A/N: Hi! This is my first How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying fanfic! I hope you all enjoy. Now, I saw the play done by a community theatre group (that in my mind is quite amazing) so if the ages or appearances are off, I'm sorry, but I'm going to leave them like that as they are crucial to my story. This starts off a little weird, but it will end up as Smitty/Bratt, I swear. Reviews are greatly appreciated!

Smitty had had enough of the men at the World Wide Wicket company. She was tired of never being able to pick something up without having some strange man touch her in a way she didn't want, or simply leer. Most of all, Smitty wished she hadn't chosen today to wear her best dress.

It had all been a normal morning. She had shown up at exactly 8:07 AM, as she did every morning, and entered the shiny silver elevator at the end of the World Wide Wicket company's lobby. When she hear the ding, Smitty stepped inside and punched the button emblazoned with the number seven. She resumed the daydream she had every morning on the elevator, in which she and her boss, mister Bratt lived happily on an island. She sighed. If only it were that easy. Suddenly, a slightly nasally voice snapped her out of her reverie.

"Well, hello Smitty," the boss's nephew, Bud Frump greeted her with a look on his face that made the young woman's stomach turn. She was sure this wasn't going to end well. She started by standing on one side of the elevator, but he just came closer. Much closer than Smitty would have liked.

"That's miss Smith to you, mister Frump." She said in a tone that implied she wasn't to be messed with.

"Well, miss Smith," he said, giving the last two words more force. "Uncle J.B. has decided to let me pick my own secretary as I am now head of the mail room."

Smitty looked down at her dress and smoothed of some invisible lint. She knew exactly were this conversation was going.

"I want you as my secretary." Bud said, a slimy look on his face. Almost too fast for Smitty to notice, Bud forced his eager lips onto her unworldly ones.

Smitty, absolutely shocked that someone, even the boss's nephew who believed he could get away with murder, would do such a thing, quickly summoned all he force and pushed the idiotic man off. In the midst of her self defence, her dress tore a bit near her shoulder because of the quick movement. Bud stood there shocked for a moment. As the situation dawned on him, Smitty, quick as a flash, smacked him hard across the face. Bud, now red with anger, responded the only way he knew how. He slapped her back with all his might, which caused the poor woman to let out a small whimper of pain.

"I'm gonna tell my uncle what you did!" The spoiled young man declared.

The elevator doors slid open, allowing the passengers to disembark. Without a second glance, the pretty young secretary darted to the ladies room instead of her boss's office as she usually did. Today hadn't started off like any usual day.