
Alright! Without much sleep and a pretty good idea from Chrissy... I finished this thing. YOU can imagine what happens after this! *huffs*

Anyways, sorry for the errors you may find. Do not get all huffy and puffy on me because I'll just throw potted cacti at you! *narrows her eyes* Try me!

Hope you enjoy... not my most detailed sex story, but... you know how the parts go! *winks*

M for a reason!

The ride back to Los Robles was insanely quiet. Sheldon said nothing, not even one word about the 'Check Engine' light, the speed Penny drove, or tried to play any kind of games. The only noise within the cabin of the Volkswagen was the humming of the air conditioner. Neither Penny nor Sheldon looked in either's direction. No sideways glances or even sighs to relieve the tension. That buildup of pulsing pressure circulated with the air flow from the vents. It was obvious that something delicate had been exposed and it had wedged itself deeply between the both of them.

As Penny pulled into her normal parking spot, the two bolted out of the car and headed to the front door. They both reached for the push bar at the glass door and their hands brushed against one another. That jolted them out of their cloud of silence as Penny gasped and backed away until she collided with the guard rail. Their eyes met and it was an intense collision of grey and blue. Sheldon opened his mouth to say something, but Penny pushed the door open and hurried to the stairs leaving the lanky man in a haze of confusion.

He opened the glass door and made his way up the stairs. With his long stride, he skipped every few step until he could see a flurry of blonde hair turning the corner. He wanted to catch up to her and try and clear the befuddled silence between them. When he got to the turn for the fourth floor, he could see Penny going up the final step and making her way towards her door. Just as Sheldon got to the top of the stairs, there was an uproar of laughter from behind his apartment door and it opened. Leonard and Amy poured out of the door very closely and their laughs died down.

"Oh, hey buddy! How'd you get home?" Leonard gave a small sideways look towards Amy but saw movement to the other side and saw Penny staring towards them with her key in the door. The smile on the short man's face completely wiped off as Amy spoke over his shoulder, "Hello, Bestie."

Sheldon watched Penny's eyes narrow and shift from one to the other then she shook her head. Her eyes found Sheldon's and her face fell into the all too familiar look of pity. She snarled one more time at the other two and entered her apartment then slammed the door loudly behind her.
Sheldon stood before the two then looked at Amy, "What are you doing with Leonard?"
Amy pushed her glasses back against her nose. Her glasses seemed to be crooked on the bridge of her nose and made him uncomfortable, but her voice was smooth and distracting as leaned towards him, "Leonard picked me up from work since my car would not start."

Sheldon's brows furrowed in confusion, "That is understandable. What is NOT, however, is why neither one of you answered my phone calls. My guess is that you couldn't hear my ringtone of your thunderous laughter?"

Leonard and Amy both involuntarily twitched and the short man cleared his throat and spoke quickly as if to hide something, "We are really sorry, Sheldon. It will never happen again. I-I'm going to take Amy home. 'night."

With that, the two slid down the stairs with a bit of muted whispering that even his extreme hearing couldn't decipher. He stared down the stairs for a little while then flicked his eyes to Penny's door. She seemed upset by Leonard's and Amy's interaction, but Sheldon couldn't understand why. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that they didn't answer when he called them. He wondered if maybe it was just Leonard she was angry with. He did reject her proposal. His face suddenly flushed pure red as he remembered the moment he brought that up in the video store. The thoughts of Penny restrained upon a chair with nothing on other than a blindfold rushed into his mind and he spun to his apartment door and tried his best to unlock it, but his hands were shaking. He wanted to push the thoughts out of his mind, but they only seemed to become clearer.

He flung himself inside and closed the door swiftly. He moved to his computer chair and placed the bag upon the cushion. He took in a few breaths to calm his ever fluttering heart and opened his knapsack. He pulled out the folders and papers he took home from the university and placed them in a neat pile beside his laptop. He then moved to his room to put his satchel away. He got to his closet and reached back into the bag when his finger gripped around the bands of his bungee cords. His heart skipped a beat as he pulled them out, slowly. His breathing became erratic as the thought of his blonde neighbor being restrained by the two bands washed over him again. He gripped them tighter as the burning in his cheeks spilled down his body and right to his genitalia.

The sudden knock at his front door made his body convulse and the cords fell to his bed. He immediately moved to the living room, leaving his door open, and just as there was another knock and a small voice, "Sheldon… it's me, Penny."

Sheldon tugged at his pants trying to get some kind of comfort from the tightness. He went to the door and tried to calm 'himself' down before he gripped the door knob and opened it up, "Hello Penny. How may I assist you?"

They stood there for a second, their sight never converging upon each other's eyes before Penny let out a sigh, "C-can I talk to you for a moment?"

Sheldon's grip on the door knob, tightened, but no sign of his stress showed on his face. He didn't want their friendship ruined over some talk of sexual fantasies. He stepped to the side and allowed the woman access to his apartment and she gave a small smile and stepped in, "Thanks."

She moved in front of the table that was in front of the couch and spun around as Sheldon closed the door. He turned to find her wringing her fingers and looking nervous. He was very unsure about this. He swallowed and placed his hands behind his back and took in a big, silent inhale, "What is it that you wish to speak about?"

Penny stopped jittering and took in a few breaths before giving a quick nod to herself, "Did… did you happen to notice anything about Amy's or Leonard's behavior just a minute ago?"

Sheldon narrowed his eyes at the question and Penny rolled her eyes, "Of course you didn't. Look, Sheldon... I think Leonard and Amy had sex…" His eyes still squinted and he tilted his head and she spoke again, slowly, "…with each other." At that, Sheldon's eyes widened and his posture crumbled. He looked around like a worried meerkat before bolting to the hallway. He rushed to Leonard's room and stared down at the door knob with his hand resting close to it in midair. He wanted to open the door, but his idiosyncrasy wanted him to knock and ask permission. His hand just shook as his fingers bent in and out until another hand zoomed in and turned the handle for him.

Penny threw the door open and stepped back to look at him, but his eyes were darting across his roommate's room. He took one step in and he could smell sweat and the soap Amy used to wash her hands at her work. The bed was unmade and the sheets were kinked and disheveled. Something glimmered towards his eyes and he moved towards it. He bent down and picked up a single nosepad from a pair of glasses and Sheldon froze in place. Everything that could go wrong went wrong in his thoughts. His girlfriend not only engaged in coitus with his roommate and best friend, but LIED to him. The trust factor that he once shared with Amy Farrah Fowler was now gone and that hurt more than anything.

He had no idea what he was feeling at this very moment, but it felt as if he were decaying from the inside, out. He tried to stop the pain by breathing in heavily and exhaling slowly, but it only hurt more. The nosepad fell from his fingers and Sheldon gripped at his chest as his breathing grew deep and labored. This was why he never gave into his baser urges. He knew this would eventually occur. The pain… no, this wasn't pain. This was much worse. This was suffocation… drowning… wishing to just rip your brain out so the thoughts would go silent. He'd take pain over this rejecting betrayal. His body tensed and crunched down a little bit more as the tears jumped from his cheeks. He tightened his eyes shut more to try and stop them, but it was in vain as more spilled out.

He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs… then Penny's voice washed over him, "You want to scream at the top of your lungs, don't you? You want to rip out your heart and throw it off the tallest building you can find. You can barely breathe and you feel like no one wants you. Am I right?"

Her hand slides over his cheek and her thumb gently wipes off the smear of tears. Her other hand does the same thing to the other side as she straightens him up by pulling his head straight, "I remember how it feels. It was the reason I couldn't say yes to Leonard. Kurt cheated on me countless times and it felt like I was just a button on his jacket that he never used unless he needed me. It's not a feeling anyone deserves to feel. I'm sorry so Sweetie. I really am. But I want you to know that I'm right here and I won't let you cry alone."

Sheldon's body had relaxed within her touch. He had never felt safer or more loved. His eyes slowly inched up until their eyes met, "Thank you, Penelope."
She smiled, "Anytime, Moonpie."

He didn't even bother reprimanding her for calling him Moonpie. There was something endearing about the way it came off her lips that comforted him. She moved to slide her hands off his cheeks but his hands caught them before they fell. The look on his face was just as shocked as hers and he looked down at their interlocked grip. He swallowed, "I-I do not know why I did that."

He looked at Penny's face desperately and was afraid to see disgust upon it. Her eyes flickered from their hands up to his gaze and there was something he couldn't understand happening upon it. A thirst or some kind of struggle was occurring and he was afraid she might let go. Yet, she didn't drop his hands; instead, she pulled him out of Leonard's room and right inside his own room. Sheldon was spun around by Penny who simultaneously wrapped his arms around her body and pressed her butt against the door to close it. When the latch clicked, Penny looked up at him and gave a yearning smile, "I'm sorry, Sweetie, but I just have to do this."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and before his mind could even catch up to what was happening, her mouth was infused against his. His open eyes lost all their focus and before he knew it, he was responding. His arms constricted around her body and did their best to get her as close as they could while he pushed them both against the door. The back of his knuckles took all the pressure against the wood, but his focus was at the sudden manifestation of the tip of Penny's tongue within his mouth. It caressed the gums behind his top teeth and it was like she shifted his libido to 'vibrate'. His whole body hummed and it was expressed by a low moan within the kiss. That action caused Penny to break the kiss, to his dismay.

Her head tilted back and hit the wood of his door. His eyes felt heavy as he looked down at her and she took in her bottom lip with her teeth then she slowly released it as it folded back to place. Her eyes searched his and her face softened. She patted his chest and her hand lingered just above his heart before she stepped the side and moved to open the door. He did not understand the entirety of her actions. Was he supposed to do something? All he knew was that his body was tingling and he wanted to know what to do next, but something yelled at him to stop her and he did.

His hand pushed against the door and he leaned over her with his breathing unevenly erratic, "Pe… Penny? I do not understand. Was that not to your satisfaction? Please… show me the proper paramount and I will try…"

His words were lost as Penny put a single finger on his lips, "Sheldon…"

She didn't say anything else as they just looked at one another. His hand that was on the door slid down and found the side of Penny's hip. It lightly traced her curves upwards making the blonde's eyes go wide. Sheldon's tender look held them in place until the hand drifted up her shoulder and neck to rest on her cheek. For only a brief moment, his slender thumb brushed over her bottom lip then his thumb pressed against the top of her chin as his finger cupped underneath it and tilted her head back.

It was Penny's turn to let out a low moan as Sheldon took in her bottom lip to suck on it. He released it as he moved his fingers off her chin and back to her side, but used his other hand to press the back of her head towards him to deepen the kiss. That initiated Penny's desire almost immediately.

Her hands glided along his chest and wrapped around the back of his head. They compressed as she pushed herself up on her tippy toes and her tongue prodded at his as if asking it to chase hers. Against his better judgment, it gently lashed underneath her tongue. Penny smiled as their kissing had gotten deeper and slower. Penny's lips left his again and he was going to object, but his words were glued to the back of his throat as she unfastened the button of his pants. He could feel the slight chill of her hands through his fabric as they just lingered there; her eyes reading his face as they stood there panting.

He was terrified, yet he could not figure out which he was more scared of; her stopping or her continuing. He was horrible at reading emotions, but the sincerity upon the blonde's face was easily seen. She gave him the opportunity to say no when her face said 'please don't say no'. That meant more to him than her friendship… Penny's compassion was the most beautiful thing about her; not her body or her face. He was now completely infatuated.

He gave a small nod and Penny's face briefly shown shock but it softened and she smiled. She unzipped the front and slid her hands into the waist band; untucking his undershirt then snaking under his boxers to touch his warmed skin with her slightly cool hands. It made him hiss, tense up, and made his penis tick. That caused him to blush at the wonder if she knew he'd react that way. Her hands cupped the flesh of the top of his ass and chuckled at his yelp. He would've been furious hadn't her hands wander to the sides of his hips and then pushed him towards the bed. He sat immediately and wiggled his pants past his hips. She took off his shoes and socked then slowly took off his pants, leaving his boxers on. Penny pulled herself up and moved to the edge of the bed then rested her hands on his shoulders with a calm, patient look.

His eyes caught something on the edge of the bed and he turned his head to it. The two bungee cords… he swallowed and looked back to her. She looked confused. He found his voice, "You said you always wanted to be restrained and blindfolded back at the video store. I… I could bind you."

She seemed taken aback by this and shook her head, "I'll say no to the bungee cords, Sweetie."

He nodded with the disappointment of not being able to implement her fancy. Then her voice sliced through the thick air like a jet of cool mist, "But I wouldn't mind being blindfolded."

He smiled softly and pushed the cords of his bed then lassoed his right arm around her and pulled her to his lap. The scent of her shampoo fanned against his senses but it was the friction of her body that electrocuted his nerve endings. Everything was alive and he felt the urges to not only please the woman in his arms, but reciprocate the compassion she showed him, tenfold. He placed his lips, just barely, against the skin under her right ear and whispered softly, "You are my fantasy within reality, sweet Penelope."

He nipped at her neck and took in a little of her flesh and sucked on it all while slowly flipping them both over until Penny was below him and stretching out seductively making soft whimpering noises that drove him fanatical. Her eyes were closed and that gave him courage for his next move as he pushed off the bed and headed over to his dresser drawer then pulled out his replica of a United Federation of Planets flag and began to fold the thin material long ways into a blind fold. He looked back towards her and nearly dropped it. Penny had removed her shirt and was folding it up and placing it on the floor.

"Just thought you might get turned on more if you saw me folding the shirt instead of throwing it on the floor." Her smile was tantalizing and it faded into yearning when she saw what was in his hands.

He almost smiled as he replied, "It was very erotic… your folding… wish I would see you do it more often."

She sneered, "Oh Ha Ha."

She reached behind her and undid her bra then threw it at him. She put a finger to her lips and she said sarcastically, "Oops."

He dodged the article of clothing and was about to shoot a retort her way, but his face fell at the sight of his neighbor taking off her socks and shoes then slipping down her pants and panties at the same time becoming completely bare before him. Her eyes were shimmering in the slightly lit room.

He moved to her with the blindfold and his gaze never left her eyes. He swallowed deeply as she smiled and closed her eyes then turning around for him. He pressed the cool clothe against her eyes and tied the band in a knot behind her head. Suddenly, Sheldon was nearly living HIS fantasy as his hands ran down her side then caressing over her hips and up her body to knead her breasts while kissing at her shoulder then up her neck.

Penny arched her body and her head lolled backwards to let a humming whimper roll from her slightly opened mouth. As he kissed her slowly and rolled her perked nipples in his fingers, he racked his ever expanding mind on how to effectively pleasure a female.

He found his heart going far too fast to breathe properly. The taste of her against his tongue and her body twisting in pleasure against him was more than his fantasy could ever offer him. His penis was tightly pressed against the fabric of his boxers and so sensitive that one more arch of the blonde's body made him cum hard.

He made a grumbling noise and jerked his body away from her and slammed his hand against the door as he convulsed. Penny spun and lifted the flag away from her eyes showing concern.

Sheldon felt sick as he ripped off the boxers. Not nausea of dirtying his clothes with his seed, but one of disgust over his lack of control. His mind was poisoned with thoughts of how useless he was as a man. He shook his head and spoke with his back to her, "I'm sorry, Penny. I have failed you. Please reclothe and forget this night."

There was a silence and it was brief. Her voice was stern but composed as it sung out, "Look at me."

He shook his head, "I have embarrassed myself quite enough this evening."

Her hand slipped in and balled the front of his shirt up and she jerked him towards her and he squeaked. She released his shirt and shook her head, "For a genius, you are so stupid! This isn't one of your pornos where the man lasts two hours. I know you're a virgin. That's why I was taking it slow. You're the dummy who wanted to spice things up."

Sheldon opened his mouth to argue about 'spicing having nothing to do with coitus' and Penny kissed his lips. He tried again and got another kiss. He sighed in defeat and got a very heated kiss for his trouble. His flaccid penis stiffened like a soldier saluting as it brushed up against Penny's smooth labia and he cried out into her kiss.

Penny pulled him back to the bed by the hem of his shirt until her legs hit the edge and she pulled him close and gripped his shirts tightly as she pushed herself upon his erection and whispered, "I have a new fantasy, Doctor Cooper. Would you like see how it goes?"

He was barely coherent so he just nodded.

She smiled and sat down the bed, wrapped her legs around his waist, and yanked him by his shirts all in one motion causing the head of his penis to slide just at the slippery entrance of her vagina.

She hugged him around his neck again as grunted hot air against her golden locks. He fought ever urge to bury himself inside as he mumbled softly to Penny, "I-I-I will... I will not last lllong..."

Penny, who was not immune to the drunken stupor of the sexual sensations, gave a small mewl of ecstasy before tightening her legs and rocking her hips hard while saying very seductively, "Then we better hurry..."

He was engulfed by the wave of utter rapturous sensation of heat and pressure. It brought reactions he only read about but never experienced. His hips began to rock to and fro as his fingers gripped at his comforter on either side of his neighbor... no, no longer just his neighbor... his lover's head.

He pulled all the way out of the pleasurable cavern until the tip of his head made a luscious suction noise from the thickened lubricant he was causing his partner to churn and began the rhythm of coitus once again.

He could hear the imploring chants from Penny over the throbbing melody cascading within his ears as the walls of her sex seemed to become more possessive. It was her clawing into his back, his name erupting from her lips, and her body locking and convulsing that got him spewing his love within her.

He pulled out of her slowly and rolled over on his back beside her, laying the long way on his bed, and felt the tiredness taking over. He fought it off. He was afraid if he slept; she'd run away and disappear. He looked over at her and swallowed deeply but hesitated as he saw her feigning sleep as well.

She didn't even look his way as she spoke, "I can feel you over-thinking, Sheldon. Just... just lay here with me and enjoy the moment."

He looked up at his ceiling and could see everything happening as if he were doing it again. He smiled. A smile he only gave for trains, freshly sanitized equipment, and his Memaw then spoke, "You are lying on my bed and extremely unsanitized, Penny."

She sighed loudly and made the move to get up and clothed, but he continued, "I believe we should get you cleaned up. Care to join me in the shower?"

She looked back with a shocked look on her face as he met her with a devilish smirk.