Ahoy! *runs away*

Warning: Cliché overload, future fic, children involved, OOC


And smiles turned into laughs,

And laughs turned into kisses,

And before you know it,

The days turned into weeks,

The weeks turned into months,

And you find yourself,

Forgetting what it was like,

Before they were in your life

- J.a.


Usui Misaki was speechless as she stared at the plastic strip in her hands.

"No way…"

Speechless has never been used to describe Usui Misaki, the representative for the Japanese Government for the United Nations support council for peace in The Netherlands.

"But when…"

Misaki whispered into the mirror in front of her which her reflection was somewhat mocking her. She looked back at the object in her hand; gripping it tighter – willing it turn into a different color. She is happy; she knew she was. But a little tinge in her heart was scared. What would Takumi do? Will he be as happy as she was? Or will he hate it?

"I have to go back to London"

She decided as her smile grew wider at the thought of going back to where her most important person was.

"Yes" she said into the mirror "I'm going home" as she made her resolution.

'knock, knock'

"Come on in…"

Arthur Samuels said as continued to write into his planner, scribbling down important events and meetings into the dates. He looked up as the person closed his door.

"Ah, Misaki. How can I help you today? But first I must congratulate you on successfully closing the trade arrangement with Germany. That Bahr can really be a pain sometimes" Misaki smiled at the compliment.

"Well, let's just say I have my way with women" Arthur laughed heartily at her comment.

"Really, I sometimes wonder how you can be so charming even to the ladies. You really have to teach me sometimes"

"I wouldn't dare sir. You wife will kill me"

"Well. Not for seducing them but for charming them into a deal"

"We both know that you do a better job at convincing people than I do sir. You just don't realize it sometimes" Misaki chuckled at Arthur's comment. Everybody knows that there is no better charmer that Arthur Samuels. He could make a 90 year lady fall in love with him if he wanted to. He was just way too devoted to his wife their four children to even realize that his friendliness was really why people liked him so much.

"Ah, well. Just some methods to my madness" He smiled widely at Misaki. "So, going back to the actual question; how can I help you today?" Misaki's smiled faltered a little and she stiffened slightly; feeling nervous again. She cleared her voice and shifted in her seat to a more formal position, crossing her legs.

"Firstly, I would like to thank you for all the teaching you have given me and my team. I have had a very wonderful time here in Holland" Arthur raised an eyebrow "I want to ask for a transfer"

"A transfer? Is something wrong? Are negotiations too tiring? I could give you a few days off if you want" Arthur went on rambling as Misaki just smiled at him.

"Nothing's wrong Mr. Samuels, calm down" Misaki fiddled with her fingers as she smiled shyly at him, averting eye contact. "I-um…I'm err-pregnant" her blush was full blown as she finished. Arthur's shocked face was perfect blackmail material if ever anyone needed to use it against him. As seconds passed, Misaki bowed her head lower to hide her blush. Then Misaki heard the biggest laugh she has ever heard from her superior of three years that made her snapped her head up.

"That is wonderful news Misaki! Congratulations! Your husband must be over the moon!"

"About that…I haven't told him yet"

"What? Are you kidding me? He should be the first person to know of this! When are going to tell him?" Misaki swore Arthur looked like Manager Satsuki all those years ago when she was excited.

"Well, I was going to call him right after this meeting with you…"

"Nonsense! You have to tell him directly. Technology is good in certain situations but not for wonderful news like this!"

"I can't take days off Mr. Samuels. Especially not after we've only just finished negotiations. There is way too much paper work to-"

"Nope. You are taking the whole of next week off. I'm sending you out of the country myself"

"But-" Arthur held up his hand to stop Misaki.

"No more buts Misaki. Moments like these are what you should cherish for the rest of your life. For you and for your husband. As if staying so far apart isn't heart breaking already" Misaki opened her mouth to protest but Arthur held up his hand once again.

"You are taking the week off Misaki. That is final. You need a break, you and I both know; you better than me know that you need this" Arthur gave Misaki a look that he knew Misaki could never resist.

Misaki sighed audibly, knowing that she had no power over that soft fatherly look that Arthur gave to his team. He was not just a superior, he was more of a father figure that all the team needed to support them. His concerns for his team were genuine and no one can doubt it.

"I understand sir"

"Now that's more like it. I will work on that transfer for you, shouldn't take more than three months" Arthur was gloating; wonderful things like these don't come by often and he was enjoying every moment of it. He rose from his seat as Misaki stood up and went around his table to give Misaki a friendly hug.

"You are one of my best representative you know. I will surely miss you Usui Misaki" The smile he gave Misaki was making her eyes watery but she tried to cover it up with a chuckle.

"It's not like I'm transferring tomorrow sir"

"Yeah I know but it's still making me sad already" He wiped an imaginary tear at the corner of his eye. Misaki bowed at the door before turning to leave and closed the door behind her.

It was a good day as he predicted when his own daughter gave him a small drawing of their family in the morning before he went to work. He took the drawing out of his drawer in his table and lie it against a table top-clock next to his family picture. He ran his fingers across the drawing and returned back to his work; whistling a happy tune.

Misaki exhaled her breath as she stood outside Arthur's door and took out her phone as she made her way back to her office.

"Hey Kenneth. How you've been? That's great" Misaki talked to her assistant that Takumi assigned to her whenever she was back in London.

'Is anything the matter ma'am?' Misaki smiled softly as she ran her hand to her lower abdomen.

"I'm coming home"


Oh, haroooo~

This series should be a short one. Maybe about 2-3 chapters long, just a story that popped up in my head after the last chapter. Speaking of last chapter, I can't believe it's already been four months since this lovely manga came to an end. How did we ever get through it? The first two months was total withdrawal; in which I indulged in fanfic and re-reading the manga. I know I haven't moved on from it; well not entirely because I am still writing fiction of it and still relate certain songs to Misaki and Usui. They will forever be my OTP. *woot woot*

I know I shouldn't be starting another series when I've hardly even finished the ones that I already have going. To be honest, I have no idea where I'm going with The Will. I have a few drafts for Family Blues but the finishing up bit is what is troubling. So bear with me as I go into my mind palace and search for where I put all the plot for them.

I've recently joined tumblr which is suddenly making me a part of so many fandoms. I even know all the characters (the important ones) from Shingeki no Kyoujin and I have never watched or even read the manga. Which is so damn awesome. Lol.

Anyway, reviews are highly appreciated. Love to hear what you guys think about this story.

I'm so glad we survived the Mondays of the year *ehemJanuarysucksehem*

Till next insomnia filled night I experience~


2nd February 2014

3.40 am