And here it is, finally the happy ending. Thank you for reading this story and leaving me wonderful feedback, and I hope you join me on the next journey; I have a story planned, but I don't know yet when I'll have the time to write it. Until then, enjoy! P.S. The mix is on my tumblr (montanarosalie) under the tag "fanmix".

Five years later

It's a sunny August day and Emma is sitting on the bench in the garden of the house Killian had grown up in, watching him walk after their daughter as she inspects the water fountain. Enya wobbles on her tiny feet, holding onto Killian's hands and watching the water falling with big eyes and excited laugher every time she gets splashed.

Killian turns his head and winks at Emma, and she smiles serenely, thanking all her lucky stars that she'd been blessed like this, that not even a horrible war and deep scars could stop the two of them from reaching their happy ending.

"Come on, little love, it's time for your nap", he says and picks Enya up, her head falling against his shoulder ever as she tries to wiggle out of his arms and go back to her fountain. "We can come back later, sweetheart. The fountain is still going to be here."

By the time he reaches the bench, their daughter is already fast asleep, and Killian presses a kiss to her forehead before sitting down and holding out his bad hand; Emma twines her fingers through his, caressing the faded scars and carefully turning Killian's wedding ring around to make sure it's not blocking his circulation before she rests her chin on his shoulder.

"Thank you", she says, and he quirks an eyebrow at her, his mouth lifting into a half-smile.

"What for?"

"This house, this child, this love", she says and gently pulls Enya's T-shirt down to cover her tummy.

"I'm the one who should be thanking you, lass", he tells her and kisses her temple, smiling when she scrunches her nose because his scruff tickles her.

"I didn't do anything. You came back from the dead for me", she says, squeezing his hand and shivering a little at the memories.

Killian doesn't speak, just nudges her with his nose until she tilts her head back, then kisses her cheek and the corner of her mouth and finally her lips, comforting her and making her feel so very loved.

"Let's go finish lunch, shall we?" He asks when they come up for air and Emma nods, stealing another kiss before they get up from the bench and walk through the garden toward the back door leading into the kitchen.

Killian wraps his arm around her waist and she holds his hand against her hip, watching Enya breathe evenly, a lock of jet black hair fluttering every time she exhales.

She's got the same sky-filled eyes her father does and eyelashes that are even longer than his, but her cheeks and chin and brows are all Emma.

Perhaps she's biased, but Emma thinks that their baby girl is the most beautiful child in the world.

Even after all this time, Killian still wakes Emma up sometimes because he's having a nightmare, reliving the worst day of his life again, and she wraps her arm around him, murmuring comforting nonsense into his ear until he either wakes or slips into more pleasant dreams.

She had learned quickly that she shouldn't try to touch any of his scars right after the nightmares, so she focuses her attention elsewhere, kissing his jaw and tracing patterns in his chest hair until he relaxes and tells her that he loves her.

He still can't talk about his nightmares, or the months in France, and Emma had stopped trying because she doesn't want to cause him any further pain. If he ever wants to tell her, she's ready to hear it, but she doesn't see any point in insisting.

The thing about war is that you can't really fathom what it means unless you've been there, but there's a difference between being the soldier and fighting in it, and being the nurse and dealing with the consequences.

There's another way of experiencing the war, and that's being the one left behind while your lover fights, and every time Emma feels that it's unfair she had experienced both, she convinces herself that all her happiness now had to have been counterbalanced before.

"Are you alright, love?" Killian asks, his knuckles caressing her cheek and wiping away a stray tear, his eyes filled with both worry and understanding.

"I'm okay", she tells him and presses her nose against his neck, her leg slipping between his as she attempts to get even closer to him.

"I'm here if you want to talk about it", he says, his fingers caressing her back ceaselessly, soothing her the way she had done to him just minutes ago.

"I know", she tells him and he wraps both arms around her waist, dragging her practically on top of him.

It's in moments like this that the love she feels for her husband is slightly overwhelming, and she wonders if it's the same for him because he releases her readily when she says that she needs to go check up on Enya even though their baby has been sleeping through the night for months now.

He gives her five minutes, then follows her to the nursery and wraps his arms around her from behind, pulling her against his chest and pressing a kiss against her cheek every now and again as they stand by Enya's cot and watch her sleep.

Emma reaches out her hand and touches one of the airplanes hanging from the mobile above their daughter's head and caresses the faint writing on it that bears her father's call sign; it reads "Charming", and maybe it's silly, but Emma likes to imagine that he's really watching over Enya, preventing her from ever having bad dreams.

There's two more planes with insignia on them, one that reads "Hook" and the other that reads "Huntsman", and where people would see fallen heroes without their wings, Emma sees white lines painted across the sky and remembers the days when each of them showed her how it feels to fly.

Enya wakes from her afternoon nap and Killian goes to get her while Emma prepares her meal, thinking how much she likes the simple domesticity of these moments; she could watch Killian pretend that the spoon is an airplane and Enya's tiny mouth is the runway forever, smiling when their daughter beams up at her father proudly after he tells her that she's a marvel.

There's so much love in this house, so much joy and laughter that sometimes Emma has trouble believing that it's actually real life and not just an increibly beautiful dream.

There are wooden steps beyond the garden leading down to the beach, and Killian takes them every day without fail; he says that the waves help him keep his calm, and Emma often joins him, just like he had dreamed she would when they had first met.

"Daddy, carry me", Enya demands after just a few steps and Emma rolls her eyes because she's got Killian wrapped around her little finger; he kneels in the sand and she wraps her arms around his neck, giggling when he picks her up and twirls her around before he settles her on his hip.

"She's going to end up horribly spoiled, and it'll be your fault", Emma says mildly and Killian feigns to be offended on Enya's behalf.

"Our daughter is a wonderful young lady, thank you very much. Aren't you, little love?"

"I'm a plane, like you", Enya announces and spreads her arms, mimicking wings.

"Also your fault", Emma says and gives Enya a loud kiss before she slips her hand into Killian's and they start walking near the water line.

It's peaceful here, and Emma lets her thoughts wander while Killian and Enya lead one of their private conversations that consist of her whispering secrets into his ear while he tries to convince her that he's not a plane but a pilot.

"Do you ever miss Pearl Harbor?" Emma asks when they reach the end of the beach and turn back around, Enya entertaining herself with running away from the waves, shrieking in delight every time they come close to her bright red boots.

"Not really", Killian says and pulls Emma closer, still making sure to keep one eye on their little troublemaker at all times. "Do you?"

"I miss the warmth", Emma admits and leans into him, her arms wrapping around his waist, her head resting on his shoulder as she watches the sun sink into the sea.

"Do you wish us to go back?" Killian asks her, his hand running up and down her side, his lips grazing her forehead until she tilts her head and gives him a proper kiss.

"I don't", Emma says and traces his jaw with her finger, smiling when their eyes meet. "I have everything I need right here."

"Good", he murmurs and she steals another kiss before she lets him go, watching him approach Enya and scoop her up in his arms, making her fly through the air.

"I'm a plane, I'm a plane", Enya yells at the top of her lungs and Emma can't help but laugh, overwhelmed with happiness when Killian kisses their baby girl's cheek and cradles her close, his free hand reaching out for his wife.

Emma steps closer and entwines her fingers with his, following him to the steps leading up to garden behind their house, toward a bright future where there's nothing but love waiting for them.

A future where they are all going to take flight.
