A/N: This story had been bugging me for a while now, and I had to get it posted. The next chapter is basically already finished. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns what you recognize from her books.


I don't know exactly how it started. One day I was resigned to death, just waiting for the pin to drop, and the next, I was afraid of it. He was at the hospital with his father, whom I conceded was healthy and just getting a check up, looking . . . Like me. It wasn't like he was practically bald, pale as paper, and skinny as a stream bean. The exact opposite actually. A head full of shaggy black hair, beautiful russet skin, tall, thick, and regal. So you see, it wasn't his physical features that were familiar to me in the scratched up mirror I looked in every morning, but it was the expression in his eyes. Empty. Resigned. Lost. He looked like he had his heart smashed into a million pieces. Twice. My look, I guessed, looked more as though I had everything taken away from me in five simple words.

You have Ewing's Sarcoma cancer.

I mean, who's even heard of that? I hadn't, that's for sure. The doctors assured me that I had a high survival rate, that my recovery was very likely. That I'd be okay. But, come on, how was I supposed to believe that? I was a seventeen year old girl with a bright future, who thought she was young and healthy. I was young alright, but far from healthy. I guess the cancer kind of made sense, in a way. The continuous achy pains in my bones bothered me all the time. At first, being the ignorant teenager that I was, I shrugged it off as growing pains. But after a few months and still remaining at 5'5, I realized it was far more complicated than that. I'd confessed to my parents about the pains, and they rushed me to the hospital. A few tests, some blood being drawn, and a brutal wait later, I was crushed.

I'd accepted that I had cancer, and was ready to fight it. That was until, I started chemotherapy. The years, and constant conditioning of my long, brown locks, was all thrown away. I was left with a thin veil over my head. A pale comparison to my usual curtain. I felt and looked like crap. It also didn't help when friends stopped being friends when you were suddenly on your deathbed. However, I always had my family. Mom, dad, and my beloved baby sister Lacy (well, not really mom, but we'll get into that later). Not to mention the bestest friend a girl could have: Hannah. She was the only one of my so called friends from Forks High to visit me. Not everyday, but at any time she could spare. The gray and white hospital room I'd become so familiar with seemed like a different room with her in it. Much more colorful. On those days I'd feel inspiration to fight. Those kind of days were short and little. They mostly came when my parents visited with Lacy. I'd stare into those big blue eyes, full of such innocence, and I'd think she needed an older sister to look up to when she grew up. But then I'd be injected with poison and I'd go right back down.

The more I pondered it, the more I relented into it. People would be better off without me. Lacy would be just fine, you're not the best role model. Hannah will survive, she's tougher than a nut. Mom and dad will be upset, but they'd get over it. They had Lacy. These negative thoughts were more frequent than I'd wish for. It felt like there was a constant cloud looming over me. That was, however, until the sun broke through.

That heartbroken boy turned out to be the thing I needed. The thing I'd fight for. He wasn't really the sun, of course. His smile though, would have you second guessing that. You must think I'm selfish. Being resigned to death, not fighting for even my own family. But when a future as bright as his smile opened up to me, I couldn't just let it slip through my fingers. I saw one full of laughing and smiling and family and love.


That's what saved me. Not necessarily love itself, but his love. It healed me.

My name is Lilac Scarlett Knight, and this is my sick love story.

Pun intended.

A/N: So . . ? I really hope this doesn't offend anyone in any way, shape, or form. I'm not an expert on cancer, but I did a bit of research. For anyone who has suffered losses from it, I am terribly sorry. If any of my facts are wrong, don't hesitate to tell me. I hope you like it. :)

EDIT: 7/2/14. I literally just realized that I've been being spellchecked every time I put "Lacy." It kept changing it to "Lucy." It did this multiple times in other chapters, so I had to go back and change that. This chapter was deleted from my files, so I had to copy/paste it to get it back. NEVER AGAIN. I had to do soooo much editing because all I saw was "hydjskns100%,,NCOs?jussi smash" (gibberish). I understand it's to stop plagiarizing, but wow. How people still do it, I don't know. But alas, this is fixed. So I'm happy. I'm kind of embarrassed though. But people I didn't plagiarize. I wrote all of this. My words. So no trouble here. :)