Author Note: Sorry, not sorry.
Walking On Sunshine

Summary: Now I'm walking on sunshine, I'm walking on sunshine. And it's starting to feel good…I used to love that song and now I find it a cruel irony. Either way, here I was in a new town, at a new high school and to make matters worse, there was a no way in heck that I can go up and down all those stairs with this wheelchair.

Genre: Romance/Friendship

Rated: T
I do not own nor claim My Candy Love. I do own OCs.



I never would have that that a simple little car crash would leave me here- being rushed to the surgery room with an oxygen mask on my face. I never would have thought that making the stupid decision to let that idiot that I called my brother drive me home from that party would end up like this. I didn't know that he had been drinking but I should have seen the signs…No, I saw the signs, but I chose to ignore the signs. I did notice the alcohol on his breath. I did notice the shaky hands and the droopy eyes. I chose to ignore it because I refused to believe that my older brother, who was also my guardian since he was legal, would drink after he swore not to. I also refused to believe that he would dare to pick me up when he was drunk.

I supposed that made it my fault. I was the one that got into a fight with my friend so late at night. I was the one that wanted to leave just that second so I decided to call him when Auntie didn't answer. I was the one that made him come pick me up at the unholy hour of one in the morning on a Friday night. I was the one to blame and I was sure that when this was over that I wouldn't forgive myself- if I even lived through it that was.

I kind of hoped that I didn't live through it. I mean, my brother was idiotic, but I loved him more than anything. He was gone already- I saw his dead body beside mine before the paramedics came. So who was I to live when he was already dead? Why should I live when it's my fault that he died?

At the same time, I hoped that I did live. I mean, I had other family members to worry about like Auntie- she was always there for my brother and me. I also had my friends to worry about like Haley or Dallas- granted one of them was the one that I was fighting with before. Still, if giving my life meant that my brother could live again, I would gladly give it up.

It was pretty quiet, quieter than I thought it would be. I mean, I supposed that part of the reason it was so quiet was because it seemed as if the only thing I could hear was the faint beeping of a monitor and my heart beep. I closed my eyes and I felt really tired. I couldn't really feel anything, maybe that was the shock- I heard one of the paramedics mention something about that. I supposed I felt really tired because of that stuff that was in that needle- that needle that they stuck in my arm. I would've chuckled if I wasn't too tired. Oh, I wouldn't chuckle because I found anything funny, I would chuckle because I was pretty dang sure that whatever was in that needle that drugs were involved. Is this how it's going to end…and I'm going to be part-way high from the drugs that they gave me? That's a heck of a way to go that's for sure…

"She's flat lining!"

The voices didn't sound real, they sounded echo-y like something I would hear on the movies. There was a shock on my chest and I arched slightly before falling again.


There was another shock on my chest. They say that when you're dying, you see a bright light. So when I groggily opened my eyes in the room and saw the bright lights, you can imagine that my last conscious thought wasn't that it was the doctors. I'm gonna die. This is it. I'm gonna go to the pearly gates…hopefully.

"We're losing her!"