Sorry it's been such a long time since my last update! I ended up getting a teaching position through the end of the year where I taught 2nd grade, but I'm now on summer vacation so I should have more time to update! Yay! :)

Anyways, it should be noted that Penny is younger than Leonard and Sheldon, so this takes place in a different year than the other chapters.

I also want to note that I always pictured Roseanne Barr playing Penny's mom on the show. Everyone else from that show has been on this show, so why not Roseanne lol?! Enjoy :)


Penny, Age 5

Daddy and I sat on that old log by the pond. I suddenly felt a tug on my Barbie fishing pole.

"Daddy, I caught one!" I said excitedly. I was extremely happy as this was the first fish I had ever caught.

"Reel it in, Sweetie," Daddy responded. I struggled to pull it in. It felt heavy! "Almost got it!" Daddy grabbed the line to pull it in since I was struggling. To my disappointment, the fish was nothing but a dud, only being as long as my finger. I could feel my eyes well up with tears. All I wanted to do was catch dinner and make my dad proud.

"You know," Daddy said, "This might just be the best looking fish I've ever seen. I bet this will be the best bite ever!" I began to smile. Daddy always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.

Once we got inside, Momma was getting the fryer ready for the fish we caught, or rather, the fish Daddy caught. I only caught the tiny thing. As Daddy began to clean the fish, my mother examined them.

"Why in the heck did you bring that piece of bait here?!" Momma exclaimed.

"That happens to be the fish Penny caught, Daddy quickly but in.

"Oh yeah?! Well that will be a wonderful piece of fish for dinner, anybody would enjoy that! Especially a starving child in China." Momma mumbled that last part. She has always been a sarcastic person with no filter. Growing up and working hard on the farm her entire life had made her that way. She inherited it from my Grandpa once he decided to retire. I knew she loved my brother and I and she meant well, but unfortunately my 5 year old self did not know this. My dad, knowing I would be upset, jumped into action. He grabbed my tiny fish, placed it into his mouth, and swallowed it whole.

"Mmm," he said, not even gagging, "Best fish I've ever tasted!"

I could not help but giggle. I was Daddy's little girl, and there was never a doubt about that.

Up next is Howard!