawing desperately at his mate, but it still didn't feel like enough.

Meanwhile, Nagisa was practically wailing with need and pleasure, his thighs quaking where they were wrapped around Rei's back. He could do little more that take what was being given to him and listen to the particularly filthy sounds of skin slapping against skin, Rei's soft growls and groans of pleasure, and his own incessant moaning. Gone was the Rei who was a desperate pleading mess beneath him. The Rei pounding into him now was a beast, though still beautiful in his own way.

Still a little sensitive from his previous orgasm, it wasn't long before Nagisa was panting harshly, his body coiling with impending release. Rei's thrusts were growing frantic and erratic now. At the sound of his mate's desperate groans, Nagisa came, coating his and Rei's stomachs with his release. His eyes rolled into his head and his entire body arched towards Rei with a scream.

Rei wasn't far behind. He lost all semblance of pace before burying his face into Nagisa and biting hard enough for his mouth to fill with blood. His knot grew and held him in place as he came for what seemed like hours to his fucked out mind. He quickly collapsed as the tension supporting his body faded, barely registering Nagisa's soft "oomf" at the extra weight.

"Rei-chan's heavy." His voice was hoarse and soft as he gently stroked Rei's back. Shivers traveled down Rei's spine as he slowly recovered from his intense orgasm. Eventually he was able to lift his head up and kiss Nagisa tenderly, smiling down at him before pulled back to settle them both on their sides.

Nagisa winced as the movement pulled against where they were connected, but he quickly settled down as Rei began softly mouthing at the back of his neck.

"Nagisa-kun," Rei mumbled after an immeasurable amount of time.

"Hmm? What is it Rei-chan?"

"…I love you."

Nagisa giggled softly, wishing he could turn around to kiss Rei. "I know you do Rei-chan. And I love you too."

Rei nuzzled happily back into Nagisa's neck, licking and biting softly. Nagisa found himself to be exhausted and was slowly starting to fall asleep in his mate's arms before Rei interrupted.

"You know, you did trick me into mating with you Nagisa-kun," he said, voice haughty and slightly mischievous.

"Ah yeah. I'm really sorry about that Rei-chan."

"Oh I forgive you, but," Rei licked up the shell of his ear, "Don't you think you deserve some punishment as well Nagisa-kun? That wasn't a very nice thing for you to do you know."

Nagisa shivered and turned his head to glare at Rei. "Is that a threat Rei-chan?"

"Oh it's not a threat Nagisa-kun. It's a promise."

Sorry about the absurd wait. This has been a challenging year and I'm just now feeling well enough to write again. Thanks to those who stuck around and hounded me to get my butt into gear I appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed and I would love some feedback. Take care ^^