Chapter 1 – First meeting

Aomine Daiki was jogging back in the rain after practice when he heard some whimpering near the dustbin. He thought it was just a puppy but what he saw was on a whole different level. A baby, with blue hair and eyes, was snuggled up tightly in the soaked blanket. "Who the hell would leave a baby out here in the cold?" Daiki said to himself "Well it's not my problem" he was about to leave when the baby started to squirm and cry louder. As the cries grew louder people started to look and whisper while pointing at Daiki. This pissed the shit out of him.

"Ahhhh!" Daiki said with an irritated voice. "Look kid, I'm not your mummy or your daddy so shut up" The kid kept on crying. Daiki was about to put his hand on the baby to shake him quiet but then he stopped, uncertainty in his eyes. The baby has freed himself from the blanket and is now staring at Daiki and holding his fingers tightly in his small hands. Aomine looked shocked at first but then he started to smile as babies are usually afraid of him. Looking at him smile, the baby started to smile.

"Mama!" the baby squeals with laughter. "Mama! Mama!" The baby was saying this enthusiastically while shaking Daiki's finger. Looking from right to left, he picked up the baby and started his way back to his house.

What am I doing? I can't take care of a baby. I don't have the knowledge and the money to. Daiki gave a deep sighed and look down at the cooing blue haired baby. Leaving him alone again would be…

He was then knocked out of his thoughts by the laughter of the latter bluenette. The baby was laughing at him because of the funny faces he made while thinking. To Daiki, the smiled that was showed by the baby gave him a warm feeling inside. I guess I wouldn't mind keeping him for a while. I'll work part time if I have to. I don't want him to experience what I had experience when I was young.

At this thought, Aomine's hand tightens but calmed down soon after as he felt calming warmth from the baby's body as it laid down to sleep. "Oh yeah!" Daiki exclaimed out loud but not loud enough to wake the baby "What's your name?" he asked to the sleeping baby on his chest. Seeing that the child was in a deep slumber Aomine started thinking of names that would fit him. Then a soft smile was imprinted on his face. "Kuroko Tetsuya" he whispered in a tender voice.

The said child nuzzled closer to him and gave a cute yawn. Aomine laughed at his adorable face and hugged the child closer to him. He then began jogging again to get both of them out of the rain. He cradled the baby carefully as he did not one to drop his little light.

When they arrived at the house Daiki went up to straight to his room to place the baby in a warmer place before he catches a cold. Daiki stripped the baby from the soaked towel carefully as to not wake him. He then threw the towel at the floor and wrapped the baby up in a warmer, drier towel. I need to get Tetsu's needs in the morning. Aomine thought as he looked at the naked, sleeping baby. Daiki then stripped out of his soaked clothes and threw them beside the wet towel. Walking softy to the shower he turned on the hot water and relaxed, feeling the warm droplets sliding over his body. He smiled to himself as he remembered what happened in the past few hours. He has met his little light, his Tetsu, and his determined to keep him safe.

After a few more minute in the shower he turned it off and went to get dress. As he walked inside his room he could see the little bluenette wrestling with the towel. He seemed to have wakened due to the sound of the shower. Kuroko then looked at his 'mama' and stretched out is hand.

"Carry! Carry!" Daiki smiled softly and picked the boy up. Kuroko was laughing as Aomine brought him higher and higher then down on to his arms. He softly touched Aomine's face and gave the most adorable smile, showing his two little teeth. "Who would leave you alone out there?" Aomine asked to the little bluenette. Kuroko just cocked his head to the side innocently. He then yawned and his eyes started to close. Aomine smiled warmly at the sight and went to tuck both Kuroko and him in bed.

He laid Kuroko down beside him and wrapped the naked kid back in his blanket in case he'd get cold. Aomine gave a yawn and lay down next to his light. He waited until Kuroko's eyes was closed and his breathing even before he closed his eyes to sleep.

Hey guys! That's the first chappy. I dunno how the next chapter should go but I was thinking of Kuroko meeting the GoM. Please read and review.