Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf no matter how much I wish I did.

Warning: a few swears I think or maybe it's just the one but either way you're forewarned

Aiden hadn't gotten a full night of sleep since he was ten. It wasn't that he had insomnia or was a light sleeper and woke up at every little noise. It was nightmares that kept him from a peaceful sleep, but not his own nightmares, he never had them. Ethan did. And Aiden was always there to wake his little brother from his mind's torture.

It was silent in Scott's house. Scott and Isaac were each asleep in their own rooms and Melissa was working at the ER. The silence was broken by a whimper from one of the two dark figures asleep on the pull-out couch in the living room. Ethan and Aiden were accepted into the McCall pack after the black-out party at Derek's loft.

Scott didn't even have to verbally confirm that they were officially in. It was clear in the way Scott and Isaac jumped to defend the twins from the masked figures. The twins couldn't seem to catch a break, they were evicted from the penthouse the following morning. Apparently Deucalion had the last word and got them back for deserting him by paying the land lord a great deal of money to evict the ex-alphas.

Melissa found out and insisted that they move in with her, Scott and Isaac. They tried to argue saying they didn't want to impose on them and such but she wouldn't hear of it. She told them that there was plenty of room and that was that.

Eventually they just gave in and packed their few belongings into Melissa's car and followed her back to the house. They were sleeping on the pull-out bed in the living room for a few days until Scott could clear out his dad's old study that had become somewhat of a storage room.

In the darkened living room Ethan rolled onto his back, chest heaving as if he were running. Another whimper escaped the beta and his head rolled to the side, a low whine slipping through his lips. His bare chest glistened with sweat and his whole body began to shake.

"No! Please..." The teen mumbled frantically in his sleep, tossing and turning, trying to escape the tortuous images his mind conjured. His next whimper made his twin roll over towards him and open his eyes. It took a moment for Aiden to remember where he was, then Ethan's pleading reached his ears. He quickly sat up and slid over next to his baby brother and shook his shoulder.

"Hey! Ethan wake up! Come on man it's just a dream," Aiden muttered, loud enough to wake his brother, but soft enough not to disturb the two wolves upstairs, he hoped anyway.

Ethan jolted up, fangs bared and eyes ice blue. He growled at his brother and frantically slid backwards to get away, falling off the edge of the bed and landing with a hard thud on the floor.

"So much for not waking the others," Aiden thought to himself, crawling over to his brother's side of the bed and looking down at him on the floor. Ethan was on his back, eyes darting around the room in confusion, not recognizing Scott's living room in the dark from down on the floor.

"Ethan?" Aiden asked hesitatingly, hoping his brother would recognize him this time and not lunge at him. That happened sometimes, Ethan woke up and attacked Aiden not realizing it was his brother until he snapped him out of it. Luckily tonight didn't seem to be one of those nights.

"Aiden?" Ethan responding shakily, propping himself up on his elbows and looking at his older brother, eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness.

"You okay now?" Aiden asked quietly.

"Yeah," Ethan responded with a sigh and shifted back, his eyes returning to their normal chocolate brown and fangs retracting. He ran a hand over his face and through his hair, trying to calm his racing heart and remember what happened. He groaned at the realization that he had another nightmare, he got them every night and he'd given up hoping that they would go away. He let himself fall back with a sigh and threw and arm over his eyes.

"Sleeping down there are you?" Aiden teased, trying to make his brother smile, "I'm not that much of a bed-hog."

"Yeah you are," Ethan dead panned, still not moving, but he chuckled softly.

"Everything alright down here?" A voice came from by the stairs. A lamp clicked on to reveal Scott at the bottom of the stairs and Isaac two steps above him. Ethan sat up and looked at the two while Aiden just turned his head over his right shoulder to take in the other wolves of their pack. They looked concerned.

"Yeah Aiden just pushed me out of bed," Ethan said smoothly, standing and jumping over his brother to steal Aiden's side of the bed seeing as his brother still occupied his side. Aiden rolled his eyes and turned to smack Ethan with a pillow.

"Then why was the growling before the thump hmm?" Isaac asked, obviously not convinced with Ethan's story. Ethan blushed slightly and fell back on the bed, pulling the pillow Aiden had smacked him with over his face. Scott looked from the pillow to Aiden and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Nightmare," Aiden mouthed to the two wolves standing, but out loud he said, "Yeah I'm a bed-hog, sorry we woke you guys." That earned him a snort of amusement from the pillow that Ethan was hiding under.

"Don't worry about it. I was waiting up for Mom anyway. With all the attacks I worry about her till she's home." Scott responded.

"Yeah and I had to go to the bathroom so I was already awake," Isacc lied, rather unconvincingly by the way Aiden and Scott rolled their eyes. Ethan sighed and sat up, causing the pillow to fall into his lap.

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better guys but I'm a human lie-detector remember?" He mumbled glancing at all three wolves then quickly glancing down at the pillow playing with the edge of it nervously. The silence stretched out awkwardly, no one wanted to try and make him talk about his nightmare, so finally Isaac took action and asked, "Well we are all up anyway so we should stay up with Scott and wait for Melissa, who wants to watch a movie?"

The other three nodded and Isaac went to search the movie drawer below the T.V. Ethan scooted over towards his brother to make room for the other two.

"Fast and Furious 6?" Isaac called over his shoulder raising the DVD up to show the others.

"Sounds good to me!" Ethan said smiling, he loved that movie.

"Of course you're good with it," Aiden teased playfully, "You think Brian is absolutely dreamy," he said in a mock-girly high-pitched voice.

"He's hot, get it right," Ethan shot back with a grin and pushed his brother off the bed laughing.

Isaac laughed too and hit play before turning and with a running start flopped down on the bed next to Ethan. Scott chuckled at his beta' actions and turned out the light before joining them, laying on the other side of Isaac. Aiden picked himself up off the floor and launched himself at his younger brother.

Ethan saw him coming and tried to roll away only to come into contact with Isaac's chest. Aiden threw and arm around his neck and pulled him back against his chest, holding him in place with one hand and tickling his brother's side with the other hand.

Scott and Isaac laughed at the twins' antics. "Can't breathe!" Ethan choked out between laughs and Aiden let him go. He felt much better, the nightmare all but forgotten. They all settled down as the opening scene began.

"Hey what time is it anyway?" Ethan asked a few minutes later, turning towards his brother who was closer to his phone. Aiden rolled over and grabbed his brother's cell and clicked the lock button. "2:15" He reported, putting the phone back down and getting comfortable again.

"Shit we didn't get in till eleven. I'm sorry guys," Ethan muttered guiltily, ducking his head. Aiden rolled his eyes and slid closer to his brother slinging an arm around his shoulders and shushing him.

"Hey none of that," Scott said from the other side of Isaac, "No apologizing, we're pack, you need us, we're here."

"Yeah," Isaac added, "We got your back no matter what time it is." Ethan smiled at his packs' support and turned his attention back to the T.V. Melissa came in two hours later to the final scene of the movie and couldn't help but smile at the sight before her.

The four werewolves were curled up together, fast asleep. Aiden's arm was still around Ethan. Ethan was using his older brother's shoulder as a pillow. Isaac's head was resting on Ethan's thigh and he was laying horizontally, legs hanging off the side of the bed by the side table. Scott was back-to-back with Isaac, curled up in a ball, his hair brushed against Ethan's side.

Melissa quietly crept as close as she dared to without waking one or all of the supernatural teens. She snapped a picture on her phone and typed out a quick message saying 'puppy pile' and sent it to Stiles. She smiled and quietly slipped past the wolves, heading up the stairs to go to sleep.

Let me know what you think :) I'm not sure if I want to leave it as a one-shot or add more to it so I guess I'll let you decide, please review and let me know what you think :) I'm also debating on having a part with Danny questioning why Ethan never spends the night after having sex, and it leading to Ethan opening up to him about his past. Let me know if you'd like to see that.