Told you I would be restarting!

I began rewriting this, and I was pretty impressed with how far I've come in just a few months. Sorry to all of you who have been waiting for an update, school caught up with me, but heck, it's been summer for two months- I have no excuse. But here we are. With much fluff.

Special thanks to my beautiful little sister, who reads all my fanfictions like they're the newest Percy Jackson book.

Chapter 1: Bath Day

As usual, the smell of fish just starting to go bad made Hiccup want to vomit. However, vomiting all over them probably wasn't going to help the smell, so he took deep breaths through his mouth.

"Well, that's that." He said aloud as he placed the last barrel of fish into the cage full of Terrible Terrors. The little dragons practically dove into the barrel, as if this was their last meal. Hiccup sighed. For all he knew, it might be. Auctioning day was tomorrow, and he wouldn't be allowed to feed them because it would mess with the effects of the drug.

He stepped out of the cage with a sigh, and Sharpshot licked his cheek. The Terror was curled around the boy's shoulders as he always was, snoozing until his human needed his help.

Hiccup gave him a fond scratch under the chin while he rummaged around the dark and dank dungeon for the keys. He had just found them and pocketed them when familiar footsteps approached him. Hiccup's shoulders fell. He wouldn't be going to bed anytime soon.

A large figure stomped into the dimly lit room. "Hiccup! We need the largest spare cage we've got! And the tools! Now!" The man grabbed at an ax hanging on the wall and escaped back into the cool night air.

The boy grabbed the candle on the shelf, and headed down a flight of stairs. Empty cages, their bars smeared with blood and fish guts, were scattered all over the floor. So were various tools, some broken, burned, or bent awkwardly. It took only a few moments to find the largest one- he still remembered the good-natured Monstrous Nightmare that had been its previous inhabitant. By the time he had located it, his uncle, Spitelout, and Gobber were already at the bottom of the stairs, ready to haul the cage up.

Hiccup pointed at it, and the two men grabbed it, carrying it up with little effort. Hiccup dug around in the mess a little longer, searching for the tools. Kneeling, he reached under a wooden plank and ignored all the thin, sticky webs that attached themselves to his hands. His fingers brushed metal, and he pulled the large strong box out. It was heavy, and he couldn't see around it as he slowly ascended back up the staircase. Apparently Stoick was getting inpatient, because Ack came down and took it from his hands. "Thanks." Hiccup said to the empty air.

Tools, largest cage, Stoick's impatience... Hiccup could read the signs well enough.

They had just caught a new dragon.

"Hiccup!" The boy's eyes snapped open at his shout. Heavy footfalls could be heard climbing the wooden stairs of their house. "Hiccup!" Stoick yelled, a little louder.

The whole floor shook as Stoick reached the upstairs floor. Hiccup rolled out of bed, his mind still foggy with sleep. He pulled on his shirt as the chief entered his room. "Son! Get up!"

The roar of his father was like cold water on his face. "I'm up, Dad."

Stoick didn't miss the hint of annoyance and anger in Hiccup's voice. "You should have been up hours ago! Those dragons aren't going to wash themselves!"

"Maybe I wouldn't have to wash them, if you stopped bathing them in their own blood every day!"

Stoick's eyes narrowed. His son rarely raised his voice, and almost never in anger. And never at him, his father. Hiccup brushed past him, pulling on his vest as he headed downstairs. It wasn't until his bare toes brushed against moist grass and the warm brown earth did he remember his shoes.

For a moment, he almost turned around to go get them. Until he remembered his father was in there, angry and probably ready to chew him out at seven in the morning. No thanks. Plus, it was bath day, so he wasn't going to need shoes anyway. The thought of bath day lifted his spirits some, and he walked towards the Dragon Pit with a spring in his step.

"Morning, guys." Hiccup thrust his fingers through the bars, little Gronkles licking his fingers and purring for love.

"It's washing day," He informed them as he opened the cage door and grabbed two baby Gronkles. He herded them towards the back exit of the dungeon. Sunlight nearly blinded all three of them, and the Gronkles happily zipped around the large caged in area. Hiccup went in and out of the dark halls, herding all the Gronkles out into the sunlight. He started with the older ones.

His mother had taught him that this was a very efficient way of running bath day. While Hiccup washed the full sized dragons, the little ones would fly around and play, getting much of their energy out. This saved a lot of trouble- trying to wash a fully charged baby Gronkle would be just as impossible as Astrid noticing him.

Hiccup's eyes widened. Where had that come from? He blushed. "Focus." He told himself out loud. He grabbed a bar of handmade soap and a large swath of fur, and headed outside again, closing the door behind him.

Now the hard part, hauling up 23 and a half buckets of water out of the well to fill up the washing basin.

Hiccup tossed the bucket down, and then pulled as hard as he could on the line. He would have liked to say he had hauled up 23 and a half buckets of water up all by himself, but he had one of the motherly female Gronkles pulling with him. The first of the large Boulder Class dragons plopped himself into the large basin, sending water sloshing over the edge.

Hiccup rolled his eyes. "Yeah, thanks for that." Then he set to work on scrubbing away two month's worth of dirt, grime, and who knows what else.

It didn't take long, and soon the older Gronkles were sunning themselves while Hiccup grabbed one of the babies and covered it with bubbles. It squeaked and squirmed, trying to break free and go join its friends. Hiccup smiled, giving it a good scratch once he was done scrubbing, rising, and drying. It gave him a lick on his cheek before buzzing away to play once more.

Yay! Somehow the thought of Hiccup being barefoot is just so cute to me.

And even more cute is the thought of Hiccup washing a bunch of baby Gronkles. Can't you just picture that, them sitting in the tub, covered in bubbles, and Hiccup covered in bubbles from washing them?
Sorry. But it's still cute, I don't care what you say.