First off I am so so so so so sorry it took so long for me to update this fic! My laptop died and my phone was being stupid and not letting me update from my phone (even though I had this update typed already!) Then I got my laptop and had to force myself to re-type it on here so that took a while because with moving to college and getting settled I've been distracted, but anyhow on with the story!

I know people are worried but I promise I won't kill Aiden in this fic! It killed me to watch his death scene my heart literally broke for Ethan!

When his howl cut off there was nothing but silence on the other side of the door. Ethan whimpered, listening desperately for his brother. He breathed in deeply, trying to calm his racing heart and was able to make out labored breathing without his panic sounding in his ears. His heart sped up again, he couldn't tell if it was his brother's breathing or that of the man who had kidnapped him.

All of a sudden the door finally opened. Ethan growled at the shape in the doorway and tried to back away, only to realize he was backed against the wall of the closet. He bared his teeth at the figure, his option to flee gone and his instinct to fight taking over, his brain wasn't quite functioning well enough for him to recognize the figure, and he was being driven by pure terror.

"Shh. Shh. It's me. You're okay," Ethan relaxed at his older brother's voice and whimpered at him. "Easy Eth its okay, I've got you. I'm right here," Aiden muttered soothingly, crawling on his knees towards his twin and pulling him into his arms.

"Ssh. Easy bro, I've got you," the older of the pair told his brother softly, rocking him back and forth slightly. Ethan was trying to stop shaking, really he was, he was just so scared and everything hurt, he just wanted it to go away.

"Hurts Aid," the younger twin whined into his brother's shoulder.

"I know Eth, I know. You're already healing, it will stop hurting soon," Aiden told him quietly, kissing the top of his head.

Ethan jerked awake all of a sudden, looking around in confusion. He glanced over his shoulder at his brother's soft snore and relaxed. He was okay, he wasn't eleven anymore, he was seventeen and safe in the McCall house with his brother and his pack.

He settled back down and breathed deeply. For once he didn't wake his brother and he was thankful for that. He always felt so guilty for causing his brother to lose sleep because of him.

Ethan silently slipped out of bed and crept out of the room, not waking Aiden, and headed for the kitchen. He was sitting there ten minutes later with a cup of tea when Melissa came through the the door.

"What the-? Oh it's you," the nurse sighed, relieved. She had looked up and jumped when she noticed the figure in her kitchen.

"Yeah, sorry to scare you," Ethan said, getting up and taking her bag for her.

"Thanks Ethan," Melissa said with a smile, heading to the fridge for some orange juice. Ethan put her bag in her room and joined her back at the kitchen table.

"At least you can tell us apart," Ethan said smiling, "The rest of the non-werewolf pack members still can't."

"It's a mother thing. Doesn't matter that you two aren't actually my kids, the whole pack have become like my own since Scott became the Alpha and brought all of you into my life. And it isn't that hard, your personalities are so different."

They sat there, content with the silence and enjoying their drinks for a few minutes before Mrs. McCall asked, "So what are you doing up? It's three in the morning."

Ethan ducked his head and played with his cup, "Can't sleep," he mumbled, not meeting her eyes.

"Nightmare?" Melissa asked, concerned for the young wolf. Ethan just nodded, "Wanna talk about it?" He shook his head this time, she smiled sadly.

"Alright, well the offer doesn't have an expiration date, okay? Just remember that you can talk to me anytime." He looked up at her and smiled, nodding slightly. "Alrighty," she said, "Well I'm going to bed, and don't stay up too much longer you have school in a few hours."

"Okay Mrs. McCall," Ethan said, getting up and rinsing his cup out, leaving it upside down on the rack to dry out. His eyes had already been drooping and his best bet was heading to bed or else he would wake up on the kitchen floor.

"Ugh! 'Mrs. McCall makes me feel so old! Call me Melissa or Mom for all I care! Just not Mrs. McCall! Please!" she said, exasperated, putting her hands on her hips.

"Okay Melissa," Ethan said hesitatingly, testing it out. She beamed at him.

"I swear I'm gonna break you and your brother of that! Give me time!" She said heading up the stairs, she didn't see him flinch at the phrase 'break you and your brother.' Once she reached the top of the stairs he flicked the light off and headed up to bed as well.

He slipped back into bed and just laid there staring at the ceiling. It was one of those nights when the nightmare was just too much. He sighed, trying not to think of it as he closed his eyes. He felt Aiden shift and tried to even out hi breathing as if he were asleep.

"Nice try bro," Aiden said, voice thick with sleep, "I heard you come back in."

Ethan cursed under his breath but didn't respond to his brother. Aiden rolled over to look at him, "You good?" He asked, brow furrowing in worry. Ethan cracked an eye open and looked at his brother before shrugging and rolling over, facing away from his brother.

He could feel Aiden's worry through their bond and sighed, curling up in a ball trying to get comfortable. Aiden decided to let it drop and they both just laid there in silence, not saying a word, but neither of them falling back to sleep.

They both groaned when the alarm clock went off, they hadn't gotten back to sleep at all. Ethan hopped right up and went to shower. Aiden sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He looked up to see Scott, still in his pjs, leaning against the doorframe.

"Everything okay?" Scott asked, he could feel the tension and exhausted rolling off the twins as soon as he woke up.

"I don't know," Aiden said honestly, "Something doesn't feel right."

Scott frowned, not sure what to make of that comment. They both fell silent as Ethan came back into the room in a towel and headed for his dresser. Scott decided it was best to leave the twin's alone for now and went to take his own shower.

"Eth?" Aiden said softly, just loud enough for his twin to make it out.

"I'm okay Aid. It was just really strong last night and it's got me all worked up. It feels like a warning," Ethan confessed, pulling on his jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt.

Aiden frowned, "A warning about what?"

"I don't know bro, it just feels like something's coming," Ethan said ominously, looking out the window.

Before Aiden could respond they heard Isaac's voice from the doorway, "And if something is coming, we'll handle it." He said confidently, the twins looked to the door and saw their fellow beta standing, there with their Alpha right behind him. Scott nodded in agreement and all the wolves smiled at each other, sure they could get through anything together.

But if they thought they would all make it through the coming storm unscathed, they had a rude awakening coming.

And there's the update sorry it's short! I'm trying to get all my fics updated in the next few days since I wasn't able to for so long! I'll add more to this soon! I hope you all enjoy it!