Hey everybody. *chuckles* I guess I owe an explanation for this one. Originally, I was going to post something, at the very end of the year: a 365 day challenge thing. But, it ended up becoming super complicated for me, since I had to create my own days. So, I decided to just go ahead and post the 'New Years' one-shots now and then deal with the other things I wrote later. Maybe give you guys several one-shots to read if you ever get bored? *shrugs* Anyway, hope you enjoy them... they were a pain in the ass to write... *sighs in slight annoyance* And also, thank you so much to those who are following me or any stories and also thank you to anyone who has read, liked, or favorited my stories.

Now, this is the first of the many one-shots. Toothcup. I hope you like it. *smiles* ...please don't question the title below... or any of the titles for that fact.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Updated Title: "On the wings of Anew"

Words: 896

It was finally that time of year on the Isle of Berk. Everyone was happy, they were having fun, and for once, there was no trouble with Viking nor dragon. Everyone on the island was having a merry time, singing, dancing, and drinking.

Even the dragons were having fun: they were flying around in the sky, some were dancing around their tamers or riders or their kin or mate, and most of them were sitting back and enjoying the sight of the Vikings making fools of themselves.

Snoggletog was gone, and the end of the year has passed. It was finally time to celebrate a new year to come, it was time to celebrate new beginnings and new happiness.

Snotlout was hanging by the food and drink stands with his dragon, watching the fun and trying his luck with hitting on some of the other village teenage girls, much to the annoyance of Hookfang. Ruff and Tuff were causing small mischief with Barf and Belch, much to the annoyance of other Vikings. Fishlegs was dancing with Meatlug flying around him in the air, so she wouldn't bother the Vikings below her. And Astrid was walking away from Stormfly, dancing over to Hiccup, trying to get him to dance with her and have fun.

"Come on Hiccup~!" Astrid cheered, twirling around Hiccup, who stood by the sidelines with his dragon, Toothless.

He chuckled and held his hands up, smiling at her. "Oh, no thanks, Astrid. You... you go ahead and dance without me." He said with a slight nervous twinge to his voice and she huffed out.

"No way!" She grinned then and grabbed Hiccup's hands, dancing and spinning and jumping around. Hiccup felt like he was going to be sick.

He glanced over at Toothless with a pleading looked in his emerald eyes and though he found the black dragon laughing at this, he was relieved to see Toothless look over at Stormfly, trilling something to the female Nadder.

Stormfly ruffled her feathered wings and stepped up, curling her tail around Astrid's lithe waist and she tugged her rider towards her, spinning her along the way.

Astrid let out a loud laugh and grinned wide, focusing on dancing with her dragon now instead of Hiccup.

The brown haired teen sighed in relief, walking back over to Toothless who was looking at him in amusement. "Uh, thanks... bud." Hiccup murmured and Toothless trilled something before circling Hiccup and he nudged him back over to the main area. "W-wha-? Toothless! What are you doing? No, hey, stop that!" Hiccup complained, trying to get out of dancing period, whether with Astrid, or Toothless, or any other Viking or dragon.

It was no use now though, since Toothless was now trying to get him to dance too. Toothless nudged him again, using his tail and wings to get Hiccup to dance with everyone. Eventually, Hiccup gave up and did what his dragon, his mate, wanted him to do.

Hiccup grinned a toothy grin at Toothless after a little while and he laughed as the dragon spun him around like he was a girl. He never thought dancing with his dragon would be this much fun.

After a while of everyone dancing and singing and drinking, Stoic stepped up on the makeshift stage and held up his hand. "Alright, alright, settle down now." He spoke over his people and they all calmed down, stopping whatever they were doing in favor of paying attention to their chief. Even Hiccup and Toothless stopped dancing. "Now, we've all come a long way; from being a small Viking village, fighting for our survival, to becoming what we are now! A proud Viking village that welcomes the very dragons we used to fight." The Vikings all cheered at this, some raising their mugs to what Stoic said, and even some of the dragons roared out in happiness at this fact. "Another year has gone by, and we've all managed to keep our heads," there were a few chuckles and joyful snips of laughter from that, and Stoic nodded, "all thanks to my boy, Hiccup." Stoic smiled down at Hiccup and the teen blushed, standing tall at this. "Here's to Hiccup and the dragons for making the year what it had been!"

Small rounds of 'To Hiccup' went around and Hiccup blushed more, looking over to Toothless who looked back with happiness shining in his own forest green eyes.

"And here's to us, for living another day! Let us make this year another great one for Berk!" Stoic finished, climbing down, and after the cheers faded, the people resumed their fun.

Hiccup chuckled and smiled, going back to the sidelines, Toothless following him. "Hear that bud? We're hero's." He joked, turning to Toothless and the dragon trilled something back to him, nudging him and letting out a strange sounding purr. Hiccup grinned and hugged Toothless, laughing a little at this.

Toothless raised his head and looked up at Hiccup, love shining in his eyes.

Hiccup knelt down and smiled at the dragon, "I love you, too, Toothless." He said, closing the distance and he kissed him; the dragon eagerly kissing him back. "Thank you... thank you so much." He murmured softly, mostly to his self though, as he hugged Toothless again.

Without Toothless, none of this would have been possible. And for that, Hiccup was very thankful.

Just as a side note, I will be posting all of these at once, because I'd rather not have to wait to post them, not to mention I'm still sick and have an incredibly low patience bar at the moment.

~The White Wolf, Zero