Chapter 1:

It had happened again. Quinn got upset because of the things Santana was saying to try make her join the Cheerios, in her own way by being a bitch. As always Puck was there to make her feel better, by getting her into bed, his bed. Apart from it had the same consequences. She fell for those two words again. Those two words that started everything off the first time around. 'Trust me.'

She had avoided him ever since that night. They didn't have any alcohol, so she had nothing to blame it on this time round. She loved him still, that's why she found him at the first chance she could. She was stupid though. She knew what the problems with unprotected sex was, especially with Puck, and still went along it and once again. She was pregnant.

Her mum forgave once, she highly doubted she would forgive her a second time, but she also couldn't abort it. That was against everything going that was running through her mind. The only other thing that made it worse was that it was her senior year. The year she was meant to be a completely different. It was going to be just as crap as the first time round. This was the year she was meant to get herself out of old, boring Lima and make something of herself, all of that had gone down the drain because they avoided the use of a small square packet of latex.

Puck also knew she was avoiding him and it honestly, really pissed him off. He was there to help her, by helping him relieve his sexual tension with her and she had ignored him since the beginning of the week. Which was when she found out she was gone about a month. He couldn't go to Brittany or Santana because they'd hooked up and everyone knew they were together, so he found that to just be wrong. Rachel was with Finn and he didn't even know why Lauren didn't want to get up on the 'Puckasaurus'. He planned on trying to corner Quinn, then he would question her, that was when he saw her at her locker. He slowly approached her, not wanting her to run off again. He needed to talk to her.

However, Quinn saw him and slammed her locker shut, trying to walk away, while she tried her hardest not to run into any of the people who were slowing her down.. Puck walked faster and took her arm in his hand carefully, not wanting to hurt her. "Come on Q, you can't call me bad for getting with random people then never talking to them again. When you've just done it to me." She turned with watery eyes, which broke Pucks heart quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked, softly as he dropped her arm, in fear that he was hurting her because he couldn't figure out what else he'd done wrong this time round.

Quinn held her arms across her chest after she'd wiped her eyes. "You've done it again Puckerman." She said quietly looking down, but then guided her eyes back to his. "You told me to trust you. You told me you had a vasectomy and yet you still managed to impregnate me!" She hissed, not wanting anyone else to hear, but wanted to get across she was very angry at him.

Puck face fell "Wait..What? Last time the doctor said that there was a small chance it would happen." He protested as he stepped closer to her, Which resulted in her taking a few steps back. Almost like she was scared of something else happening.

"So congratulations. You're going to be a father again." She told him, throwing her hands up in the air, her baby doll dress flicking at her side when her fingers caught the end of it. She glanced at him before jogging off. Much like she'd done when she found out that she was pregnant with Beth and Puck had found out it was his. Considering it was almost time for 5th period , she decided to sit outside the school. She fell against the wall, resting her face in her palms, she stayed there and let the tears fall.

Puck had different plans. He hadn't attended a maths lesson in 3 years and didn't plan on starting now, even if it was becoming important. He waited a second, before picking up her bag which she'd left at her locker and headed to where she usually went when she needed a cry, it was where it was hard for anyone else to spot her. Having knowing where she was, he walked over slowly, making sure no one saw him. He placed her bag down by her and crouched to her height. "Look, Q, I know saying sorry won't do anything, but I am, and I also know you'll keep it full term. So I promise, if you need me, I'll be here." He said quietly, surprised on how out of character he could get in times of sympathy. But only Quinn ever got to see this side of him, not even his mom properly saw him like this. Quinn looked up slowly at him, with big teary eyes, his words probably didn't ring truth. They never did. It would only be a matter of time till he went back to the Cheerios, trying to get them all out of their uniforms and into his bed. It lead to one question on her behalf, one she knew he'd struggle to answer. One question he know he'd hesitate with an answer, which could lead to big changes in everything.

She spoke quietly, but it was still audible."Why should I trust you?"

A/N So I have no idea whether to keep this a one shot, or to make it a few chapters longer. If I get the response I want, it will become longer :)

Thank you for reading!