Assembly Hall

''There are only 3266 officers in the Police Force. 1200 of which was only added to the forces three weeks ago. Out of that 1200, 250 were coming from Kumogakure and 495 coming from Amegakure. This brings a total of 725 men from Amegakure, and 350 from Kumogakure. We also received 700 men from Sunagakure, 525 from Kirigakure, and 650 from Konoha. I have managed to recruit over 125 to the Police force, which brings a total of 3075. This amount is only coming from Konoha, Sunagakure, Kumogakure, Amegakure, Kiri and Uzu. Our other members have only contributed a combined number of 191, which is quite honestly pathetic.

Over three months ago, I was forced to create 1000 clones on a daily basis because of the lack of personel in the Police force. It was rather taxting to my mind as all the clones had to do the rounds the UNPF do on a daily basis.

I have made calls for more shinobi to be put transfered into the UNPF, but there are many nations who have chosen to disregard that call. Such carelessness will be dealt with. We cannot go like this. Everything was agreed upon and anyone who didn't agree with anything passed was given the opportunity to make their opinions known.

The 3226 men in the Police force are spread across all nations,'' Naruto said, pointing all over the map, with nations highlighted in red, signifiying membership to the UNA. ''When we break them to small groups, they become very few, but they have proved to be effective. Last month only, 150 women and children were freed in the Earth country. 102 of those were led to Amegakure where the UN's homes for the lost were built; 48 were children who were being taken to Uzu, where they are being educated.

Because of the lack of funds, the burden of the people saved by the UNPF is placed on the village in which the homes are built. Amegakure is not the only village where we built temporary homes: there are 500 houses built just beside the Valley of End in the Fire country. Because of the location, the place is constantly watched by members of the UNPF. 210 of the houses are occupied and it is the UN's responsibility to ensure that those people are fed on a daily basis.

We have also arrested hundreds of criminals, many of which have already been put to prison, some of still being tried. There is also budget issues with regards to the criminals as they must also be fed.

Lastly, with regards to the UNPF, the 3226 men are paid monthly salaries for their work by the UN. As they are no longer available to take missions from their village, they make their living through payment from the organization which employs them. Naturally, payments are made based on rank of the official.'' Naruto stated.

The meeting had started some minutes ago and he was busy laying out his reports as president and some of the problems that the organization was facing. These issues needed to be solved or there would never be progress. The issue of funding was an important one as without it, it could mean the end of the Police Force and many other operations of the UN.

Leaders of different nations, plus the second in commands were sitting in the chairs as Naruto was alone in the center stage, a large map hanged on the wall just behind him. None of them could deny that the Police Force had been highly successful since its first operations. the problem has always been lack of support from nations though, even they could see that the UNPF was doing well, not everyone was willing to give it all.

''Kumogakure has 350 men in the UNPF, are they planning on joining us? If not, we cannot allow them to continue like this or they will soon have some influence of the operations of the Police Force,'' Tamara said.

''Tamara-san, Yumugakure has not transferred a single shinobi to the UNDF, should you be the one to be saying such words?'' Naruto asked the man who quickly shut up. ''This is one of those cases where other nations step up and say, if you won't do it, we will. Don't complain about it. If you followed upon our agreement, we wouldn't even be talking about this.''

''President Uzumaki,'' the Lord of Rivers started. ''I'm concerned by the number of Forces spread across the Fire country. Compared to other nations, the country has a huge number of forces operating within it. Can you explain why?''

''The Forces are spread based on missions assigned. But what explains the high number of forces within the Fire country is that there are camps around the country formed by the UN as temporary shelters for those in need of them, other camps hold bandits who are waiting to be led the Police Force Courts.''

''How are you doing to deal with the villages who are not abiding by our agreements? You said they would be dealt with, then how are you going to do that?''

Naruto took his time before responding. ''Small nations have taken comfort in the presence of the Police Force around their borders, yet they've refused to send their own men into the force. I have spoken to each leader about this, but nothing concrete was decided. The UN's EC has decided that within two weeks, our forces will be removed from any village or country that has not complied with the agreement.''

The words were received by a clap by someone who actually agreed with the decision while others were comepletly taken off guard by the idea. They all knew Naruto was ruthless, sometimes, when he had to execute the laws of the UN, but they hadn't thought that he would do that far.

''That is not all. We may be a peace organization, but there is a way in which we do things and those who don't want to comply with our agreements will have to face the music. The removal of the UNPF in your nations means that it will no longer work for the safety of your nations, but for those who want it. To put it simply, if you don't start complying with the UNPF, you will be writtern off.''

''You can't do that!'' one of the leaders shouted.

''I can and will,'' Naruto said firmly. ''I told each of you who have yet to comply that I would take measures should you fail to follow others lead.''

''Where is the peace in that?''

''There is no peace. This is administration and done in the name of fairness. When was the Police Force formed? Last year. The villages who have yet to follow on the agreement haven't because they don't have the numbers, it is simply because they don't want to. We request guns from them to kill a beast terrorizing the land, they refuse and yet expect us to protect them? No, things will not work like that.

We know that villages aren't equal, but we have said you can give what you can give. We agreed that each village would give what it could and you all agreed upon this. Yet, the very people who agreed don't act according to the agreement simply because they chose not to abide, not because they can't. The Wave doesn't have shinobi, we were fair to it and told them to transfer funds to make up for that gap. We were fair to everyone, it is you who haven't been fair.

You broke our agreement purposefully, and none of you can stand up say I didn't come to you about it. It is this purposeful actions that undermines our agreements that we must root out. Tell me, if you are able to undermine an agreement you made amongst others, what stops you from undermining other agreements?''

Some tense silence settled in the hall as Naruto received some looks, but the blond merely shrugged them all. It was a little rule that if you do share, we won't give you what others have collected. It wasn't like they weren't sharing because they didn't have anything, they had fish in their hooks, but just didn't want to give it up for the whole crew.

It would have been bad for Tazuna's country if they had also been required to transfer some men to the UNPF. The Wave depended on other villages for protection, naturally, it had to pay for that protection. The agreement they made was different as they didn't have any shinobi. Funds evened the field, and ensured that they reveived a global protection from the UN.

Seeing that no one was about to say anything, Naruto continued with his report. ''I said in the beggining that we were experiencing a shortage of funds. There are a lot of dishonest people in this hall. Over the last year, the UN built a lot of buildings around the Elemntal Nations, ranging from camps, Police Force offices, Prisons, amonsgt other things. All of which were paid for by me, Sunagakure, Ame, and Kiri, and mostly build by me. The three villages combined brought out a total of 250 Million, which I have been using to pay the men in the UNDF.

There money has also been used to purchase food for those displaced by bandits and without homes. Criminals arrested have also been fed using the money, and we coughed up to 55 Million to the work we did in Iwagakure. The Police Force require not less than 15 Million to run every month. Sometimes it can even go up to 25, like in december when operations were higher, and in January were we used a whooping 35, mostly because the numbers increased.

Projected cost for salaries and other expenses are to cost at between 14 to 20 million permonth. That is for the UNPF only. Food supply for the displaced in our camps, prisons as well as pay for the 'peace keepers' and prison personel, makes up roughly 7 million per month.

I have 250 academy students living in the Whirlpools, of which must also be fed by the UN. The total number of students in the academy registered for our prgamme is 2500, but because of space, and lack of trained teachers, we were force to accomodate the 250. However, by June, the number will increase by 1250 to 1500. We have been building a bigger academy. Another academy which will accomodate 1000 students will be build in Uzu. Prepations have been made. The academy is to be a specialized instution which will focus on Medical Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu.

That said, by end year, all 2500 students will be accomodated and trained for the next two and a half years. Upon graduation, they will either join the UNDF, Sealing Corps, or the Medical division. The latter two have yet to have their own HQ's but hopefully, by end next year things will be built. The UN's Medical Div' will have its own World Class hospital in the Rivers. Foundations for the hosiptal have already been laid.

We have also embarked on a developmental progam that seeks to help poor nations, naturally that requires a lot of money. The UNA gathered a pitiful 300 million - for this program - of which 200 should be spent by end July.

The UN received 550 mil from its core members while I controbuted 300 Million; I have also been promised to receive donations worth 600 million from various business men before end year. 500 million of the 550 has already been allocated to various departments. As I speak, the UN's bank account has a favorable balance of 50 million.''

Naruto paused to allow his audince to digest all the words he'd said. After a few moments, he continued speaking, ''Funding continues to be the problem. Treasury projects that if we are to carry out all that is needed for the UN, we needed a year budget of around 1 Billion a year, for the next three years since the UN is still young.''

''1 Billion?''

''Do you hear yourself, President? That is triple the budge I receice from my village!''

Murmuers broke out at the mention of one billion. Naruto let them play for a minute or so before silening them. ''I didn't say I wanted 1 billion from you people.''

Mei almost burst out laughing at the looks Naruto's statement brought out from the people who found the amount to be outrageous. Obviously, no one was going to agree to raise that kind of amount. Still, the millions being spoken of and the transactions that were going to take place meant that there was surely going to be some corruption lurking in the shadows. But she trusted that Naruto would handle things.

''What do you mean by that?''

''Most of you have not taken part in any of the UN's operation. The Police Force receives support the most, but other departments receive no support at all. For this reason, we have decided not to count on you for the operations you care little for. This means that we will not ask for permission to do certain things, but we will inform you. Just in the case of Iwa. There shouldn't have been a debate about the issue, nor when Kumo decided to send its help.

Until, you choose to reorganize your thinking, the UN will handle its business, and you will handle the UNA's matters.

The 1 Billion will be funded in this manner: I have signed agreements with good people who have pledged to donate 375 Million per year, for the next five years; I have ventured into business that will see procceeds of around 100 million per year. Those proceeds will be directed to the UN. Both Wind and Fire Daimyo have agreed to each 'donate' 65 Million per year - this excludes other contributions they will have to make. Suna, Ame, Kiri, Wave and Konoha have agreed to make a combined total of 380 million.

The rest of you will contribute the 5 to 10 million that was agreed upon last year. Do you have complains about that?''

No doubt that was asked purposefully. And some of the words had just been said to make them understand and know that even if didn't cotribute, operations will still continue. It was no different than being told that we will not beg, and if you don't want to, don't nobody will force you, but when we do our things, you won't take any part of it.

''Won't that give these villages some influence over operations?''


''Can you prove it?''

''How?'' Naruto asked blankly. No response. ''Any other questions regarding funding?''

''What will happen to those villages who don't follow through with the funding?''

''Section 5 of Chapter two in the UN's charter.'' That was the answer Naruto gave. If you read the charter, you knew exactly what happens, Naruto didn't have to say it like it was an answer he just thought of in the moment.

Naruto continued with the report seeing no more questions were being refered to him, ''From January since now, we've received new members for the UNA, in Nadeshiko, Yukigakure, Bears, Keys, Vegetables, Birds, and Noodles. The Village Hidden in Leaves has also become a full member of the UN, Whirlpools has joined the UNA.''

Naruto took some time as he shuffled the papers in front of him. The minutes flying by were enough for his audiance to digest everything that has been said since the meeting began. There were still going to be much talks and a debate, voting to be done.

''During the time we've been in operation, we have seen the destruction of 30 of Orochimaru's bases, and the freeing of over 150 people from those hideouts. Recently, Konan, the leader of Amegakure also managed to 'take care' of the Snake Sannin himself and I handled Shinji. The latter had been branded an international criminal for the attacks on Takigakure, Kusa, Iwasaki, Wind and Iwagakure - this was done in my absence. I managed to track down the criminal and delivered the 'punishment' that had been decided to be sufficient for a 'man'' of his crimes.''

Those words were accepted by a round of applause as this was something to applaud and good for the nations and the stability of the Elemental Nations. It didn't matter if death had been the punishment, those two were dangerous criminals that needed to be dealt with accordingly. Prison wasn't good enough for them, death had been the ultimate price for them and no one was complaining that it had been delivered.

''This concludes the report I had. Now moving on to other matters,'' before he could go on, a hand was raised, Naruto allowed for the question to be heard.

''There has been growing concerns over your positions in the UN. Not only are you the Chief of the UN, you're the chair of the Supreme Council, a member of its EC, you also serve in the Judiciary Committee, this is supported by the law you created. You seem to monopolize every leadership position in the UN and 'offered' others to your friends. How are you going to adress this, President?''

All eyes turned on the blond who remained calm and quiet for a few moments before he finally responded. ''I don't see why you're complaining as what concerns you more is the UNA, which you're all part of and make decisions regarding your nations security and stability. The UN is just the core body, but doesn't make decisions for the UNA, we focus on our objectives.

However, since this is democracy, I have decided to step down from my post as Chair of the Supreme Council. You will select the new Chair of your liking. Konan has also agreed to step down as Chair of the UNA, you will choose a new Chair of your liking. However, the UN's leadership will remain the same. It isn't up for discussion. Changes after this will be made in the next four years, by the Supreme Council.

You people even hardly take part in anything that is UN except for the Police Force, why are there complains?

Turn to page six on the file next to you and you will see the new structure of both the UN and UNA.''

UN President: Namikaze Naruto

Vice President: Subaku no Gaara

Secretary In General: Kirihara

UN Supreme Council



Members include all Daimyos and leaders of each village with membership stataus to the UNa, and is a statutory to the UN's charter; by virtue of being a Chair, the Chairs of the Disclipnary Committee, and the Judiciary Committee, Commander of the Police Force, gain a seat in the Council.

The council is the highest council which combines both the UN and the UNA. Its primary mandate is to elect leaders of the UN and the UNA. It is the committee that will elect the President of the UN every five years; the council will only gather once every year.


Chair: Terumi Mei

Deputy: Subaku no Gaara

Members: Kirihara

: Namikaze Naruto

: Senju Tsunade

: Tamara

: Konan

: Yoshino

: Takada

The committe is responsible for the running of the UN and its daily operations. They make the executive decisions. Commanders of the Police Force report only to the council.



Deputy: Shion

Members: Leaders of membership nations.

Responsible for overseeing the alliance between the nations allied is fair as well as attempting to broker peace between allied nations, and ensuring that members are good relations exists.

Supreme Court

Remains unchanged.

Disciplinary Commiitte

Remains unchanged. The committee will be tasked not only with investigating activities in the UN but also in the UNA. As stated before, the committee is independent.

Judiciary Council

The council will be an independent body of the UN. It is the council above the supreme court, and has certain 'rights' over the discplinary committee.

National Security Council

The Committee will be tasked with seeing that threats ranking above S-rank are dealt with with recomandations from the Supreme Court; it will also be able to make decisions regarding the security of nations allied in the UNA; the Council will have its own Force which will handle all matters that threaten the security of allied nations.

''Elections for the National Security Council, Supreme Council, and the UNA EC will be held in two hours after we have taken the needed break.''

Silence didn't settle in after Naruto had spoken as another leader rose from his seat. ''While the UNA governs the treaties villages sign, and maintains healthy relations outside the borders of the nations, but we hardly have any influence in the UN. It is correct that some of us don't take part in many of the UN's activities, but shutting us out isn't going to do it. I understand that the UN only follows through its charter, which we have all agreed upon that it is fair.

I understand your desire to keep things in the way that they are at this time, but we must also be involved, those of us who wish to anyway. I cannot disagree nor complain with the current leadership and activities of the UN: it hasn't done anything unlawful and has helped in making our world a better place. However, the UNA plays little part in all that.

I suggest that members of the UNA form their own charter, or constitution if you like. If the UNA creates its own charter, it will be able to stand on the same footing as the UN. Just as the UN can get involved in our discussions, we must also be allowed to oppose some decisions of the UN, should we not like them.''

A few nods welcomed the suggestion as Kirihaha stood up, ''I second the motion. The Supreme Council doesn't offer console in our lack of influence over the UN. The Council's mandate isn't to dicuss matters regarding the UN, and the UNA, that is left for both organizations ECs. The council focuses on electing leadership, and of both bodies, and take control during emergencies like when war threatens to break out.''

''The UN doesn't have a problem with that. I will leave that to the UNA's EC, however, the charter must be in line with principles of the UN, and must not contradict the UN's charter.'' Naruto said after a few moments.

''The UNA must also have the authority to deal with any nation that breaks the alliance and treaties we sign. As we're the ones who make the treaties, we should also be the ones who make the punishments. The UN can only act when requested by the UNA. If you don't like our decision, you can take it up to the Supreme Court. The UN will still be the one to impose sanctions, nevertheless. They will just be based on the UNA's judgement.''

More ideas were thrown into the fray, so much that Naruto was forced to stop them. ''The ideas you're are throwing right now should be put into wring. Then when you have decided to draw your charter, you will vote on whether to include them or not. However, we of the UN must also be present to reject anything that is against our charter. Should you have complains about that, you can take it up to the Supreme Court.''

With that agreed upon, the break was taken.

A day later

Everything was completed, and the next sitting would be for forming the UNA's charter. As it appeared, the UN and the A would be two different bodies, but that didn't worry Naruto as it would offer seperation of duties. He could focus on maintaning balance and trying to bring all nations under one umbrella while the UNA sweetened things by organizing treaties.

As Naruto leaned against the back of his chair, the door swung open as Miyuki walked into the office along with Subaku no Gaara and his sister. The leadership of the Wind country had descended down to speak to him.

Pleasantries were exchanged before Gaara asked a curious question, something which was bothering him. ''You said you would deal with the Akatsuki problem and make it disappear, how did you do it, Naruto? That old man seemed hell bent on your removal as President.''

Naruto smiled, ''Well...''


''President Namikaze,'' old man Tamara said as Naruto walked into his office. ''What do I owe this pleasant visit?'' He had been expecting the blond to come to him sooner or later given all the movements he has been making, against the blond of course.

''I'm distressed by actions of some people. I fear that someone is trying to destroy the work I founded and attempting to turn my friends against me,'' Naruto said with an impassive look on his face.

''Anyone would be distressed if someone was trying to destroy the very things they struggled to create. What does this have to do with me, though? I understand your feelings...'' the old man said in a quiet tone.

Naruto considered his words for a few moments before speaking, ''I understand that you have some information aimed at discrediting me. You have aproached my biggest allies about it, so there is no denying it.''

The old man regarded the blond for a few moments trying to figure out just what kind of a game he may try to play. When he couldn't figure out anything, he chose to play it safe, ''What of it then?''

''I was planning on allowing you to make your knowledge public to other UNA members, but I have decided that I can't allow the news to come out, not yet anyway. While I'm not concerned about how it may affect my image, it will horribly effect Konan's in a negative way.''

''Allow? You make it sound like you have a choice in it, President.''

Naruto smiled as he responded, ''That is because I do have a say in the matter. If I don't want you to say it, you won't. Just who do you think I am, Tamara-san? The UN was built on my work, I created it, and it is now what it is because of me. Do you think anyone can oust me? You can buy a few votes, but no one can beat me in a vote. If I so will, I can be president till death.''

''Big words, but can your allies stand in your favor when they learn of this little secret? Mind you, they will start thinking that there may be more secrets involved.''

''You underestimate the bond I share with my allies. You cannot descredit me. Besides, even if I do quit, who do you think will run the UN? You? Oh, Gaara. Yes, he can. However, no one can run the UN without my blessings. You have come to understand it, haven't you? I am the UN. The whole organization is in my hand, so are you.''

''I beg to differ.''

Naruto raised his index finger, ''When I took the job, I knew there would dirty works that I would have to do. That is why I created counter interligence which works really well. See, there is nothing that happens within the UN and A that I don't know, and I can manipulate all information to my liking.'' The blond paused for a moment. ''I know how this makes me look, but I don't really care. If there is a need to dirty my hands for peace then I will. However, dirtying my hands only mean I cannot lead a peaceful world. That is alright nevertheless. I had only planned on leading the world into peace.

I won't threaten you, or anyone else, I'm not that kind of person, however, I will make it impossible for you to say what you want, as long as its purpose is to descredit my authority. Konan is a very important person to me, and I don't want anything that may rob her of the little happiness she has found... This is what is going to happen...''

Flash back End

''...Let us just say I managed to convince him otherwise,'' the blond said smiling. ''Naturally, I handled things in a way that won't lead this organization to have a dark past. Anything controvesial can be afforded as it can be handled, but darkness is darkness, you can't put colors to it to beautify it.''

''What did you really do Naruto?'' Miyuki asked calmly.

''I said some other things and brought out my own 'Intel' regarding that old man's shady activies. When I told him I knew everything that happens under the Uns umbrella I meant it. Some people don't think their secrets can be found because of the efforts they put through in hiding things.'' Naruto responded. ''What do I owe this pleasant visit?''

''We have a proposal,'' Miyuki started. ''Gaara tells me that you can no longer hold the displaced because of bandits in Amegakure, and you can't take anymore in the Whirlpools as you have taken a number of them, and have already opened an orphanage. If you take anymore, Uzu will die as a village.''

''What is the proposal?''

''Sunagakure will be able to take in some people, but you have to build the 'homes' first. I will share the burden of supporting them with Miyuki.''

''Gaara would do this for free, but given your presence here, I assume there are some strings attached,'' Naruto said, looking straight at Miyuki.

''Wind lacks refined medical medical ninjas. You have the connections to help us in that area.''

''That is only a single string, and the rest?''

Miyuki merely smiled, ''Come to the Wind Capital in three night's time, 8pm sharp - and on something nice. We will discuss the other 'strings' during dinner,'' she said before leaving the office, Gaara followed her, leaving Naruto with Temari.

''Do you think he is still trying to get us hooked?''

''Uncosciously, yes,'' Temari said. She became nervous a bit, when Naruto placed a really weird smile on his lips. Her fellow blond stood up and walked to the front of his desk before twisting her chair towards him. He gently took her right hand, and went down on one knee.

''Temari, will you marry me?''

'Are you high?' That is what Temari wanted to ask, but then the door soundlessly opened, revealing the younger sand sibling standing in the door way with a rare smile on his face.

''Well, Temari?'' Gaara said.

Temari glared at her brother before looking straight at Naruto. When she realized he was still holding her hand, she snapped it back and folded both her hands across her bust. Her brother seemed happy.

Naruto mouthed, 'say yes.'

Temari gave him a look that clearly said, 'why'

Naruto offered a foxy smile that clearly told her he was up to no good.

A few weeks later

One could never really be free from work these days. With his term as president of the UN in its younger days, he could never be free. There was always something that needed his attention, something that needed to be solved, and he still had his own village, a personal life that needed time and was emotionally draining as fulfulling as it was.

Late nights in Uzu were always cold because of its watery surrounding. But Naruto had grown used to it. His body didn't even suffer that much from cold as his body constantly generated the heat to fight off the coldness. This was owed much to the Bijuu resting inside of him.

''You have given much work away, but there is still much to be done,'' Mei said, leaning against the back of her chair inside Naruto's office at the Whirlpool tower. ''Much of the work these days is owed to the UNA EC which has been going through some changes, the whole thing has been going through changes, and it requires us to go through all their work.''

''I never thought that the UNA would take such a structure though. The former EC was made of Daimyo's, Kages, and 'leaders', well it still is but they've decided to make a supreme council formed by Daimyos only. I'd suggested the EC be without Daimyo's as they can't be two councils, that do the same thing.'' Naruto said. ''They are trying to push us away from it, isn't it? The Daimyo's gave so much power to the UN by allowing its Judicial system to cover their countries. There isn't a part where we can't reach.''

''Naturally, to gain some standing ground, the leaders needed their own order and have now basically shut us out of their alliance,'' Mei added. ''Well, the two of us are still in the EC, but that means little as they've 'lessened' our impact in the UNa because of our standing in the UN.''

''It matters little,'' Naruto said. ''There are loopholes we can use to challenge things we don't like.''

''There's always that,'' Mei said. ''If things continue to be as they are, Whirpools will become the Capital of the Elemental Nations. The best Medical academy, and Fuinjutsu academy are founded here; the 'ninja' academy you have here is of high quality. Your students won't leave as Genins, but as full fledged shinobi; the younger generation will be coming here from all corners of the world to study here. Soon you're going to accomodate an academy for civilians - administrators, funds managers need to be trained for the UN. The main HQ of the UN are located here.

Naturally, this attracts people to come here. The fact that Daimyo's will be coming here regularly for their meetings as Uzu has become the new neutral nation, replacing the Iron country, means that it gets more visits, and opens doors for business opportunities. While it may not have lot of people, because of its location, security, importance to all nations, it makes it a prime enviroment to build HQ's for your business.''

''Yes, Miyuki once said it may not become like a village anymore, more like a business, and educational hub. When those people heard that we were going to have an academy solely for Medical Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu, they were quick to have registration open so that they can add more of the younger ones.''

''How is that going by the way?''

''Many nations are going to be disappointed: we have at least 20 nations in the UNA who outside of the Elemental Nations, and each is trying to send a group of young and old to the village so that they can be trained. For nations outside the Elemental Nations, it is understandable as this represents a good chance for their forces to be trained in the same way as others, making them comparable to that of other strong nations,'' Naruto said. ''Well, enough about work. When are you going to leave?''

''In a day or two? What, do you have something planned?''

''Myabe,'' Naruto said. ''Gaara leaves tomorrow at noon, so there's going to be some time to fool around, why not use it?''

''Hmm,'' Mei folded her hands across her bust, ''I'm only going to be a participant if what you have planned is fun. Will you tell me?''

''You're going to love it,'' but then he frowned. ''Will tell you later, it seems we have company.'' Jiyaiya walked into the office, along with Kakashi, Shizune and Gaara.

''I hope we're not interupting anything,'' the Sannin said with a knowing smile.

''Can you be more purposeful than this, Jiraiya?'' Naruto responded with a sigh. ''What do I owe for this pleasant visit? I thought all of you would be resting by now from all the days' work.''

''Kazekage-sama will be leaving tomorrow; I'm also taking a three week long time out as we have closed the academy for the quaterly holidays; Mei-sama won't be staying here for too long. You also have plans to leave for the Hotsprings for a 'few weeks'. That will only leave Jiraiya-sama and Commander-sama,'' Shizune said.


''That is what they call Kakashi in the Police Force,'' Jiraiya said with a smile. ''It annoys the hell out of him though. He doesn't have to hear more of it these days since he no longer spends much time in the field though.'' The Sannin finished in thought before he shrugged.

''I'm thinking of retiring,'' Kakashi said carelessly. ''I've worked a lot in the past months, more than anything since I left Anbu years ago. It is time I also quit the Police Force and return it to Kazekage-sama. Since everyone is thinking of resting, I also need to rest.''

''I can't take the position back Commander,'' Gaara said blankly. ''I have a village to run, and other things to look at...''

''You mean the lovely Princess?'' Jiraiya said with a grin. ''Naruto, you have to fix me up with one of her sisters. I would prefer the younger one though...''

''In your dreams, Jiraiya. When are they due to the village anyway?'' Naruto asked the Kazekage.

''They were due a few days ago, but the 'husbands' aren't willing to let go. You'll have to fetch them yourself,'' Gaara said.

Naruto sighed, ''I will deal with it before I head to the Hotsprings,'' he said. ''Since we're going to be seperated for a while, I know a good place to relax while you get drunk and stare at young girls, Jiraiya. You'll probably get arrested at the end of the night for harrassment though.''

''It will be worth it,'' Jiraiya said with a shrug. He knew the place Naruto was talking about. He was never allowed to go there since the last time he was there things didn't end well. But with the company he was with now, and Naruto's smile, he would be allowed.

Academy, a month later

''Shinobi are often associated with lack of morals and continued bloodshed. In a world the UN is trying to create, we cannot have such occuring. Death shouldn't be something of ordinary in our world. To lose someone is painful, and death shouldn't be taken lightly. Shinobi often kill in their missions as killing is part of the job. I have killed, and I know what it is like, what it feels like.

You're all innocent children before my eyes, before the law. Some of you were genins before being admitted to the academy: you were told carrying a headband means being an adult, but once you came here, we stripped you of that adulthood. You're all kids, and you will be treated as such, unless you wish to grow. But to be treated as an adult, you have to show maturity, not by a headband, but by your attitude.

The Police Force represent a new world order: yes, they were shinobi, but they no longer live as shinobi anymore. They have thrown away the mask of shinobi and worn a new mask of the police, soliders of justice. As soldiers of justice, you're supposed to have these essentials: morals, disclipline and a good sense of what is right and wrong, a love for justice, and a strong desire to do that is good in freeing our world from its shackles. The shinobi mind has to be taken off.

As members of the Police Force, you will not be forced to kill, carry weapons of destruction and use your jutsus to harm other people. The Ninjutsu that we will teach you will be used to build, not as weapons of destruction, not as jutsus to bring you fame. You will not be fighting for fame, or glory, but for justice... Because the Police Force are men and women of justice!''

Naruto took a moment to pause as he allowed his fresh students to absorb all that he'd said to them. This was one of the courses he taught in the academy: introduction to UNPF. He also taught Law - which was broken into three parts which were all taught according to levels, Taijutsu, Basic Fuinjutsu, and advanced fuinjutsu to those who showed deeper understanding of the art.

''Is there anyone with a question before, I can continue?'' A hand was quickly raised, Naruto allowed for the questioned to be asked.

''It isn't exactly a question,'' the girl started, ''But sensei, can you tell the distinctive difference between shinobi and police. Not all shinobi are bad people after all.''

''Admittedly, some shinobi possess high levels of humility, dignity, and morals. That is a fact that cannot be ignored, nor can we say because most of the shinobi lack morals, then all shinobi are evil. Nonetheless, the problem isn't whether shinobi are bad or not, it is the kind of world we live in, the problem is the shinobi rule and world.

As a shinobi, your main objective is to protect your home village, against everything, even family. Shinobi betray each other, kill for fame and money. However, there are shinobi who are good and will never betray anyone.

The distinctive difference between Police and Shinobi is the mindset and reaction as well as application. Whether you're good or bad, when you see an enemy, you take out your weapon, prepare a strategy and ready your ninjutsu. Even when you're a good person, if you're fighting with a kunai, it will eventually kill someone. What is the reason for shooting an S-rank jutsu at your opponent it it isn't to kill? Why swing your sword when you don't want to kill anyone? Do you expect your opponent do dodge your swing or jutsu? What if he doesn't? Then it is death.

When police see a suspect, the first reaction is engaging the person in a diolgue, reminding him of the crimes he's commited and laws broken. What happens when the suspect throws a jutsu? Swings a sword at the police? Then one takes out a shield while another or more prepare the seal of restraint. Or engage the suspect in a Police Style Taijutsu. Our main objective when the suspect is in the clear is to restrain him or her.

What if the suspect is too powerful for the police and they can't restrain him? Before that scenario even occurs, you must know this: the police force will never pursue a suspect without knowing what he/she is capable of. When the capabilities are taken into account, the squad that will be sent will be the one strong enough to deal with the suspect's power. To put it simply, should the suspect be an A-rank criminal, we send a squad of three A-rank Policeman, led by an S-rank or just another A-rank. That rules out the situation where the suspect will be too powerful for the police force. However, should back up be required, a call can made, and in less then a minute, back up will be brought, no matter the location.''

''How?'' Another student asked.

''You'll have to be in the Police Force to know that,'' Naruto said with a smile. An alarm rang, ''Oh, well, that is the end of the period. I will see you in an hour for Introduction to Law.''

As the students hurried out of the class, heading for Shizune's lessons, Naruto settled back to the edge of his desk. He really needed someone to fill in up in all these. He couldn't keep the academy running by himself. The only reason he even taught the subjects he taught was because there wasn't anyone who understood the UN's law and the functions of the Police Force better than him.

From next week, he would have to do with clones, and hire some teachers. He'd already completed the teacher's manual for all modules he taught. Even if one didn't have a better understanding of the law than him, they could teach using the manuals and guides provided for them. The manuals were all still in notes form though. He would have to get his clones to put them together and send them for print out. Each student was also to have a copy of the UN's consititution: the police force already had it.

''Sensei,'' A very Hyuuga Hanabi started, as she walked into his class, Konohamaru behind her.

''Where are the others?''

''Held up in Takada-sensei's training ground. Since we're advanced in that level, he freed us and said he wanted to keep on training the others to make them ready, physically.'' Hanabi responded.

Naruto became thoughtful for a few moments, ''I will have to form another schedule and hire a Heamaster for the academy for these kind of things.'' He needed to release some of the work he did.

''What are we going to do today, Ni-san?'' Konohamaru asked, a bit excitedly.


''Hunting?'' Both Konohamaru and Hanabi repeated in question.

''We are going to the forest, and you will catch a very nasty animal, without killing it. That isn't to say it won't try to kill you.''

''What kind of animal are talking about?'' Hanabi didn't feel comfortable with how he had said nasty animal. There were some serious wild animals in the forest surrounding the village. Probably filled in when no human was inhabitting the island. ''And why an animal?''

''Its practise runs for when you're admitted to the ranks of the Police Force. And we can't exactly send civilian farmers to the other side of the island while the forest is filled with things that will probably eat them...''

''Why don't you just create a wall around the forest?'' That seemed the easiest option.

''We need to reduce the numbers first. If we just fence them, we will reduce the hunting ground. So to accormodate the space reduction, we will have to reduce the animals, besides, the animals we're going to hunt are the ones needed for your meat. Do you think I have the money to buy all the students meat everyday? As well as pay for your caretakers?''

''Ah, so the cheap method is to hunt food for yourself. Do you go fishing as well?'' Hanabi asked.


''I was really surprised when you sent a message to me. I hadn't thought that you would be willing to talk to me so soon given your differences with me,'' Naruto said as he sat down in front of Kurotsuchi's desk.

The message had come to him a few days ago, but his responsibilities didn't permit him to come earlier or quickly after the message requesting his presence in Iwagakure arrived. Nevertheless, he was here at this day. Naruto wasn' t afraid that it may have been a planned ambush that the woman had set up when she called him. If you wanted to talk to someone, you called them and went to them wasn't it? But he understood that the woman couldn't afford to leave the village in such a nervy state - her presence was required at all times.

Another reason that made him think once about honoring Kurotsuchi's call was that the woman had kept true to her word and had removed him from Iwa's Bingo book, which had pleased him greatly. The previous matter that had seen him come all the way to this village had been solved as well.

Kurotsuchi glanced in all corners of her office, trying to see if someone was eavesdropping, but found nothing; her gaze went straight to the blond before her. Conversations with him were always taxing. Felt like each diologue and monologue that went on between was a heavy right hook and a chop to her shoulder joints. The will and desire to see through out fuelled her inner strength to get this done.

Before her voice sounded within Naruto's ears, the conversations she had with her grandfather sounded like an echo at the back of her head. There were so many cases that he had spoken to her about being calm and rational, thinking of what was best for the village. He wasn't here anymore. She couldn't tease him anymore about his age and back pain problems. That stubborn senile look was forever gone, and she had remained, sitting on the very chair his little behind took comfort.

She wasn't just the granddaughter of the Sandaime Tsuchikage, she was the Yondaime Tsuchikage, fourth leader of the Village Hidden in rocks, one of the Great Five Nations. The standing meant little these days though. What mattered was being a member of the United Nations Alliance, but Kurotsuchi wasn't planning on joining of those anytime soon.

''Before the whole Amegakure incident, my grandfather was against the idea of revenge against your father's actions during the Third Shinobi World War. I didn't understand back then. But my grandfather said the Yondaime Hokage couldn't be blamed because it was war after all. 'In battle, it is either both sides will lose something or the winner wins all and the loser loses all' He would always say something like that to me.

I didn't understand, I didn't want to understand. Things didn't better when you killed my men.

You said the fate of my men was my responsibility, but I refused to accept responsibility for their deaths, blamed you for it, ergo, forsaking my responsibility as the one brought them out to the battlefield: they were just soldiers following orders. My grandfather and I were responsible for their deaths, but neither of us wanted to accept it.''

People change... For the best or worst: this is a fact that Naruto has had to accept in his life. The notion that people can change in their mindset is what led to the belief that the shinobi world could be changed: people made the world, and if people could change, the world had to change as well. Naturally, there were those people who seemed like they would never change, but one had to hope.

Kurotsuchi wasn't stupid, nor was she blind, he had known her the momoent he studied her. Her grandfather had made her front runner to succeed him as Tsuchikage for a reason.

''Death isn't easy to accept, Kurotsuchi. When your men die, you find it hard to accept it. If you had accepted responsibility, it would mean seeing no crime in me. But you didn't want that; you wanted to blame me, you want to hate me. The incident renewed you resolve to seeing me dead. You had your own reasons, but you must have realized it, didn't you? When you focused on me, you neglected the fact you didn't lose a family member, a friend, but other people did...''

The Fourth Rock Shadow nodded slowly. ''I rallied behind them in support for your death, but I failed to at least try to understand that they were pained much more than I was - they had lost their loved ones, and I had only lost my army. There's a big difference there. I can always replace an army, but you can't replace a husband, a wife, child, or a sibling. You can't.''

''The main thing is that we see the way. If you hadn't realized the truth, you wouldn't have called me here. It does little for the pain in the heart, nor does it fill the gap, but it means much more for you as leader.''

Kurostuchi's black eyes stared at the opposite blue: he was being less rude to her than he usually was, no insults, but only gentle words and a smile that almost comforted her. She refused to take comfort from him nonetheless.

''It does,'' she agreed with his point. Rushing back at the back of her mind for a quick glance on what was going on, Kurotsuchi settled for a few moments of a soundless silence before spoke again. ''I called you here because I wanted you to know that I understand: I would have done the same thing as you did. However, that doesn't mean that I forgive you, but I understand. The understanding makes it tolerable for me to stand your presence without any bloody images. I don't us to be enimies, but not friends either.''

''I can accept that, Kurotsuchi.'' Naruto said with a smile.