
Lily looked around as Cedric appeared in the doorway, "There's another one."

"Oh no…" Lily whispered in a quiet, horrified voice. She couldn't cope with anyone else dying whether she knew them or not, it just wasn't right!

She determinedly turned her gaze away from Snape and turned to James, the worry she felt was reflected in her husbands hazel eyes. Lily stowed her wand and linked her fingers through James, squeezing his hand for reassurance and receiving a squeeze in return.

The couple led the way back into the living room, Fred, Gideon and Fabian following them with Dumbledore and a more than captious looking Snape bringing up the rear. They reclaimed their seats in silence, everyone's gaze fixed on the screen.

The frozen image of George still crying over Fred's body flickered away. Lily glanced over at Fred, who looked rather relieved that he did not have to see his twin in such a state anymore. Lily squeezed James's hand again.

No one else should die.

The image on the screen changed, it still showed the Great Hall but this time the image depicted another body, a girl with long and curly dirty blonde hair that seemed much brighter around her pale lifeless hair. She was pretty, Lily noted, and with a stab of horror young. Harry's age.

"That's Lavender," Fred said suddenly, breaking through the silence in the room, "Ron's ex."

"Lavender?" Cedric repeated the name with a slight frown, "Gryffindor? One who hung out with the Patil's?"

Fred solemnly nodded and Cedric sighed and shook his head, running his fingers through his dark hair.

"Poor girl," Dorea said sadly, "So young…"

"She was in Ron's year." Fred said quietly.

There was a moment of silence, where they all processed how the girl now dead before their eyes was only seventeen. Lily's gaze flicked over to Cedric, whilst mature for his age was still only seventeen when he too died. She noticed his grey eyes were not fixed on the screen but his gaze had instead shifted to the window and the world that lay beyond it.

Marlene placed a hand on his forearm and Cedric spared her a slight smile. Lily wondered, for a brief moment before she turned her gaze back to the screen, whether he was thinking about Cho.

"How did she die?" Dorcas asked, turning to Dumbledore who was watching the image on the screen solemnly, his eyes bright and sad for the loss of another life.

"Greyback." Dumbledore answered calmly.

Lily's grip on James's hand was suddenly so tight her husband would later swear she broke several fingers.

"Greyback?" Remus demanded angrily, "That bastard!"

"Harry, Ron and Hermione saw it," Dumbledore continued in a solemn voice fitting for a funeral which, given the circumstances, it was in a way, "Hermione stunned Fenrir but it was too late for Miss Brown, she succumbed shortly after to her injuries."

"That's no way to die." Regulus said.

Sirius nodded in agreement with his brother, "Too young, way too young."

Lily turned her gaze back to the screen, two very pretty identical girls were now crying over Lavender's body. Their skin was dark, Indian Lily who presume, and their hair long and black. The Patil's, Lily deduced and her heart clenched tightly.

They were too young. All of them. And her son was there fighting, the number one enemy.

A/N So this chapter is totally not being uploaded after about a million years...I am such a failure. I'll try to update more often! Planning to update all my stories this weekend - fingers crossed! Anyway REVIEW! It might get you another chapter ;) Ta, Mischief Managed ;)