GerIta Drabble:

Germany leaned forward, dropping the magazine back onto the coffee table. He raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck worryingly.

"Look," Japan began, looking at the blonde German from the couch he was sitting at across the room "I don't know why you want my help on this; it's not as if I know anything about romance."

"Aren't you with Greece?" Germany questioned, trying to get Japan to put more effort into helping him.

"Yeah, but, neither of us is really romantic" He explained "I mean, he sleeps 24/7 and I like silence. That's mostly why we get along."

Germany groaned. The two of them had been flipping through 100 different jewelry magazines all morning, and it wasn't helping. Germany wanted this to be perfect. It had to be. And he didn't know who else to turn to for help besides Japan. He had considered his brother, but quickly eliminated the option. Prussia? He was probably the worst choice—he'd laugh at him, and then refuse to help, as if he'd even be good help. And even though Japan may not have that much emotion, he still has a good taste in simplicity. And that's exactly what Germany wanted for this item. Simplicity.

"So," Japan started, as he flipped through another page of a magazine "Where are you going to do it?"

"By the lake—I think." Germany stuttered, he seemed unsure.

"Really?" Japan asked, not looking up from his magazine "Isn't it going to be cold?"

"Snowing" Germany responded, "so yeah."

Japan's eyes flew across the pages quickly, glancing over everything on the page, but not wasting time. Suddenly, his eyes stopped. He looked intently at one spot on the page. "Hey, Germany,"

"Yeah?" Germany responded, looking up at Japan.

"How about this one?" Japan asked, and he turned the magazine so that the inside was facing Germany. The ring seemed to be perfect, to fit all the aspects that Germany required of it. It was golden, but with nicely trimmed silver edges. It seemed to be crafted perfectly, it wasn't too overwhelming or large, but it was in no way dull or typical. It was exactly what Germany wanted. It was beautifully simple.

"Perfect." Germany said, standing up and grabbing the magazine from Japan's hands. "It's perfect."

"Glad I could help," Japan said, leaning back into the couch.

Germany quickly looked at the cover of the magazine for the store's name, 'This store." He said, "There's one right down the street."

"Then what're you waiting for? Go see if they have it." Japan said.

"O-Okay." Germany managed to get out, as he grabbed his coat and ran out the front door.

He buttoned up his shirt. He slicked back his hair. He made sure was completely clean, and that he smelled nice. He made sure the flowers were perfect, they smelled nice, and there wasn't a single crease in them. He slipped the small box containing the ring he bought from the store down the street into his pocket. He walked outside of his room, and went to the front of the house, to see Italy standing there, smiling at him.

"You look really nice," Germany said. Italy giggled, as Germany handed him, the flowers.

"Wow, these smell great!" Italy exclaimed as he smelled the fresh flowers, "thank you, Germany" he smiled, as he kissed the tall German's cheek.

Germany took Italy's hand as they walked towards the door. Germany felt so nervous, he thought he was about to faint.

This is it

He thought

This is the night I propose to Italy