-This is my fanfic for Avatar: The Last Airbender. It is, as you can see, named The Avatar's Disciples: Story of Mayu. If you can gather a plot to the story from the title, I hope you get all the baked goods you want the next day. Anyway, this is the story following the life of my OC, Mayu Oshiro. The first few chapters are going to be a brief viewing of her early life with Zuko, as this is a Zuko/OC story. If anyone has an objection to it, I understand, seeing as how I am a Zuko/Mai fan myself, but I had been planning this out since before I even came to like Mai. I don't really care. Mayu isn't based off me. None of my OCs are anymore. I just want them to be happy and overcome obstacles. Sorry for the rambling. It's not needed, but I couldn't are less. Thank you if you read this paragraph, and I am truly sorry. And, so this is at the very end and not squished somewhere in the middle where no one can find it: this story is to be rated T, because I do swear. I include swear words in everything. It will be included, and I don't want to rate this K because that seems inappropriate.- SpiffyPixie1

The Avatar's Disciples: Story of Mayu


The man stared at the child in his arms, so beautiful, perfect, and stunning. It was hard to believe that, only a moment before, she had been on fire.

His wife lied on their bed, resting and recovering from the many hours it took to give birth to their child. He had almost lost them both several times, and he was shaking as he sat and held his little girl, rocking in place and trying not to cry.

Daiki Oshiro was a strong and capable man, a superb warrior, and a more than gifted firebender. He had battled and stood his ground against many a combatant, had gone to war and come back with honor, and had fought to keep the place of his birth and childhood a secret from his Nation.

Yet, as strong as he was, he realized that he did not have the strength to go on without his wife and newborn child had they died. They were everything to him, completely the center of his world . . . And he had almost lost them.

He watched his daughter's face as she yawned then slowly opened her eyes, realizing that he was the first person she was seeing in her newborn life. He noted that her left eye was hazel in color, like her mother's, and her right eye was golden, like his own. Her short little tuft of hair was a very dark brown, almost black, that reflected the light of the fire prettily.

The baby smiled at her father and made a gurgling sound, like she was trying to laugh with joy, and reached her hand up to touch his face.

This only made Daiki feel the need to cry even more, and he held his baby girl closer, knowing what she was.

Hours later his wife, Kumiko, awoke and rose painfully from the bed to see her husband sitting on the floor in front of the fire and holding their baby protectively in his arms.

She put a hand on his shoulder and did not waver in her touch when he flinched. "Hush, my love, everything's alright."

Daiki shook his head, tears occasionally still falling from his eyes. "You saw what she is, Kumiko. You saw her power."

Kumiko wrapped her arms around her husband and child, holding them to her still aching body. "It will be okay, Daiki. Believe in the spirits and know that they will guide us."

He still held his infant daughter closely. "You don't understand; if she is alive, that means the Avatar will return." Daiki knew what would happen. "If anyone still believes the old stories and finds out what she is, they will take her away and never let her go. They might even kill her."

Kumiko moved so that she could look into her husband's frantic eyes. "Listen, Daiki; I know very well what our daughter is. I know what it means, and I know what could happen to her, but we cannot hide her away from the world, no matter what. We can only protect her for so long before we have to let her go." She felt an ache as she watched her child giggle and hold a tiny hand out, as if she was reaching for the fire. "We have to trust that she'll make the right decisions. She'll be okay."

Daiki still shook, afraid for his daughter.

"Still," Kumiko whispered, "we'll protect her for as long as we can."

Hours later, after the parents had finally gone to sleep, they were again awoken by the sound of their daughter laughing loudly and by the smell of smoke in the air.

They sat up frantically in their bed to see their house on fire and their baby girl in the center of it all, playing with the flames.

-Oh, again with the rambling. I'm good for that. So, chapters are going to be short. I was going to have my first four chapters be a part of the prologue but it was already 10 pages long and it wasn't needed. Still, the first chapters about her childhood are going to be a prologue to the main story. If anyone wants a character profiling to be posted, leave a review, as I have personal messages disabled. If anyone has questions or comments about anything at all, actually, please leave a review. If it's rude I will not be answering back to you. There's no use. I'm emotional and I cry easily. I need to wake up and keep working on the blanket that I was supposed to have done a long time ago. Thank you for paying attention to my ranting, those of you who did. Have a good day/night.- SpiffyPixie1