Grace Mikaelson

-Chapter 15-

Long Way Back From Hell

"Come on, honey." Mommy smiles at me as I look at her with tearful eyes. "Let's wash your hair." Mommy bents down beside the bathtub I'm in and starts washing my long, wavy brown hair.

"Mommy, I miss you..." I sniffle.

"I miss you too." She smiles at me softly before looking at my clothes on the floor. "Did Klaus buy you these clothes?"

"Nuh-uh." I shake my head. "Rebekah bought them for me."

"Did she now?" Mommy says. I don't know why, but she sounds a little unhappy... "Where are Klaus and Rebekah now?" She asks.

"Hayley said that they're making scary, bad people go away." I bite down on my red lips. I don't like scary, bad people. I don't like to be scared or hurt...

"Yes, I've seen Hayley." Mommy smiles and nods. "She's fallen asleep." She says as she's done washing my hair. Mommy makes sure my body is clean before standing back up.

"Alright, honey, it's time to get up." Mommy tells me.

"Okay." I say as I raise my arms. Mommy lifts me up out of the tub. Then, mommy grabs the towel beside her and starts drying me.

"Mommy's gonna take you to our new home, okay?" Mommy smiles at me.

I tilt my head. "But what about Hayley?" My oval-shaped face frowns.

"I already told her about it." Mommy says. "She's fine with it."

"Oh, okay." I smile widely...


I wake up in a bed beside mommy. "Are you awake, sweetie?" Mommy touches my cheek softly.

"Mommy..." I whine as I rub my big blue eyes sleepily. "Hug-hug..."

"Come here..." Mommy smiles as she pulls me into her arms and up into a sitting position. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Um... Pancakes." I say as I smile and yawn.

"Alright, well, let's change ourselves out of our pajamas first." Mommy tells me with a smile. "And then we'll clean ourselves up and have breakfast."

"And then what?" I tilt my head.

"And then... No one else knows that mommy's back, so we're going to go surprise them, okay?" Mommy tickles my tummy, making me giggle.

"Okay." I giggle happily...


After breakfast, mommy takes me back to the house I stayed in with Klaus. "... I need you to make a list of these names." Mommy carries me into the house just in time to hear Elijah say to Hayley as he, Hayley, and Marcel are in the living room together.

Elijah doesn't have any clothes on except for a pair of pants. He has black writings all over his body, but I don't know what it says.

"Nice to see you again, Hayley." Mommy smiles crookedly at Hayley. "I see you made it back here fairly early this morning."

"Yeah, I'm full of energy today thanks to how you magically knocked me out last night." Hayley sounds as if she might not like mommy. I don't know why. I love mommy...

"Valerie..." Marcel's eyes widen at mommy. "You're alive, but how..."

"Hello, Marcel." Mommy smiles at him before narrowing her eyes at Elijah. "And you must be Klaus's brother, Elijah."

"You're Grace's mother..." Elijah sounds worried, but I don't know why...

"You're alive..." Marcel says to mommy. He sounds happily surprised. "I missed you..."

"We'll talk later, Marcel." Mommy says to him before looking at Elijah and Hayley. "Find Klaus and Rebekah quickly." Mommy tells them. "I'll deal with those excessive witches. Klaus and I need to have a good, long talk..."


Mommy and I are in my bedroom in Klaus's house. Mommy puts me down beside my box full of toys. "Mommy, where did Klaus and Rebekah go?" I ask.

"Mommy's going to do some spells and find them." Mommy smiles at me. "Can you play by yourself quietly for a little while?"

"Okay." I nod and smile back.

"Good girl." Mommy smiles and kisses my forehead.

Just then, Marcel walks in. "Hey, I got what you asked for." Marcel says to mommy as he's holding a tray with some bowls on it and he's also holding some candles.

"Just put them on that desk over there." Mommy tells Marcel as she looks from him to the empty desk in my bedroom.

"Here you go." Marcel smiles at mommy as he puts the things down onto the desk. "Anything else I can do for you?"

"Yeah." Mommy says. "Keep quiet and don't break my concentration."

"Okay." Marcel smiles and puts his hands up in the air. "I'll go inform Elijah and Hayley of that too." Marcel says before leaving...

My oval-shaped face smiles a little. Marcel looks as if he REALLY likes mommy...


I'm sitting on the floor and building a house with colorful blocks. Mommy is doing a spell as she's been quietly saying something to herself that I don't understand. I don't know why, but I feel nervous...

I feel goosebumps pop up my pale skin as a building that I've never seen before pops up in my mind. I can hear other voices, voices that sound scary. I'm starting to feel cold... My eyes quickly grows wet as I'm going to cry soon. "Mommy..." I whimper...

I can hear mommy's voice growing louder than the other voices. I still don't know what she's saying, but I like hearing mommy's voice, it makes me less scared...

"Fleur-De-Lis Sanitorium..." I hear mommy say quietly before the scary, cold feeling stops and the voices stop too.

"Mommy..." I sniffle tearfully as mommy turns around and looks down at me. I raise my arms up towards her. "Mommy, hold me..."

"Shh..." Mommy says gently as she crouches down and picks me up into her arms. "Come here, sweetie..." Mommy hugs me close to her and rubs my head. Then mommy magically unlights the candles before grabbing her purse. "Come on, honey, let's go tell Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley where Klaus and Rebekah are."

"Mommy knows where they are?" I tilt my head with a smile.

"Yes, I do." Mommy smiles at me...


"Fleur-De-Lis Sanitorium." Mommy says as she's holding my hand as we walk into the room where Elijah, Marcel, and Hayley are all in. Hayley's sitting in front of a computer, Elijah and Marcel are both standing. "That's where Klaus and Rebekah are."

"The Sanitorium..." Marcel sighs, he sounds as if he knows something bad... He steps closer to mommy and I. "Valerie, can we talk?" Marcel asks mommy quietly.

"In a moment." Mommy tells him before looking at Elijah and Hayley. "I suggest you two head over there and get Klaus and Rebekah. The witches who captured them clearly wants them to suffer..."

I'm not sure what mommy's saying, but it sounds bad and scary. I pull on mommy's arm. "Mommy, is something bad going to happen to Klaus and Rebekah?" I ask quietly as something in my tummy feels as if I've eaten lots of medicine. I'm getting scared...

"No, honey." Mommy smiles at me as she bents down and picks me up into her arms. "Of course not."

"I thought you said that you will deal with those witches." Elijah raises an eyebrow at mommy.

"I will." Mommy nods at Elijah. "From here. I can weaken those witches with my spells from right here. But you and Hayley will have to go and get them. I suggest you two get going." She tells Elijah and Hayley.

"You managed to bring yourself back to life?" Elijah narrows his eyes at mommy. He sounds as if he doesn't like mommy. I pout sadly. Why doesn't he and Hayley like mommy? I love my mommy...

"Yes." Mommy says to Elijah. "And I suggest that it's best if you don't question me." Mommy sounds as if she doesn't like Elijah either as she stares at him...

"Ugh..." Elijah groans loudly and raises a hand to touch his head as if he has a headache.

"Are you okay?" I tilt my head at Elijah as I frown. "Does your head hurt?"

"No." Elijah looks as if he's trying hard to smile at me. "I'm alright."

"That's just a little taste." Mommy gives Elijah a crooked smile. "And I didn't even have to put in any effort."

I scratch my straight nose. I don't know what mommy's talking about...


"What did you want to talk about?" Mommy asks Marcel after Elijah and Hayley left to go find Klaus and Rebekah. Mommy's sitting on an empty chair, and I'm sitting on her lap.

"Over a century ago, back when Rebekah and I were still in love, she and I did something." Marcel sighs as he's standing, leaning on a wall. "Something bad."

"What did you do, Marcel?" Mommy says as she scratches her forehead.

"Over a century ago, Mikael Mikaelson showed up here to hunt Klaus." Marcel tells mommy. He sounds as if he's telling mommy that he's done something wrong. "But what Klaus and Elijah don't know, is that it was me, Rebekah, and a witch named Genevieve who lured Mikael here... But it was Rebekah who killed Genevieve, so..."

I feel goosebumps pop up my pale skin. I don't understand everything that Marcel's saying, but I do understand that Rebekah did something bad to someone called Genevieve, and it sounds as if Mikael is someone bad...

"Mommy..." I whine quietly as I wrap my arms around mommy in a hug. Mommy rubs my head and kisses me on the cheek before looking back to Marcel.

"And now, thanks to the power Celeste stole from the Harvest ritual, Genevieve is alive again." Mommy nods, sounding as if she knows what Marcel is going to say. How do grown-ups do that?

"And there's only one reason she wants to be back." Marcel says. "She wants to get revenge for what Rebekah and I did to her by informing Klaus of how Mikael found him."

"Well..." Mommy sighs. I don't know why, but mommy sounds as if she might be a little mad at Marcel... "You certainly have a way with women..."

But Marcel smiles at mommy in a way that feels very warm. "Whatever romance Rebekah and I had, it's all in the past, Valerie..."

"I can temporarily disable Genevieve and Celeste's magic with my spells to give Elijah and Hayley a chance to rescue Klaus and Rebekah out." Mommy tells Marcel as I'm sitting beside a table and drawing with my crayons. "Watch Grace for me and keep quiet." Mommy tells him...


Mommy's drawing pictures with me after she's finished doing some magic spells. Marcel's walking around, looking worried. "Where are they? Shouldn't they be here by now?"

"They'll be back soon enough." Mommy says as she's drawing a flower for me.

Just then, Hayley walks in through the front door. She looks as if she has just seen something bad as she rushes over to mommy, Marcel, and I. "Hey, you're back..." Marcel starts to say to Hayley.

"This is bad." Hayley interrupts him quickly as she sounds VERY nervous. Hayley looks at mommy. "Klaus knows what Marcel and Rebekah did, Elijah's trying to protect Rebekah, but..."

"Is Klaus mad at Rebekah for something?" I tilt my head at Hayley.

But before Hayley can say anything, mommy quickly picks me up in her arms as she stands up. "Come on, honey, let's go home." Mommy looks as if she's trying hard to smile at me.

"You're leaving?!" Hayley sounds unhappily surprised.

"Tell those originals to pull their acts together." Mommy tells Hayley. Mommy sounds a little angry...

"And you!" Mommy narrows her eyes at Marcel unhappily. "Fix this!" I don't like it when mommy's mad... Something in my tummy feels as if balloons are being popped...

"Mommy?" I whimper quietly as I bite down on my lips. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, honey." Mommy hugs me gently. "Mommy's not mad at you..."

Then, mommy looks back to Hayley and Marcel. "I'll not allow Grace to have a psychopath for a father." Mommy sounds as if she really believes what she's saying. I don't know if I know what she's saying, but I think it has something to do with Klaus...


Author's note: hey guys, I know in this chapter, Klaus didn't appear. But I promise he'll show up in the next chapter. Please remember to review and I'll update soon! Many thanks in advance!